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Everything posted by Noneedholyx

  1. Only the fact that you are reporting him for shit like that makes you a hypocrite
  2. hypocrite. He is being passive/aggressive yes, is he insulting? No. Provoking people by calling them shreck is banable? No read the rules. It's a PvP Server mainly and that people get harsh sometimes it part of the game (yes even in the forums). You are just trying to start Drama, as always. You are just an annoying kid.
  3. Defending Kroz in 2017
  4. why you left after i was following ur ass ? LUL, trashcan oh btw you left twice the same bg... pathetic xD
  5. Your memes are shit, no one likes you + you are boring /autistic as hell. Leave us alone
  6. It's fucking disgusting ...almost ALWAYS when i try to login i simply can't due the Login server
  7. Btw we cant login again. Your Login server is bad. Since 2016 we are having this issue and no one gives a shit about fixing it so can you please show some love and fix it? -.-
  8. You get trashed by everyone, just leave you wintrader rat. Yeah i got my hater who report me but show me the proofs. I wasnt 200-2 at least. Now leave rofl
  9. do you ever wonder what life would be like if youd gotten enough oxygen at birth? http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=154501&highlight=kroz
  10. Omfg you are so fucking annoying and useless. And your memes are not even funny, thats the worst thing. But gj asslicking the staff you fcking mongo - - - Добавлено - - - "You are stupid" "I wont continue discussion with you anymore" Loool, you are one of these special kids, right? - - - Добавлено - - - Well... a pve / Gurubashi /rage girl that tries to talk... Just stop... that shit makes no sense. You make no sense. You are trash, just go. Eh? No offense but who allowed all these newfags to talk? At least be not a backpaddling 2k trashcan like this webgirl when you call someone wintrader - - - Добавлено - - - Let's talk about pride and btw, who started raging/crying/complaining about BUGABUSE after i farmed him in 1v1 on my Guardian Druid? Hint: The rogue was named "Behindqq" Some People here are simply disgusting. It's simple. After Zeox realised People are leaving his Server and shit starts to get rough, we got banned and Zeox made alot of changes.. I mean, i don't mind, im happy to see improvement, i just don't think it will be long-lasting. But let's hope
  11. it's fine w/e she wont get banned, just saying imo thats just scummy
  12. The Girl (if even) that logs into peoples Accounts after facing them. How dare you? You are ddosing in a different way ROFL Disgusting squad. And no, this "squad" equals almost every decent/good Player on this Server and thats what matters if you planned to do "competitive" PvP Not hating because i got no time for that but ive always time to tell you that ur not even better
  13. Im not choosing sides or anything but that ur using that word after u bashing him for a post that you just liked is ironic Because people want to play with me. Im not a lonely wintrader/ddos fuck like you. How dare you to even open your mouth after you and your shitty relatives were ddosing the entire Server? get hated scum
  14. I mean you liked it so you like how he's bashing the server. You shouldnt judge him that hard since you liked the post aswell.
  15. https://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu --> 2s Hpriest fire fuk u
  16. Doesnt matter? Fact is you abused the spell. If your getting banned or not idgaf, simple. Another simple thing is you being one of those scummy locks abusing gateway. tzzz
  17. Disgusting gateway. Should be banable imo. Not only for her, for everyone who does that shit
  18. exactly, we are player. We were helping Pandawow for free but our MAIN interest is to enjoy MOP PvP endgame content. Why are you blaming us for looking for another Server where that is possible? Then kick us out from ur Team but an ingame ban is just childish. I never said ill support them nor did i advertised Wowf* here. All i did was commenting and explaining why a Mop I90 Realm would be a good Idea. But i see its pointless to discuss. Btw i linked you the reports which i was talking about in my last comment. As autsch said, we were bumping threads 24/7 AS STAFF MEMBER and still no one gave a damn. Anyways we did enough for this server like REALLY REALLY much that i can easily say this Server would've been dead (pvp wise) long before we got kicked out. But its fine, i can deal with it. As long as you guys finally learn to focus on 10/10 bugs such as the one we linked...
  19. Yeah Zeox, The thread i started got ignored for over a month even as (as you like to call it) "STAFF MEMBER". But as soon as Milo made a thread where he's insulting you, you are suddenly there. Then you are wondering why i am looking for a new Server? I just told them its a good Idea to make an I90 realm since Pandawow is updating their server once every 1-2 months (as stated in my THREAD) Alot of good player left already due gamebreaking bugs staying there for ages. Anyways, i was the only one saying that milos thread is abit too harsh but "keep going". You were simply ignoring us and now don't wonder if we look for an option to play competitive Mop. Because as it is right now (since 1 month+ lol) mages doing 20% less icelance damage, Warrior bugged once again, Cross delays since AGES, Spellque gone again, its simply not playable on a competitive basis. However i told you all these things already and yeah, act like a child and Ban us, Pay QA now (we started a thread about that aswell 2 months ago LOL) after we are gone to what? Mock us? At least pay them gold coins lol Fucking Kindergarden lmao, don't have to say more. And don't feel offended, i don't need to insult anyone to let someone become mad ;). What i state here are facts and if you take that as insult i cant help. Autsch got the point, alot of people got banned today but literally every important point/fact got ignored. Tzz Btw pujo im banned for 1 month, ur permanent banned for acting stupid and useless. Take it. Oh and btw im not playing wowfreakz. Enjoying TBC atm since there are too much bugs /less player to play Mop arena competitive
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