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Everything posted by Noneedholyx

  1. Any Proofs/Videos about that? I'm not 100% sure it should work like that
  2. Why should anyone cry about mages, what?
  3. That's not quite true. Most of the people who don't que anymore are just bored to face the same broken shit over and over again since people here don't know what comp variety is. I could play WMS all day long aswell and oneshot everything in the opener. Such fun much gameplay Kappa. It's simple, fix warriors and more people will que since everyone is going full fotm apeshit
  4. 1. Ddosing 2. Machmollo 3. discord 4. Zeox told you we CAN report people who DDoS with proofs. Anyways, my last thread in General discussion got deleted so i think i'll start one here just to Hear the Staffs opinion and maybe They'll punish him. 5. http://i.imgur.com/I8IqcHH.jpg
  5. Nice report LOL
  6. Does always for me Oo? Why does it not work sometimes? Explanation? What? Even when ur out of LoS it should stack /facepalm What?
  7. Stop talking so much bullshit. I'm not insulting anyone but you. You are simply stupid without any game knowledge. Gtfo with your fake reports and tell that to someone who actually cares. Btw People were insulting you for ages already lmfao Oh waiting for your report to disprove your stupid thesis. Bye wintrader
  8. "Its bullshit" Uhm, thats not s reason to get banned btw LOL
  9. Why with pewds and not marcel ? W/e öets see whos there i mean... pewds is not reliable at all
  10. Well ye, abuser and wintrader as staff member is one thing but Ddoser aswell noe ? Wow That was somewhere in 2013 then before i showed up 4Head Btw cokeboyswag isnt max
  11. "sh*t" is censored for a reason try it next time lul
  12. So you're telling me that (for example) making jokes about a clown is forbidden? Lol, cmon
  13. I love this thread.
  14. 2k Player thinks feral is lacking damage. Thats what i meant with "0 game knowledge" btw As the guy whos known to ddos the entire Server i'd better be quiet LMAO 2 DDoS scumbags defending each other, wanna get rogtrainer into this aswell? Lol
  15. http://i.imgur.com/FwczkcE.jpg Meldos right there boys. @Zeox didn't you say we can report people for DDosing when we have proofs?
  16. Stfu, hypocrite DDOS Squad :D http://i.imgur.com/FwczkcE.jpg You are just another sad person taking people offline like your homeboy machmollo. No one wants you, bye
  17. So that's all you can come up with when you are out of arguments ew ...
  18. i don't try to make anything happen. Like what are you trying to say? Repitch explained it multiple times but for some people its just hard to understand. DDoser being in the Staff is one thing but i don't have any worries since i made a thread teling Zeox that seeing forum members IP as QA is not okay. :)
  19. The difference is, and i'll tell you that now while being completly honest, you are shit at this game without any game knowledge. So at the end it doesn't matter. But...idm you being QA really, if we'd want something to get fixed (an urgent bug) we can let heisenberg easily know.
  20. I didn't quite delivered my point properly. You and your whole ddos squad is worthless. I really hope i did. http://files.gamebanana.com/img/ico/sprays/57822c19e1ad1.png Ew... How does it feel to be a 30y old sweaty fuck sitting infront of his PC pretending to be a girl in an online mmorpg? Ow jesus this squad
  21. Yes because Fucking morons like you are DDosing scum
  22. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO KILL ME Fucking best laugh i had this week
  23. Well then i hope i did a good job there.
  24. Try it out :) Never knew being so fucking dogshit at this game can make people so mad. I mean yeah, deal with it, ur trash. As player and as Person. Now gtfo back to machmollos ddos squad you pig
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