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Inmature act from staff member

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Posted (edited)

Name of the violator Panaccea [Weegee]

Realm, where you saw the violation. x100

Description of the violation.Keeps mocking me telling me a suck just because i lost duel.Then calls me little baby which went to cry.He is humiliating me in front of everyone.And telling me that i my brain comprehand.That is inmature behaviour of staff member.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

Proof: http://imgur.com/Sl1Onsd&DSgmZxm&qXZQaZM&MIlPURC

And this is where he whispers me saying:Little baby went to cry from [Croatian to English Translation] http://imgur.com/YPBxWWe

This is where he says to me :Go into a corner and cry, that you are bad with feral is nothing new , so you are with the rogue [Croatian to English Translation] http://imgur.com/wAZGhhT Humiliating me again

Comments:Keeps provocating me and mocking me after losing a duel.This is pure inmature behavior of staff member.

Rules:3.9. It is forbidden to insult relatives of players or use other provocative or mockingly messages about relatives.

Edited by tiggar47
Posted (edited)
  tiggar47 said:
Name of the violator Panaccea [Weegee]

Realm, where you saw the violation. x100

Description of the violation.Keeps mocking me telling me a suck just because i lost duel.Then calls me little baby which went to cry.He is humiliating me in front of everyone.That is inmature behaviour of staff member.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.


And this is where he whispers me saying:Little baby went to cry from Croatia to English [ATTACH=CONFIG]98767[/ATTACH]


Comments:Keeps provocating me and mocking me after losing a duel.This is pure inmature behavior of staff member.

Rules:3.9. It is forbidden to insult relatives of players or use other provocative or mockingly messages about relatives.


First of all read what does the rule say , I did not provoke your relatives

Second of all you Suck at your class because you are bad at it and everyone saw it @ the dueling area.

Third of all Don't even bother trying to say that you are good since you are full of lies "3.1k retail rogue and says that he's lefice LMAO"

And the best thing of all It's not violation its a FACT.


Nice try but you DO suck at your class because you just Do (Go do some Bg's that should help ya).


P.S. That's not an immature act it's just exposing lairs like you.

Edited by Weegee
Posted (edited)
  tiggar47 said:
Does that mean you are allowed to mock me and provoke me and humiliate me in front of everyone?


Didn't do any of those , Just said that you are bad, since you are , that's all. + Spoiler alert Torpusx and other rogue which farmed you saw it way before i even said anything.


Spoiler alert (You are rogues Counter class and you got farmed by him)


And i can say that you suck at your class because you do since i play feral / boomy and resto and you are horrible at feral.

Edited by Weegee

Name of the violator Panaccea [Weegee]

Realm, where you saw the violation. x100

Description of the violation.Keeps mocking me telling me a suck just because i lost duel.Then calls me little baby which went to cry.He is humiliating me in front of everyone.That is inmature behaviour of staff member.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

Proof: http://imgur.com/Sl1Onsd&DSgmZxm&qXZQaZM&MIlPURC

And this is where he whispers me saying:Little baby went to cry from [Croatian to English Translation] http://imgur.com/YPBxWWe

Comments:Keeps provocating me and mocking me after losing a duel.This is pure inmature behavior of staff member.

Rules:3.9. It is forbidden to insult relatives of players or use other provocative or mockingly messages about relatives.

  tiggar47 said:
Name of the violator Panaccea [Weegee]

Realm, where you saw the violation. x100

Description of the violation.Keeps mocking me telling me a suck just because i lost duel.Then calls me little baby which went to cry.He is humiliating me in front of everyone.That is inmature behaviour of staff member.

You should write what the violation is because it will be easier for the administrator or chat moderator to understand what to look for on the proof material.

Proof: http://imgur.com/Sl1Onsd&DSgmZxm&qXZQaZM&MIlPURC

And this is where he whispers me saying:Little baby went to cry from [Croatian to English Translation] http://imgur.com/YPBxWWe

Comments:Keeps provocating me and mocking me after losing a duel.This is pure inmature behavior of staff member.

Rules:3.9. It is forbidden to insult relatives of players or use other provocative or mockingly messages about relatives.


Dear god... you could have just posted the links or just have replaced the links on the beginning lol.

Bro , we have all seen your dueling :D and yeah its true you suck @ your class.. saying to everyone that you are 3.1k rogue but at the end of the day you are max 1.5k.. lel
  Funk シ said:
It's called abuse power xd シ


How is it abuse of power? I didn't mute him without any reason , I haven't muted him over the time which a person should be muted , i didn't do anything besides said the fact that he's a bad druid like he is + that he's a lair. I'm sorry my friend , that's the truth.

  Weegee said:
How is it abuse of power? I didn't mute him without any reason , I haven't muted him over the time which a person should be muted , i didn't do anything besides said the fact that he's a bad druid like he is + that he's a lair. I'm sorry my friend , that's the truth.


Its an insult never the less. And you did provoke him. No need to defend yourself, you can see everything in he screenshots. Your defense "exposing a liar" means nothing. If people use "3k" or those lies to get partner easier, who are u to blame them and who are u to insult him. He may be bad, but who are you to proclaim that? Correct, no one. That was flat out a insult for no reason.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  Garodar said:
Its an insult never the less. And you did provoke him. No need to defend yourself, you can see everything in he screenshots. Your defense "exposing a liar" means nothing. If people use "3k" or those lies to get partner easier, who are u to blame them and who are u to insult him. He may be bad, but who are you to proclaim that? Correct, no one. That was flat out a insult for no reason.


Thank you,exactly what im saying.


What he did is:I lost a duel and he randomly started to provoke me and humiliate me in front of everyone present.That is inmature act from a staff member.That arrogance should not be tolerated.

I will wait to see if administrators really aprove his act.

Edited by tiggar47
For one, "cry me a river" isn't an insult. He's basically saying it isn't important that you lost. And I've been on the receiving end of far worse insults than someone telling me I suck at my class. You humiliate yourself by acting like you're good when events prove otherwise. That being said, he should have left well enough alone. There's no need for this just because someone acts differently on the forums than they do in game.
  fenrir said:
For one, "cry me a river" isn't an insult. He's basically saying it isn't important that you lost. And I've been on the receiving end of far worse insults than someone telling me I suck at my class. You humiliate yourself by acting like you're good when events prove otherwise. That being said, he should have left well enough alone. There's no need for this just because someone acts differently on the forums than they do in game.


You don't get it do you.He coused all that not the lost duel.And by the way who are you.You don't even know what happend.He just randomly picked me up and started to provoke and humiliate me in front of everyone and mocked me.That is immature behaviour specially for staff member.


There's some "expressions" which isn't an insult.


- Expressions are not insults:


worstt player/moderator/gm

you suck at druid

you are low skilled

you are unskilled etc.


You should be aware of, if someone insulted, provoked, mocked etc you, you should NOT react back to it, therefore meant. You should NOT insult or anything like that. It will be hold against you in the future reports.

Though Weegee did act "immature" Even though, this isn't something "big" this can happen for other staff members, and it will be taken care of, from positive or negative. Don't have that much hopes up for Weegee getting a "lesson"

Stop defending him.He is acting immature and provoke/mock/humiliate people randomly.That is not how staff member should act like specially chat moderator.
  tiggar47 said:
Stop defending him.He is acting immature and provoke/mock/humiliate people randomly.That is not how staff member should act like specially chat moderator.


First of all no one is Defending me , And im not acting immature i just said that you suck at your class cause you do and if i tell you that you are "Noob / Bad / suck at your class" That's not an insult. Its me pointing the fact that ur Bad as feral druid since you are. And if i am a chat moderator that doesn't meant that i cant say the truth to people and point the facts out.


- - - Updated - - -


  tiggar47 said:
International forums ---->Useful Information ----> Pandawow Rules----> Ingame Rules


You have listed that i broke -> Rules:3.9. It is forbidden to insult relatives of players or use other provocative or mockingly messages about relatives.


I did not insult your relatives nor have said anything to your relatives.


- - - Updated - - -


  Garodar said:
Its an insult never the less. And you did provoke him. No need to defend yourself, you can see everything in he screenshots. Your defense "exposing a liar" means nothing. If people use "3k" or those lies to get partner easier, who are u to blame them and who are u to insult him. He may be bad, but who are you to proclaim that? Correct, no one. That was flat out a insult for no reason.


You should check what is a meaning of an "Insult" Me saying that someone sucks at his class is not an insult ;) And i said it towards him cause he does suck with his class. And just for your info , He's a lair which is obvious and i am not defending my self , Just pointing the facts out.

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