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Posted (edited)

1.Tinybaz, нап Noneedrdruid


3.Аура совы с рестор друидом




Так-же прошу обратить внимание на эти "адекватные" криты от него.




Криты на которые уже делались темы. И 2 все еще не закрыты.



Так-же не понимаю почему данной тиме не обнулили рейтинг после их прошлого багоюза


Где сам маг признался, что он багает. Мало того он еще и попал под амнистию и его разбанили.

- Каждый месяц по ходу сезона будут проверяться логи арены, сливеры будут получать бан и удаление рейтинга.

Т.е. багоюз у нас под это правило не попадает и за это не обнуляют рейтинг? Что тогда мешает и другим взять багом рейтинг, отсидеть месяц в бане и получить свою награду?

Хотелось бы увидеть ответ от Зеокса или Джастера.

Edited by Comstock
  • Like 4
Аура совуха багается, да, если она у них всё время, то они делают специально. НО, криты немогут от неё зависить, и она лишь визуальна, на самом деле это косметический, пустой бафф. И очень давно уже так.
Posted (edited)

yes nice 5% more haste i bought this char and since than ive everytime this aura rofl, i dont even know if its visual or not.

and why ur complaing about crit dmg ? it only increase haste (if it works)




tested it, i still have sa[ATTACH=CONFIG]81691[/ATTACH]me haste rating than without the buff.

Edited by Noneedholy
  • Like 1

It's a known visual bug. If you have 2nd spec as boomkin you have Moonkin aura but it doesnt increase your haste. Same kind of bug happen with others spells too. I think thats also why some boomkins can use as block instead of mirrors images but Moonkin aura doesnt increase haste for real if you are in resto spec. At least not in arena we tested in 5mins ago.

And by the way : haste doesnt increase crit damages


Я никого не защищаю, но и пиро в 190к для меня кажется очень подозрительным :secret:

Буду только за, чтобы им обнулили рейтинг (желательно на всех реалмах) :о

  • Like 1

We tested the buff in Balance spec. It doesn't even work in Moonkin Form means it doesnt increase haste.


- - - Updated - - -


And by the way i dont understand what you said but i just took a look to your screenshots and i bet you are complaing about crits... As i already posted 50 times now its due to the passive called "Shatter" which increase your crit chance by x2 + 50%. It also works with dots so if i pyro you when you are frozen, the following ticks of dots are crits as well


PS : i already got banned for Rune of Power and i dont use it anymore.

Posted (edited)
;869399]Я никого не защищаю, но и пиро в 190к для меня кажется очень подозрительным

Буду только за, чтобы им обнулили рейтинг (желательно на всех реалмах) :о


You mean the 190k crit that he did when we played 3s and I popped CRIT BANNER on my warrior ? ye sure because my mage hit one time 190k with a pyro ( in 3s with all proccs + 20% more crit dmg cuz war banner etc. ) you think we should get rating deleted ? wow rofl



I want to hear now because of WHAT we should get banned ? i

Edited by Noneedholy
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

PPS : The 190k crit (that i already did ONCE in the 3S BRACKET) as i already explained too was with EVERY intellect procs, then i can reach 130k, then my warrior dropped a Skull Banner on the ground which increase the critical damages by 30%, means 130k * 30% = 169k. I still dont know how i did 192k but as i say since the beggining, i think this banner is bugged, which could maybe be a reason why are so many warriors in the top ladder ?


- - - Updated - - -


And by the way resetting rating at 2 weeks of the end of the season is completly unfair. I didnt abuse anything since i got banned for Rune that i used only against a team abusing 30x more than me but they dont get any ban or warning for some reason and i got 30 days. And now i should get rating reseted at 2 weeks of the end of the season bcuz the devs can't fix a banner ? You can see there is same kind of bug its a KFC team that we were fighting, check out my combat log...


=> 101k for a tick of a dot (explosive shot) is legit then ? It's this banner which is bugged and if i get reseted for this when im not even the warrior who used it, you could ban/reset rating every warriors or people playing with warriors on this server

Edited by baaz
Comstock чего в подписи плакат то такой маленький? мути Full HD чтоб наверняка.
PPS : The 190k crit (that i already did ONCE in the 3S BRACKET) as i already explained too was with EVERY intellect procs, then i can reach 130k, then my warrior dropped a Skull Banner on the ground which increase the critical damages by 30%, means 130k * 30% = 169k. I still dont know how i did 192k but as i say since the beggining, i think this banner is bugged, which could maybe be a reason why are so many warriors in the top ladder ?


- - - Updated - - -


And by the way resetting rating at 2 weeks of the end of the season is completly unfair. I didnt abuse anything since i got banned for Rune that i used only against a team abusing 30x more than me but they dont get any ban or warning for some reason and i got 30 days. And now i should get rating reseted at 2 weeks of the end of the season bcuz the devs can't fix a banner ? You can see there is same kind of bug its a KFC team that we were fighting, check out my combat log...


=> 101k for a tick of a dot (explosive shot) is legit then ? It's this banner which is bugged and i get reseted for this when im not even the warrior who used it, you could ban/reset rating every warriors or people playing with warriors on this server


hahaha 101k ? look at this -25% 103k and its no max [ATTACH=CONFIG]81692[/ATTACH]

Posted (edited)
hahaha 101k ? look at this -25% 103k and its no max


103 pyro with int proccs and ??? wheres ur problem LOL ???



as undead with only 1 !!!!!!!!!!!! 1 !!!!!!! dmg trinket !! 100k + crits but okay



against players with basic resillence from 80+%


pyro here does maybe 10-20k max more dmg but thats the fault from the devs. so stop complaining here about bugusing or smth. Thanks


and tell me 1 more time that FIREMAGE is the problem on Pandawow (just look at the video below)



(without collusal smash in the video :)

(im abusing crit now :( ? )


Edited by Noneedholy
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Yes and what ? did you look at his buffs ? did you look he has invocation +15% damages ? Would you do the same test without all those intellect procs and see what are the real damages ?? Anyway you proved that I AM NOT ABUSING because if you think this fire mage is doing too much damages, then the problem is about Fire Mage's and not about ME and there is NO REASON i should get punished


By the way you can complain about pyro damages or whatever you want... I didnt reroll fire because it's "overpower" as you guys say... I have been playing fire for 4 years and i'll not switch to frost (which is even more bugged btw but noone complains about that (cf. ring of frost, frozen orb, etc)) only because you get a 103k pyro in a duel and call it "not maximum" when its actually maximum or you would have done THE MAXIMUM damages bcuz thats what you wanted to show in that screen. If thats not what this screenshot means then why does the mage on this screenshot has invocation + all intellect procs while bursting?


And once again, if fire spec is broken (not my opinion), its not my fault and i shouldnt get punished for this

Edited by baaz
Posted (edited)




So nice video
80-110k max pyro' date='here 4 times -25% 103k=140k need fixed first talant...[/quote']

as undead with only 1 !!!!!!!!!!!! 1 !!!!!!! dmg trinket !! 100k + crits but okay


Though deffstance 102k crits with ALL INT proccs up ! and now ?


Sorry man but 103k + 25% = 137k while the mage had EVERY procc up. and now ?

You are a rdruid your "Soul of forrest" spell stay for like 3-4 casts. That is really really OP. Swiftmend is also op it crits for like 200k wtf ??? You can spam genesis. Should i report you now because your class is bugged ? Lol

I mean its possible that Pom increase dmg abit okay, but what now ? should a firemage play with blazing speed now ? thats completly useless and you would never use it as firemage + heal in 2s unless you are completly bad

I still cant understand what is your point, you are acting like a really really bad player ? Firemage is one of the most balanced classes on Pandawow which does maybe like

10-20k max more dmg

Only because you got hard outplayed and used trinket offensive, and died in a full deep with all proccs ? Next time when i see you on my warrior i gonna reck you with 150k slams than i wanna see what you want to do.

You are one of this guys who never played retail, who actually dont even know HOW firemage works and because of that you just die. Tell me why baz is the only firemage above 2.6k on this server ? Just tell me.

Sorry but i just hate it that players like this druid (Who cant even shift a poly !?!? ) complain about other classes while they have no fcking clue about that game ! On retail 120k pyro ( sometimes even 126k ) was possible (In the video he was undead and he only had solo buffs)!

I tryharded even on retail enough with Baz to know how much dmg a firemage should do.We were highest firemage + rdruid @world in 2vs2 with 2.4k cr in s15 and even on my priest i was 2.6k in every bracket in S15 (2.5 in 3s 2.6 in 2s and 5s ). I just want to say I know how much dmg a class is supposed to do and pyro is definatly not OP. So please just stop talking about bugs etc. if you dont even have a clue about the game. Same with neik (complains as warrior about firemage #funny) If you guys gonna continue crying about other classes only because you just cant play that game or you simply got outplayed, The server gets worse. You remind me abit to the WoW retail Community where every casual gamer with 1.8 max xp could cry around in the PvP forums.


So i'll repeat that short for you :


Slam on retail hit maybe for like


130k in burst ? on panda i do 150-160k slams. Even though barkskin i do 100k + slams

210k max rising sun crits for ww´s ? Sometimes i do 230k Rsk on my 543 ilvl ww.

70-80k shockwave with all proccs on retail - HERE i get 111k shockwaves

dk deathcoil 70k on retail with all proccs + burst - here i get a 80k random coil without even Unholy frenzy or w/e up.

Soulreaper ? 170k on retail with all proccs, here randomcrits for 190k

Warrior completly broken --> http://www.twitch.tv/sazzieu/c/6694507


And you guys complain about a pyro that hits 130k (maybe 130k + ~5 if you are really really lucky) instead of 120k max ? rly ?

;869399]Я никого не защищаю, но и пиро в 190к для меня кажется очень подозрительным

Буду только за, чтобы им обнулили рейтинг (желательно на всех реалмах) :о

And dont talk about the 190k crit anymore please because its still a bug from the crit banner. Baz never did a higher crit than 130k pyro in 2s ! maybe against lowgeared ppl a 135k crit or w/e but nothing else.

So as DK or as WARRIOR on Pandawow i would stop complaining about firemages ! I know exactly how retarded and easy warrior is, playing on 3k cr atm on my warrior and i just random oneshot ppl & kill them though deff cd´s. And report baz because of what ? crit hack ? Really man you are paranoid, Only because you had often the same numbers of crit in the chat ? I dont even know exactly what spells but i know that even The combustion dot on retail did exactly all the time same dmg without deviations. And yeah about the crit:


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter


And as i said before the Moonkin aura doesnt work at all so its just a visual bug. You can test it :)


Gonna short for the russians under us ;) :


Смотрите, в 2с вы ниразу не видели чтобы мой маг критовал больше 130к. А 130к - это нормальная цифра, т.к хансол под всеми проками в видео выше бил по 110к, но он АНДЕД, это значит что у него нет второй трини!

А теперь по поводу 190к критов: эти скрины были получены только с арен 3х3, я не ручаюсь за работоспособность сервера, скорее всего это связка моих критов+баннер воина так сильно апнули крит.


http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatterhttp://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=12982/shatter

Edited by Noneedholy
  • Like 1
Так он доказаныи багоюзер,теперь бегает только благодоря тому что админы алочные и есть функция разбанить за бонусы.
  • Like 1

что толку

дадут 3 дня им

при этом что дк рдру, маг этот с рдру апнули себе глад рейт багами

получат бонусы и гладов в конце

Posted (edited)

Those guys Tinybaz and Noneedrdruid has been banned for each report and reported more than 4-5 times but they still unban theirself and they abuse everyday more, they should get all their rating removed (in all realms as you see links below where they have abused) since they abused from the start of arena and is against rules to abuse in this season (with bugged rune).






Edited by funkstar

Why do you still say im abusing ? As i said i got banned for abusing and im not abusing anymore since i got 30d for abusing rune. And i got banned after i used it for 1 arena means ppl can easily see if im abusing or no. Stop trying to get us reseted just bcuz you want to get R1-2 on x10 bcuz YOU are abusing. If we get rating reseted, you should get rating reseted as well bcuz you also got banned for abusing this season (alt-f4 abuse each time you lose an arena game making you to dont lose points and your ennemy gets +1)


So yea, i got my sanction for this and i don't do that anymore. But seems like you guys are still abusing thats why no one wants to queue into you


Да, Вопрос почему вы несете хрень, этот Маг играет как рак он багает дпс 150к Пиро и выше Его не забанят и всем пофиг на него как будто ты нечего не писал

Ему рейт надо обнулить и баги все убрать ну все норм маги дают мне не больше 111к пиро а он по 150к изи

И ещё что-то отмазываеться и доджид друго-го багера и выпендиваеться.

  • Like 1

Омг , Обосаный этот маг играет средня если бы не его баги он бы не взял не больше 2.7 100%

Вот Adomator, Правду говорит всем пофиг на этого мага он что-то отмазываеться, Это пиратка тут много багов.

Его уже банили он выкупался и продалжал багать.

Честное дело будет его Забанить на 30 дней и обнулить рейт до Нуля!

Комсток и Хилюкакумею говорят правду.

Спросите у пол серва тут Багеры Маг + Дру Лок + Шам и Дк + Дру ( Недавалка)

И всем на них похер!

  • Like 1

Retrogg, Ты прав ну всем похрен так-что забей его не кто не будет банить багает и будет багать.

Когда я смотрел его стримы я видел что они на других реалмах за других персов на Рога маг/ Дру маг/ Прист маг они этими связками за других персов 0 а На своих уже баги юзали)

  • Like 1

As i said i already got my sanction for this. I got banned ye and i have never bugabuse since i got banned for 30d. What has been done is past and if i should get my rating reseted. It must have been done on my last ban and not at 2 weeks of the end of the season.


Stop trying to get us banned because you want R1-2 on x10 server. You guys are huge abusers thats why no one wants to queue into you...

And if anyone gets his rating reseted here that must be you guys for abusing ALT-F4 to dont lose points when you lose an arena game and making your ennemies win only 1 point. Thats way more abusing than a +15% damage increase that i did only against rshaman/lock abusing gate while deeped, cs through walls etc... ALT-F4 to dont lose points made able to dont lose so many points in this season.

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