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Posted (edited)

Also, don't close thread just because Noneed is having a tantrum.


He's hijacking it just like the "Best of Each Class (PvP)" thread - that essentially if you read the last few pages is just a shrine where everyone comes show their hate for him lol.


Nobody likes him, and he is toxic. Please just IP ban him already. He sure as hell wont be missed. :)

Edited by Ðionysus
Posted (edited)

Wow Dogneed you're going to use 3 quotes to try and make it out like i'm hated?


I could quote 20 pages worth of hundreds of people calling you a cunt.


The difference between me and you, is that I can acknowledge that a few certain players get frustrated (most of the time temporarily) and tired of me because I farm them in 3s.


But you... EVERYONE hates you, and just straight up thinks you're a cunt - for being a childish cunt. All you do is cry and flame, you're toxic as fuck. The sooner you get banned again the better.

Edited by Ðionysus

I'd like to reiterate:


Also, don't close thread just because Noneed is having a tantrum.


Him hijacking it just like the "Best of Each Class (PvP)" thread shouldn't be tolerated. - that essentially if you read the last few pages is just a shrine of Dogneed hate.


Nobody likes him, and he is toxic. Please just ban him IP.

Posted (edited)


Dionysus never shittalk.

Exactly this kind of people i dont even want to play with.


Except Repitch knows, and knew at the time I said that to you. It wasn't shittalking I was just telling you what someone else incorrectly told me. So what is your point?


I'm not going around slagging him off calling him a dogshit retard like you do with everyone you've ever played with or vs lol.


Call it shittalking if you want, but everyone thinks you're a cunt. I could link you over 100 players on skype saying you're a cunt. It's just well known opinion. :)


I can tell you're obviously a bit upset by this lol, and so are trying to flame others, play the victim card ect. ect. But pls:

Stop trying to pretend like you're not the most hated player on the server...


You don't deserve shit. Your ego is constantly on overload and you cannot even say gg to players who try their best to have fun playing Wow, and instead all you do is bitch them off. "Yes but im the better player" Who gives a single flying fuck about your abusing team, i hope you realise that you're playing Wow on an average of 6 hours per day, because how the fuck would you have 3k on warmane and 3k on multiple realms on Pandawow? You're worthless at life, and you would be relevant in WoW if you didn't waste your skills on abusing. Think about that. And you banned me from your Twitch chat because you were too weak to give arguments. "GG dionysus" "Good game, i lost the argument but ill continue spamming bullshit" Yeah. Right.


Also, who cares if Baz abused for 2 - 3 games? You still cheated, and therefor you do not deserve your title and rating.

Edited by Ðionysus
Posted (edited)
Except Repitch knows, and knew at the time I said that to you. It wasnt shittalking I was just telling you what someone else incorrectly told me. So what is your point?


I'm not going around slagging him off calling him a dogshit retard like you do with everyone you've ever played with or vs lol.


Stop trying to pretend like everyone doesn't hate you Dogneed...


even if you knew that a mate from you was doing that where is the reason to tell me that ? your just a sneaky person doe.

Well i guess everything is said. You got your hate from enough people here now. And i really mean HATE when you read the last quotes. I just heared that i blame people which i can admit. I blame alot of people if they are playing bad and can't even admit that. But that's nothing that makes me sad or something. And repitch as i said that what you said here has nothing to do with trashtalking, im talking about earlier but that isnt important here. You can also tell me thousend times more how everyone hates me but still as soon as im online on my druid / war i get alot of whispers for arena or whatever just to point out that i've someone to play with. Going to sleep since i've to wake up early tomorrow

i dunno but i guess as "THE PERFECT MAN" you are busy tomorrow, don't you want to go to sleep ? :D i really enjoy trolling you tbh.


best rsham / best rdruid lf 3s now i should find Kappa

no, dionysus is best rsham by far, he is r1 in 3s atm















Edited by Noneedholy

I mean, this thread is probably going to be closed and it went full off-topic, but...


You do realize that if, supposedly, they accept your appeal or whatever is this(which they are not), I also need to want to be a moderator.


Just saying, carry on...

Posted (edited)
You can also tell me thousend times more how everyone hates me but still as soon as im online on my druid / war i get alot of whispers for arena

The sad thing is though, that anyone who plays with you, thinks you're a raging nerd. There's no "sneakiness" about it, it's just common opinion.. Nobody likes you lol :D Not a single good player hasn't said at least once how much of a sad rager you are.


I'm glad were stupid enough to post though Nofriends - you just made proving my point easier, and as always (just like in arena) it was fun taking your ass to school. 640 posts on these forums, and every single one of them has some sort of whining or flaming in.


Extra Salty, Toxic players like you, that inhibit such child-like tendencies, are the only reason why a chat mod is needed in the first place.


At some point you've gotta wake up and take some of your own, quality advice Dogneed. Those amazing words of wisdom! - Stop being a bitch all your life that nobody likes already and:


Become Adult
Edited by Ðionysus
Posted (edited)

Well, that was a good read :appl: This community isn't toxic at all :appl:


Edit: I don't see why you're all raging honestly, you're all good players overall losing to eachother is bound to happen. Doesnt mean you should brag about farming the person. Sure some comps shit on other comps but instead of crying about it why don't you just q the same comp rofl? Sure LSD LSD2 etc etc are cancer comps and I think there's something wrong with locks on this server (idk) but LSD was a cancer comp in retail aswell but it was beatable.


#fixmonkbubble #fixmonkrjw

Edited by Deathskin
  • Like 2
Well, that was a good read :appl: This community isn't toxic at all :appl:


Edit: I don't see why you're all raging honestly, you're all good players overall losing to eachother is bound to happen. Doesnt mean you should brag about farming the person. Sure some comps shit on other comps but instead of crying about it why don't you just q the same comp rofl? Sure LSD LSD2 etc etc are cancer comps and I think there's something wrong with locks on this server (idk) but LSD was a cancer comp in retail aswell but it was beatable.


#fixmonkbubble #fixmonkrjw


This!!!!!! THANK YOU, finally someone who has some brains

Posted (edited)

Hmmm you miss point i think. Dion say he doesn't start the trashtalking but he only reply to those that do it.


Like Noneedholy who nobody likes anyway. I enjoyed seeing him own that noob. He always trashtalking everyone calling them noobs and stuff but he can't say that to Dion because Noneed loses all the time to him lol. ^^


Server would be better if we finally banned tryhard noobs like Noneed who flame everyone because they suck and always lose when they play vs good players.

Edited by Rockella

I will be taking care of the Alliance chat at busy times while the Administration recruits a chat moderator.

Name will be: Nuclearweap


Please don't hesitate to ask questions directly in-game or via private message if you need any help!

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