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Monk's dodge? Hello?


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So is this supposed to be like.. a legit thing? This monk was barely full Grievous and he dodged literally all of my attacks. I used Evasion which gives me 100% dodge chance yet he hit me more times than I hit him. Not to mention the ridiculously low damage I was doing to him in the opener.. even plate-wearers aren't as tanky. I'm equally geared as him (full Grievous with Prideful weapons), running with 4% Expertise. Exactly the same thing happened 4 duels in a row, this is just one of them.


Is this a bug or what? I don't remember monks exactly like that back on retail TBH.

Edited by kaibakor2012
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Does anyone have a pizza / chocolate ? im hungry.


Btw that new belf female model butt....hawttt...some people want it to be smaller , just wtf have they lost their minds?!...wonder when we will have access for models in here ( aka wod models v3 pack) :L

Edited by Syrio
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Nah, when I duel rogues, I have like 10 seconds to do damage, because I'm stunned all the time, so here how the 10 sec looks like: para, stun (instantly trinkets, evasion) the next 51654 attacks are dodged, he goes vanish, reopens, I die. not to mention I try to stay in his face, I never dodge a single attack. he just licked the RNG gods' ass perhaps
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No, in all seriousness.. Is there any logical explanation about this? I wanted to write a bug report but... I feel helpless before this.. Not even kidding.


Soz kaib' I was random in start because really , I thought another random with their ''problems''.


Well you must have been specially unlucky in that duel , it's all normal just monk's Dodgin' itself is high...Like I thought Monk's do have something wrong with fighting against enemies as every second Leg sweep( okay not literally) get's Dodged..

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Dodge and Parry is AIDS in MoP, I can agree on that.. And WW monks probably have the highest dodge of all agility classes. But as I said - it happened all the 4 duels I had with this guy... This couldn't have been pure RNG.. I have never seen such a thing before.. He wasn't even that much geared either. He told me himself he had 36% dodge or something a.k.a ~32% after my Expertise. Seemed like literally 95% to me. Weird things happening in pandawow all the time :X
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