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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Add realm where you saw the violation in your format.
  2. Before you call someone corrupt read rules. Spamming: sending more than 2 the same phrases in a period of 10 seconds. It doesn't matter if you send them in different channels, you still send 3 same phrases in less than 10 sec so the mute was according to rules. Declined
  3. Because in case you don't use gmail there is a high possibility to not receive emails from our server because of it. Also, I want to ask if you got emails from our server at your spam folder.
  4. There is. Take a look here http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/forgot.html Closed
  5. There was an update that lasted hours. You should be able to log-in now. Closed
  6. Double thread. Already replied in your first thread. Closed
  7. You need to make a change email request and make sure to follow the format. Closed
  8. What email are you using? E.g. Gmail, hotmail?
  9. I am not sure what are you trying to say but if you want to make a change email request you should open a new thread and follow the format.
  10. Upload picture at imgur.com and make sure to follow the format. Declined
  11. Upload picture at imgur.com and make sure to follow the format. Declined
  12. We're not allowed to give out such informations. Player is already banned for another violation.
  13. We can't restore the delete items. You must be very careful when you're buying a character from someone you don't know and always before you buy the character you should check armory so you can confirm by yourself that the items he showed you in-game exist. Closed
  14. As I see your account is permanently banned for negative balance in control panel. First of all, you need to make your balance positive and then you need to message Zeox and ask him to unban your account. For more informations take a look here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=200797 Closed
  15. Jegerm


    This is not bug tracker section. You should open a new thread here and make sure to follow the format.
  16. Jegerm


    No problem. Closed
  17. Should be bugged. If you want this to get fixed you should open a new thread here and make sure to follow the format.
  18. Jegerm


    Pretty much Bukarasik answered but you don't need to worry about it because when GM's are banning someone for wintrading it's a must to message administrators and ask them to reset violator rating. Anyway, when I made the bans I messaged Zeox so their rating will be resetted as soon as possible.
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