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Everything posted by Noneedholyx

  1. Ahm...i got my R1 on Druid in 2s as rdruid / firemage, my R1 in 2s as war as Rsham warrior ?? I got 1 title in 3s as WMS and that was a gladiator title. I could've gotten R1 but a wintrader was above me (banned aswell) did i make such a huge drama like you guys? No. 2nd of all i play almost every comp and people see me playing/streaming Godcomp, RMD, Shatterplay, shattercleave, thunder, MLD, fire MLS and from time to time few more. I'm not the one playing a broken comp and crying in the forums then about not getting titles. Btw learn what Hypocrite means ...you obviously don't know the definition. Out of sudden ur finally able to push rating as WMS I wanna mention that i played it on my mage few times with zanked on warrior and hell, it was so much fucking skill required to beat everyone. (even before the flameglow fix) Kappa I played WMS in a season where blastons WMS was R1 aswell and idk if u noticed but there are 2 options rn on pandawow, Que with a warrior 3s or just don't at all (or MLD with autsch and punish those stupid 1.5 warrior)
  2. You're playing WMP and thats one of the reasons why no one plays Legit 3s here atm. People told me but yday first time after i queued against WMX after the War "fix" and flameglow "nerf/fix" i can understand why. Mop S15 where you can literally play every comp & having fun turns into a oneshot fiesta on Pandawow lead by warriors in 2s and 3s. In case you didn't understand why people don't que 3s rn Now again, you expect people to que on PURPOSE into a comp that even oneshots LSD? Na, no way. We made a thread about adjusting the cutoff so stop Babyraging.
  3. Fix that bullshit
  4. To be completly honest, Doing these things in 2s isnt much "skill" compared to 3s. What i'm more disgusted about is how you claim to be the best Warrior world (as it sounds like). But whatever,
  5. http://i.imgur.com/91NAzJP.png
  6. Nice 2s Videos http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/list/001/248/318/ae2.jpg
  7. http://i.imgur.com/QOD0Evj.png http://i.imgur.com/jKWiQEV.jpg Old times, best times
  8. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=213190 repost
  9. You look like milos dad somehow...
  10. Ok ... then Your turn pujo :) http://i.imgur.com/Uix3lUx.jpg ill challange ron
  11. http://i.imgur.com/eJMtgFl.jpg i'll challange Onlysheepx!!!! :O
  12. Post a pic of urself or gtfo this thread
  13. LOL good one Challanging the Mighty DDoser Machmollo!!!
  14. Premades vs Soloque teams ...idk if that makes much sense tbh
  15. um...What? English please lol 2nd of all ye i got a 1month ban and? Would be the end of the world for you ye, not for me, gurubashi trashcan.
  16. If you think carrying a girl is pathetic, think about how pathetic these guys are who getting triggered by that. 2k Trashbag
  17. Ofc you don't. Bad player & trashbags are always happy to get titles for free.
  18. What? What does it has to do with anything i said?
  19. Yeah, give every trashbag a R1/Glad title so this motivation to que 3s also becomes completly useless lol
  20. Calm down, u played in a season where no one else tryharded 3s. So did others such as (kailly rdruid on r6 lel) If you think these are deserved titles you must be stupid. Anyways, best solution imo is to lower the cutoff drastic. 3 or 6 R1's max.
  21. Oh, Who's machmollo and who's worstworld? Oh wait
  22. WMP/S player arguing with an LSD/WLS player about if their comp is OP And the Godcomp/RMD/Ele+mage Player are just sitting outside and /facepalming
  23. No, mage is fixed
  24. Wtf? Is that a new bug?
  25. Yes, on Pandawow but that can be easily bugged aswell lol. Wouldn't fix without proof or ye, let some1 on retail test it. i've a priest on PTR if some1 has a warrior. But then again its legion. Idk, might try to find a video
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