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First of all I'd like to introduce myself I'm Zmonster mostly known as Zhalifa on the FUN realm I've been on PandaWoW for quite a long time and I've achieved 3240 2s rating in S14 with Liquidcityx, Velirium, Lsdfiend, Mldmonster and 2500 3s rating with Magetrainer, Bestworldx, Velirium and Lsdfiend

I'm a 2x rank 1 retail warrior and I play PandaWoW because I personally love MoP and really dislike the current state of retail (WoD)

My retail char: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/Zmonster/simple

What I wanted to talk about are: Suggestions


1) Arenas

Arenas are the main thing to do on PandaWoW and it's dominated by the 2v2 bracket since the 3s bracket is dead just as the 5s bracket and RBGS.

There's not many high rated people in the 2s bracket most of the people are either low rated or about 2k.

I think it's mostly because people aren't motivated enough to try hard enough to get rating because you don't get rewarded.

Why PvP and get 2,2k in 3s for cataclysmic elite gear when you can buy it off the store anyways? That's exactly what's wrong.

I think the server should be more rewarding for good players by things like

Rating rewards, that means: Once you're at a certain amount of rating in either 2s or 3s or 5s you can unlock some type of cool weapon or set at a vendor. Things like: Blue Warglaives, Red shadowmourne, or some weapon with a unique enchant.

Examples: http://imgur.com/a/sjTDy


2) Conquest

Resetting the cap every 2 days is too stressy for some people that go to work or school and can't cap regularly so I thought about a new system.

You can earn conquest only once a week but you can earn it in each bracket

2v2: 1500 Conquest points

3v3: 1000 Conquest points

5v5: 500 Conquest points

Rbgs: 1000 Conquest points

That's a 4k cap. It might be too much and might need some smaller numbers but It would keep all the brackets alive in order to gear quicker. More people would que to cap their characters and would have more to do.


3) Purchasing a new character

Whenever you purchase a character you always get a character with someone elses name and a fucked up face or the wrong gender.

In my opinion you should give a free name/gender change when you buy a new character because it would take you 10 days of voting until you can finally rename it because you can only get 10

bonusses a day.


4) Moderators

In my moderators shouldn't be allowed to observate the english channel if theyre not speaking semi-perfect english because alot of stuff can be missunderstood and lead to a mute or ban due to a missunderstanding.

Most of the moderators I've seen or talked to have been very irrational or didn't even respond. They don't really have social skills from what I've experienced even tho i may be wrong.

The only good mods that I've seen in perspective of sociality were: Casualties and Lanstus even tho both of them quit. Maybe some of you dislike Lanstus but he can be a nice guy and he actually talked to people.

Here's an example of one of your mods being totally unqualified for his job and having 0 social skills whatsoever.



5) Tournaments

Each week or two should be a 3v3 Tournament being livestreamed by PandaWoW it would make the server more competitive and attract new players to join the server.

The Tournament should have a prize-pool of 600 bonusses each player for 1st place, 450 for 2nd and 380 for 3rd place.


6) Livestreams

I think you should implement a Livestream button on your website where everyone who visits the PandaWoW site can see who is streaming right now and he can have a deeper look into the server.

It would also support the streamer and your own server because livestreaming it advertises the server for you. I'm a livestreamer on PandaWoW and I'd be glad if you'd implement something like that *http://www.twitch.tv/warrtrainer


That's it for my post and my point of view on improving this server.

I may have critisized it on some parts of this post mostly on the Moderator part but PLEASE do not see this as any kind of harsh critisizm or insult I really don't mean any harm to the server im just trying to give you suggestions to improve it. Please give out your opinion about this post and some suggestions if you have any :D


- Zhalifa

Edited by JohnnyPipes
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I agree with everything this guys says...Word By Word.I think PandaWoW should change the systems as this guy says...And btw with these Moderators...Please,just please put someone who has BRAIN and KNOWS ENGLISH MORE THAN American guy...By the way,Zhalifa gave the best idea here IMO.

-You got my respect Zhalifa!

Edited by CalculatorGaming
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It's nice to see some people actually making threads and trying to improve the state of the server. Unfortunately as we all know no moderator currently active is fluent in english. I mean I once wrote a huge thread with suggestions and complaints regarding gamebreaking mechanics and overpowered classes that were ruining the pvp environment (cs through walls, lock bugs in general). And I pointed out the issue with the unresponsiveness of the staff especially to international players. Well now i'm on a new forum account, the thread was deleted and i got banned for 3 months because of nazism. Let's just agree that as long as they're getting money into their pockets no one cares whether you like the server or not. In their opinion you're expendable, don't like it move on to another server. I completely agree with your ideas about improving the pvp scene (however i don't agree with the modified weapons transmog as a reward, we can always find something else, this server is nice cause there is no "created items" and server specific ones) but in order for that scene to be viable some major balancing bugs need to be fixed.

Either way it's nice of you to have put effort into trying to make them listen, even though i doubt they will.


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Nice suggestions, PandaWoW is a PvP server, but sometimes it doesn't seems like one.


However, I don't think that they are going to accept the suggestions, they're lone wolves...


And here, Juster please, find more GM's because in the Fun realm there are many hackers at this moment, you'll say we got the report a player forum but that sometimes takes hours or days, while we go against more and more hackers in BG.

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Great suggestions! It was a really good read and I personally enjoy the conquest cap ideea :)


Seeing how there's a problem on the Fun realm, I would like to volunteer my services to better help the community, as I did before. This would include: technical support on the forum, in-game player support, chat moderation and/if given access banning of cheaters/chat offenders/naming policy violators etc.




- - - Updated - - -


PS: Juster reads everything on the forum. He has a quick hand with closing threads, tho, but that doesn't mean he doesn't read them.

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I appreciate all the support from you guys and I think Antilogic should be a GM / Chat mod again he was very helpful and supportive back then when he was one.


Appreciate your support!


I've had to bare alot of hate coming from players, as anyone could guess, but those few that respected and appreciated my efforts have made me want to do it all over again. Thanks alot, man!

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1. Support the idea, but you among many probably already know that elite gear exists for the exact same purpose, but they haven't added it.

Weapon enchant wise, there's already the Bloody Dancing Steel, but I know you play on Fun mainly, correct? Maybe they could just limit requirements to 2.2k rating like they did on retail rather than newcomers being able to buy it. Rather, they could just buy the standard Dancing Steel.

The pics that you showed loot pretty sweet, but it should probably stay exclusive to the fun realm.. If I could add, I think it would be pretty awesome to have Muradin and Deathbringer Saurfang's sets from ICC.


4. I have seen some cases like this, but there should always be a mod covering this channel. In any case where the English mod is absent (and maybe his substitute is (if he has one), too), I still think someone should manage the channel regardless of whether they're fluent in English. The guy can just appeal if need be. Plus the mod in your example seems a bit overwhelmed with you.. seems like you confused the hell out of him.

However you are right in this situation. Insulting/racism etc is an offense, but you can't condemn the person until they've done it to more than one person, otherwise that one person should just /ignore him.


6. I don't think you'd be able to livestream Pandawow on twitch. If it's a stream accessible from the Pandawow website, then surely there would be a high view-count and it would become apparent that it's not legit wow. I think I've heard twitch has started to shut down and Pserver streams.


P.S you were a griev gladiator? holy smokes.. So did you have a higher rating on retail than you do here? o: :O

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First of all a chat mod has to be socially prepared to be overwhelmed by questions of a customer and he was obviously incompetent, it's his job to be able to talk to people in whatever mood/situation, and private servers get only shut down if blizzard is tracking them down, not due to livestreams it's illegal for blizzard to shut down servers by finding them through twitch same with people that boost or account share, they need to find out themselves even if they accidentally see it on twitch they're not allowed to use this as a hint of violation.


And yes livestreams are very well possible as you can see shelby *3,2k priest 3k retail* has 99 viewers http://imgur.com/kOGDBim and his normal viewcount is 80-180 and I'm new at streaming and we play together from time to time and get hosted by him and in my opinion about 100 people isn't a small viewerbase.


And yes I've been a grievous gladiator and I've been 3180 on pandawow which is higher than my retail rating, my retail rating was 2940 at one point but i ended up with 2860 at the end of the season. And if you meant 3s and that I've only been 2500 there is because the 3s ques are dead and 2500 was the highest 3s rating on the server at the time, so was 3200 in 2s I was rank 3 as far as i remember in s14 then the first s15 on this server i was 2800 after a week or two with Liquidcityx and r1 and r2 on the ladder with him then we quit and I came back recently and reset my rating from 2862 to play with more people and get quicker ques inorder to not have a lame stream. http://imgur.com/HI0CKti

reset rating: http://imgur.com/Qlnjnw3

Edited by JohnnyPipes
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