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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Repair your character from website http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/repair.html Let me know if it worked.
  2. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Declined
  3. Not according to rules. Read the rules for how to report a bug. Declined
  4. You're loggin with your username aka account name, not with the email you registered with and it should be this one -> afbdsm as you said above. Let me know if it worked.
  5. I know it's too hard for you to comprehend it but at least try to read what I said in the previous thread you created. Can't you read what you just copy-paste from the rules for reporting? As you can see video proof is a must only for bannable violations like family insulting, insulting server/admins. For other violations like player insults (like this one) a screenshot without background is enough for a punishment. All the reports you linked above are insults towards players so a screenshot without background is enough for a mute. If you think that I am power abusing feel free to pm Shadrissa. Punished.
  6. I told you many times to read the rules for reporting but obviously you didn't. Anyway, I guess I have to say it one more time. It's a must to provide a video proof if the violation is serious like insulting relatives or insulting administration but for simple violations like player insults, obscene speech, spamming and Caps Lock a screenshot without background is enough for a punishment.
  7. Try to reboot both pc and router once again. If still it doesn't work you need to download pandawow client from the beginning.
  8. You mistyped the name. His nickname is Pktutpute and now he is muted for caps lock. Punished.
  9. Try to reboot your pc and router. Let me know if it worked.
  10. Jegerm


    We can't help you with that. Try to log-in at pandawow's website and at control panel you can see the email you registered with but some letters are hidden for security reasons. If you're the real owner you should easily remember it. Closed
  11. Not according to rules. Read the rules for reporting. From now on if you want to report someone for family insults you need to prove it with a video. Also, make sure that we don't accept edited screenshots no matter what. Declined
  12. This was a test just to prove something in a report which is made in the past. Declined
  13. Ask your friend to give you the IP's he first registered so we can be sure that you won't steal his account.
  14. We're not sure if you're the real owner of this account. Therefore, we can't change your email but in case you're the owner you can bind phone number in your account and change it manually with SMS. Declined
  15. Class colors, timestamps and disabling mature language filter are all in-game features and you don't need an addon. You can enable class colors by right clicking at General in your chat box>Settings(filters)>then simply mark every channel you're joined. Regarding, timestamps you can enable them from interface by clicking at social and of course you can disable "mature language filter" from social as well (it's the first box). Although, there is a word which isn't hidden from the mature language filter so player is muted.
  16. Get some proofs and report them. I rejected both reports for a reason. Declined
  17. I just don't want to see useless threads in this section. If you or oneshotx thinks that Noneedholy or someone else violating rules and using hacks or WPE you can report them in the right section not here. Also, his thread was full of insults and he was posting IRL pics of Noneedholy and Repitchx that's why he got warned. So before you open a new thread (again) and start blaming me once again think twice.
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