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Everything posted by Jegerm

  1. Declined.
  2. Double thread. Declined
  3. Already answered. Declined
  4. Banned for 1.2.
  5. Okay let's all take a step back and let's try to find a solution to this issue because all this enmity cannot be continued. Indeed pujo stopped posting useless threads in general discussion after Zeox's warning but all the bans in the past was according to rules because you pretty much violated rule 1.2. Conclusion, stop creating accounts with Repitchx's name and similar because it's against rules. Please wait an answer from Zeox and don't flood the thread otherwise I will close it.
  6. What's your exact issue? Please be more specific.
  7. Not according to rules. If you want to report a bug please follow the format. Declined
  8. Banned.
  9. Banned.
  10. Closed.
  11. We don't help players with hacked accounts anymore because we can't bring your characters back if they got sold/transferred multiple times. Closed
  12. Banned.
  13. Banned.
  14. Banned.
  15. Banned.
  16. Email is changed.
  17. Email is changed.
  18. You made a double report and zillius answered in russian section before me so you already got your answer. Closed
  19. Closing thread to prevent further drama and flood.
  20. Player not found.
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