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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Mandatory requirements to the video proof for the bannable messages in the chat (insults towards server/administration/relatives etc.): [spoiler=Read ↓] Your proof must have: time in chat (hh, mm, ss); class colors; chat shouldn't have background; date on the calendar. You should do Shift + Right click on the violator name to show additional information about the character (if fraction is friendly to you). http://i.imgur.com/A8HIXYe.jpg You must open additional menu of interaction, doing right click on the player name for the message that breaks the rules. http://i.imgur.com/JiD1Ymh.jpg You have to click on the player name to open window of typing private message for him. * Your video proof must have all paragraphs above, in another case the report will be declined. Timestamps are missing. Declined
  2. We can't help you. Since you don't remember the email you registered with we aren't sure if you're the real owner of this account. Closed
  3. Edited screenshots and video proofs aren't acceptable. Declined
  4. If you want to report someone for family insults you need to provide a video proof and of course you need to have mature language filter disabled. Muted for player insults.
  5. Still I am not sure about it. Next time you will report someone for tp hacking provide extra evidences like /who (player name) so I can be sure that the player didn't enter in a Battleground. Declined
  6. Double report. Declined
  7. Declined.
  8. Banned.
  9. Player is from x100 realm please edit your format.
  10. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, edited screenshots aren't acceptable. Declined
  11. Open a ticket. I will reply as soon as possible. I am not sure about this report because resolution isn't that good. If you want try to upload video at https://vid.me Declined
  12. Can you upload the video in better quality?
  13. Zeox already answered about it. Closing this thread to prevent further drama and flood.
  14. Pretty much others answered. Since you used hacks we can't unban your account. Next time just open a ticket and ask help from the staff. Closed
  15. Perfect. Issue is resolved. Closed
  16. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. Also, you can upload screenshot at imgur.com Declined
  17. Report violators here or here depending on the realm they're from and upload screenshots at imgur.com Declined
  18. Try to enter in a battleground, use one of your titles, do Alt f4 and don't log-in with your character till next server restart.
  19. I am not sure how Zeox "stole" your suggestion since you already posted this suggestion twice in forums and of course you're not the only one who suggest it. Zeox even replied to you and he said that maybe he will do it later. Also, I am pretty sure that even if Zeox wanted to "steal" your suggestion he wouldn't do it in 2 days because he saw you suggesting this to Shocker at 4/7/2017 and vendors were already live at 6/7/2017 so the NPC's were already finished before you even make this suggestion to Shocker. Closed
  20. Still you have to write in your format what's your current email otherwise we can't be sure that you're the real owner of this account so we can't help. If you're the real owner you should remember it. Declined
  21. Declined.
  22. If your IP is for example you should hide some values for security reasons and write it in your format like 12*.4*.67.8* We can't really help you so if you still want us to change your email you should create a new thread and this time make sure to write your IP but of course you can hide some numbers for security reasons. Declined
  23. Jegerm


    Do what again14 said. Closed
  24. Report violators here or here depending on the realm they're from and upload screenshots at imgur.com Declined
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