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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Banned.
  2. I don't see any proofs. Declined
  3. Not according to rules. Read the rules for how to report a bug. Declined
  4. Congratulations you just managed to get banned for 2.14 Banned
  5. He is insulting you not your mother. Muted
  6. Punished.
  7. Email is changed.
  8. I couldn't check the video proofs that's why it got rejected in the first place. Both videos stucked at loading so I thought that author delete them but as I see it's fixed now. I guess it was my side issue. Player is now banned.
  9. The background must be neutral. Declined
  10. Not according to rules. This is insults towards relatives not obscene speech but I can't take action because you need a video proof for this violation. Declined
  11. Is it google chrome or your antivirus system blocks the download? Try to disable your antivirus when you're downloading the client and it should work.
  12. Declined.
  13. Banned.
  14. Punished.
  15. Muted Player not found Banned
  16. Punished.
  17. Declined.
  18. Muted.
  19. Not enough proofs. I need more evidences so I can be sure that player is hacking. Declined
  20. Banned, 3d.
  21. Information is sent to administrator. Please wait for an answer in this topic.
  22. We already asked you the same question twice and you didn't reply back to us. Also, the first thread is closed because you didn't reply for days so I thought that the issue was resolved. Moreover, this thread is opened for a week and once again we have no response from you so the thread is getting closed again for obvious reasons. In case the issue is still persists feel free to open a new thread and we will try to assist you as soon as possible but just letting you know that we're not allowed to add you any mounts in your character. Closed
  23. Account enderpl is registered with a different email address. Please edit your format with the right email otherwise I can't help you.
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