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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Name of violator is incorrect and no player exists with such name. Please read the spoiler below: [spoiler=How to copy a nickname, if it contains Аlt-code, is in different language, or is too hard to write down:]In chat, list of nick-names in the battle ground or arena player log box. You have to shift+left click the name with open chat, and press Ctrl+a (to select), then Ctrl+c (to copy) and Ctrl+v (in the report, to paste). Don't worry if you see question marks like those: "???????" in chat, the nickname will be still copied the write way in the forum. Also, if there is no log box, nor the violators messages in chat, you can target him, and write in chat: /run local name = UnitName("target");ChatFrame_OpenChat("/w "..name.." Hello.", chatFrame); and get his nickname. Declined
  2. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  3. This is a mess and very confusing for Game Masters. If you want to report violators create 1 thread for each one and don't make a thread and start posting all your reports there. Declined
  4. You created a new thread. Wait your answer there. Declined
  5. Edit your format, the player is from x100 realm. Next time make sure to provide evidences from which realm is the violator by opening your scoreboard.
  6. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. We don't accept edited screenshots and when you want to report someone for relative or player insults you must have mature language filter off. Also, for such violation you must provide a video proof with timestamps and class colors enabled and of course you should provide additional informations about the character. Declined
  7. Less than 24 hours. You can check here the uptime of our realms.
  8. Try to enter in a battleground, use one of your titles, do Alt f4 and don't log-in with your character till next server restart.
  9. Why I would lie for such thing, this is so funny. Anyway since you don't believe me get the which proves that I can't find the player in-game with my command therefore I can't ban him. Think twice before you call someone liar next time. Declined
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