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RIP english chat.


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You should change the name of the English chat to trade chat, or biblical chat. No one can make a comment, a joke or can talk a non-biblical word that Hioshiru comes to mute. It`s nice to see any moderator online, but Hioshiru is taking it too serious and now we cant barely talk there without someone being muted. Please Hioshiru calm down, you are not a cop man, stop being disgusting, you`re taking out our fun times on English chat, and creating many enemies too (not me, you didn`t do it to me yet).
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That means he's doing his job properly.

No. Im so happy that im on hord and dont need to take care about what i say here. We dont need a cop ! Why do you think blizzard didnt give a shit about /w chat or /s chat or group chat ? it's privat ... (or well /s not that much) anyways he is muting whenever he can ! when i look in the chat, it's just disgusting. Back when i was friendly with him he was so rude and talked so much shit about Pandawow etc. and now hes doing the same things. He can mute people who are insulting etc. but when some1 is using caps like

"LOL REKD" or something than PLEASE understand 1 thing :

Thats the fucking Game.

Back when i was on my rogue, i just duel'd a friend and said in /s chat "LEL " "200k OFC" "DO IT AGAIN" and i got muted for 60 minutes. Sorry but that is a joke. As i said im on hord now and its way betther but tbh i pity all alliance guys who are under the direction from hioshiru xD

gr8 Hioshiru you are the boss !

@djworldtwo i like your signature, was dio mad there :D?

Edited by Noneedholy
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He said ele shamans gemmed int and mastery in MoP, when I said shamans gemmed Int, int/haste he got mad xD `r1 shaman`


- - - Updated - - -


i like your signature, was dio mad there ?

He said ele shamans gemmed int and mastery in MoP, when I said shamans gemmed Int, int/haste he got mad xD `r1 shaman.`

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No. Im so happy that im on hord and dont need to take care about what i say here. We dont need a cop ! Why do you think blizzard didnt give a shit about /w chat or /s chat or group chat ? it's privat ... (or well /s not that much) anyways he is muting whenever he can ! when i look in the chat, it's just disgusting. Back when i was friendly with him he was so rude and talked so much shit about Pandawow etc. and now hes doing the same things. He can mute people who are insulting etc. but when some1 is using caps like

"LOL REKD" or something than PLEASE understand 1 thing :

Thats the fucking Game.

Back when i was on my rogue, i just duel'd a friend and said in /s chat "LEL " "200k OFC" "DO IT AGAIN" and i got muted for 60 minutes. Sorry but that is a joke. As i said im on hord now and its way betther but tbh i pity all alliance guys who are under the direction from hioshiru xD

gr8 Hioshiru you are the boss !

@djworldtwo i like your signature, was dio mad there :D?


yes i got the same thing,ive won my friend sham at duel and we said " THAT DMG" And he muted both for talking at /s chat - its making pple lost their fun at fun server

Edited by Flashxoxo
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He said ele shamans gemmed int and mastery in MoP, when I said shamans gemmed Int, int/haste he got mad xD `r1 shaman`


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He said ele shamans gemmed int and mastery in MoP, when I said shamans gemmed Int, int/haste he got mad xD `r1 shaman.`


Reforge into 6% Hit, through spirit and natural hit on gear you should meet this easily. After that go for Haste>Mastery>Crit. For fully optimized reforging check out my armory at the end of the guide.
- jaime 5.4 ele guide. But ye i remember that as ele you went on haste
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Reforge into 6% Hit, through spirit and natural hit on gear you should meet this easily. After that go for Haste>Mastery>Crit. For fully optimized reforging check out my armory at the end of the guide.

- jaime 5.4 ele guide. But ye i remember that as ele you went on haste


No good Ele gemmed haste.


The retard "Gjworldtwo" was spam /w me for advice on ele.. Then when I told him how to gem he kept telling me I was gemming wrong lol. As you can see in the chat I just tell him i'm copying what all the best Ele's did, and to stop spamming me.


Inb4 he replies with the same old bullshit, about all ele's geming haste and telling i'm gemmed wrong:



Whats your thougths on gemming mastery after getting the 39% hastecap? I can see Zeepeye and all top ele's run 320 mastery in yellow slots, but still using 160 int in red sockets. Why not 80 int/80 mastery?


You still need intellect to a certain degree, if u go too overboard, then the extra mastery will be useless.


I too stack mastery after 39% haste because of the way the gear works, once u have the trinket reforged to mastery from haste, 39% is what you get from gear anyway, as the majority of elemental pieces give haste and sometimes mastery.


I've tried 45% haste for 4 extra ticks, 42% haste and 61% mastery, and 64.5% mastery and 39% haste. 64.5% mastery with 39% haste definitely felt the best, when you think about it, once u have over 35% haste (unless u are 45% haste) the only benefit u have is faster casts, which are nice, but not as good as the extra mastery.


Hoped this helped!


So my Question is about haste, I see you and the other high ranked Ele's go for 39 - 42% haste, What is the reasoning for this?,Afaik 35% Haste = 4 extra flameshock ticks, 45% = 5 Extra flameshock ticks, So would it be viable to go for the 45%, its not too far a stretch and wouldnt it = more lava surge proccs?.


From what i understand your flameshock will always last 30 Secs, The more haste you have the more flameshock ticks you fit inside the 30 secs, So 35% haste = 4 Extra FS ticks, Next Cap is 45% haste and 5 Extra FS ticks, You Feela's up top always sit a couple % under 45%,


Obv i havent understood something along the way, could you clarify your choice of haste % please? ^^


I spoke to thunderbuddy, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Thund%c3%a9rbuddy/advanced 2700 3v3 CR 45% haste, he said he only runs the extra haste because he enjoys haste far more than mastery, and he suspects that 42% ish haste and then mastery is better.


So just stick to the majority xD


Also, 3 ticks for 35%, 4 ticks for 45%


Really I was 2860+ as ele in s15.. I know what people gemmed lel.


P.S. - What's betting he changes his signature after this? :P lmao

Edited by Ðionysus
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Heh, I've done the same exact mistake when I started as Chat Mod.

He's muting EVERY rule break, even those wich don't really qualify(like "lol" written in caps", but by far his worst mistake is to mute people who provoke him.

Muting someone cause he says you're a shit player is a no go.

Responding to taunts is a no go.

Being a chat mod, especially on the alliance chat on the fun realm, feels like being a prison CO. The prisoners will ALWAYS try to taunt you in order to test your limits, in order to see how far they can go before any punishment is brought on themn, in order to test your limits and your level of understanding things.

Our mod has proven he's easy to taunt, so this agitation will most likely continue untill he gets fired or he quits, I have no doubt about that.

However, the players taunting him should keep in mind that he's doing a pretty hard job most of you don't understand. People will always feel a chat mod is impartial because no matter how good a mod he is, he can't see everything and, most importantly, he can't punish everything.

Some people get mad for being muted for swearing and then 5 seconds later they see some guy swearing and getting away with it. BAM, conclusion is: chat mod is corrupt! He's taking sides! He bans everyone except his friends! - wich is not entirely true.


I've dealt with this exact same hate in my starting days, but I've managed to not fall for the taunting and provoking. Many have called my characters shit, many laughed in my face....but what could I do? If I responded with a mute for a personal attack, I would have brought this exact treatment from the community.

I say you give the guy a break!

He's new as a chat mod and he wants to do his job properly, please let him, stop taunting him. You will see that within a week he won't be muting every single chat infraction. He will learn to keep a blind eye for certain stuff, as all experienced Mods do...no matter how unfair it seems.

This is the job...an amalgam of hate and frustration wich most of us can't hide.

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No, clearly not.


I don't know the whole story, just from what I've understood in these threads...he's abusing(or appears to be) his mod powers.

I don't know about him wintrading....the arena ladder is the least of my concerns :)


If he's found abusing in-game mechanics, the penalty for him should be the same or greater then that of a regular player caught doing the same thing.

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Yadda yadda yadda, severe punishment that will not happen, yadda yadda yadda... He and his wintrading group will not get punished/banned because apparently "ratings being reset" is a justifiable punishment.


Translation: He gets away scotfree.


It's really funny how you added "appears to be" abusing his mod powers even though a GM confirmed that it was abuse.


At this point I'm convinced that if he does something like mass genocide you'll forgive him because "no one is perfect".

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Nah man, I won't forgive nobody that's proven guilty.

If he abused, he gets warned 1st then fired.

If he cheated, he should get banned and that's the end of it.


I'm defending him because I know what it's like to have 3k people HATE your guts because you're doing your job. I know what it's like to be taunted and insulted for the sole purpose of getting me fired, that's the ONLY reason I'm defending him.

If he got warned and he persists in abusing then he deserves what's coming to him and that's the end of it.

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