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DDoS kid who is obviously mad in forums.

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1. Felxprod

2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=48934

3. 2.8 l 2.2 l 2.22

4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163942&page=2&p=1003796#post1003796 (comment #17)

also a screen in care he edit his comment :



5. Hope you can shut his mouth. This kid isnt only insulting everyone, hes also DDosing people like repitch etc. also tried it with me (just in care everyone should know it :) ). I guess only for "Burn the jews" This racism kid should get the perma ban.


possible punishments :


2.22. Permanent ban.


thanks in advance :)

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felretardx and furmetal both dddos'd me a few days ago when I was streaming.


It's sad that people actaully have to ddos. I guess it sucks when some1 abuses their mod power and wintrades as staff member. :(

felretardx and furmetal both dddos'd me a few days ago when I was streaming.


It's sad that people actaully have to ddos. I guess it sucks when some1 abuses their mod power and wintrades as staff member. :(


Pleaserino reporterino me to twitcherino stafferino again so i can pay 10k$ and go to jail LMAOO what a pathetic bunch of kids you guys are .. :)

  • Like 1
Pleaserino reporterino me to twitcherino stafferino again so i can pay 10k$ and go to jail LMAOO what a pathetic bunch of kids you guys are .. :)


ye says the idiot that ddoses... people like you... cant even find the words

ye says the idiot that ddoses... people like you... cant even find the words


Please go be a fat nolifer ginger somewhere else LMAO. HEY my name is Vidar my mom died from cancer my dad left us when i was 1 years old and now i'm a fucking orphan who gets beaten at school and to gain money i pretend to drink Vodka in twitch with my nazi bitch ass frenddd Noneedvagina LMAOOO LOSERS

  • Like 5
Please go be a fat nolifer ginger somewhere else LMAO. HEY my name is Vidar my mom died from cancer my dad left us when i was 1 years old and now i'm a fucking orphan who gets beaten at school and to gain money i pretend to drink Vodka in twitch with my nazi bitch ass frenddd Noneedvagina LMAOOO LOSERS



Posted (edited)
Please go be a fat nolifer ginger somewhere else LMAO. HEY my name is Vidar my mom died from cancer my dad left us when i was 1 years old and now i'm a fucking orphan who gets beaten at school and to gain money i pretend to drink Vodka in twitch with my nazi bitch ass frenddd Noneedvagina LMAOOO LOSERS


some1 is mad. you'll get banned soon, dont worry.


funny how some1 that ddoses me gets mad. thought it was the opposite! :D


rekt shrekt m8


- - - Updated - - -


dumb ddoser can't even do it properly. whole point of a ddos is to piss people off, haha.


worst booter ever.

Edited by Repitchx
some1 is mad. you'll get banned soon' date=' dont worry.[/quote']


Oh, get banned like all of your 4-5 forum accounts did? XD Don't worry soulless ginger imma continue being a troll on my other accounts :) Couldn't care less if i get banned on a forum full of brainless down syndromed dogs like you noneed and your asslickers :)

  • Like 2

hello my name is ho lee fuk.i cum from the sun and i is r1 warrock.when i was a kid i tried to fap but i was too younq.parents not happy with it and kicked me off the sun and made me qo to the moon and fap all day(where snow comes from)

sory for not propeller enqlish i not national speak


on a serious note: rep you still /w wintradinqrat? XDDDDDDD


How many times do I have to repeat this? Just because the low-end "hacking tool" he downloaded is called DDoS, it does NOT mean that what he's doing is actually DDoS.

He's flooding, pure and simple. The difference between flood and DDoS should be perfectly clear to everyone.

Get a proper Firewall software, turn off all open unused ports on your router and NOBODY can use such software against you. At least not someone who downloads "hacking tools".

  • Like 1
How many times do I have to repeat this? Just because the low-end "hacking tool" he downloaded is called DDoS, it does NOT mean that what he's doing is actually DDoS.

He's flooding, pure and simple. The difference between flood and DDoS should be perfectly clear to everyone.

Get a proper Firewall software, turn off all open unused ports on your router and NOBODY can use such software against you. At least not someone who downloads "hacking tools".


what the actually fuck ???? you cant avoid a ddos only because of an firewall roflmao ... As soon as some1 has ur ip and use a simple IP stresser he can DDOS you. I dont give a single fuck how people call it. I know enough about that shit and since repitch has a static IP he can easily get ddosed. Also "hacking tool????" People just ddos via a WEB stresser and if u really make that shit srs you have ur own server. You dont have "ddos tools" wtf lol

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Get a proper Firewall software, turn off all open unused ports on your router and NOBODY can use such software against you. At least not someone who downloads "hacking tools".


In order to properly DDoS, you need a Botnet, that's a plethora of strong computers hacked to your disposal, each sending thousands of requests to the same IP at the same time. This is DDoS and none of you ever experienced it, by the looks of it.

What people in pandawow call DDoS is actually packet flooding and it usually relies on virtual machines to do the job.

Firewall helps you prevent such things as most come with a flood protection. If you also tamper the settings of your router and close all unused ports, both flooding and DDoS-ing become impossible in the form you guys are experiencing.

Since I got here and got a job, dozens of people tried to flood me, DDoS me, steal my facebook or email accounts, over and over for almost a year and a half. None of them succeded and you know why? Because I take minimum security precautions on my system, pure and simple.


I said "hacking tools" because that's usually what people do, they search the web for "DDoS tool" and expect the same outcome out of it as it would normally come from a proper DDoS.

People who "DDoS" on pandawow do it from their personal computers and not using a botnet, that means that while the "ddos software/interface" is running, they literally can't do much on their PCs since both the target and the attacker are affected by the same limits imposed by their systems.

Having "your own server" for stuff like this is just as inneficient as doing it from your home PC.

I posted the steps you need to take to prevent such actions in a very similar thread, read them, follow them and no flooding or DDoS-ing(coming from amateurs) will ever affect you.




Here is an article wich will help you: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2564424/security0/how-to-defend-against-ddos-attacks.html

Here is an article wich further explains the terminology: https://www.incapsula.com/ddos/ddos-attacks/botnet-ddos.html

Edited by uraganuu
yeah hello felxprod / furmetal. Still trying to grab my ip ? ye ? sad


Ask your dog, Nemifest to compare MY own IP and Flowmasters IP and see if we're the same person.


Somone is mad.

Felxprod ddos me:


I never said that i DDoSed or, as Casualties says, Flooded ANYONE. Stop being an ignorant buch of authists and pay attention to what i say. And also, DDoS isn't my thing, Ask Noneed & Repitch if you wanna get DDosed, they're the ONLY one ddosing me and Furmetal since months. :) They even made multiple skype accounts before 1-2 months, added me and got my IP and hello DDos city, they're just pretending to be innocent.



Also, go be a Bosnian somewhere else, that country is full with mentally challenged, ignorant and ultra religious people.

Ask Noneed & Repitch if you wanna get DDosed' date=' they're the ONLY one ddosing me and Furmetal since months. They even made multiple skype accounts before 1-2 months, added me and got my IP and hello DDos city, they're just pretending to be innocent.[/quote']



man dude i was really laughing like that. You try it on that way now xD ? Well enough ppl were on repitchs stream when he got ddosed :) Also weegee even got a message from furmetal in skype that you ddosed repitch. Pretty sure he can confirm.

Posted (edited)
Ask your dog, Nemifest to compare MY own IP and Flowmasters IP and see if we're the same person.




Ask Noneed & Repitch if you wanna get DDosed, they're the ONLY one ddosing me and Furmetal since months. :) They even made multiple skype accounts before 1-2 months, added me and got my IP and hello DDos city, they're just pretending to be innocent.



Made my day. not only do you ddos, you actually make up bullshit.


ddosing c**t. Clicking your abilities probably as well.

Edited by Repitchx

For those who can ddos, ddos my ip then: not playing WoW that much anymore anyways couldn't care less about 50k ms


- - - Updated - - -


ddosing c**t. Clicking you're abilities probably as well.


Actually, yours*


Sorry couldn't resist.


fucking ginger btw

Posted (edited)
For those who can ddos, ddos my ip then: not playing WoW that much anymore anyways couldn't care less about 50k ms


- - - Updated - - -




Actually, yours*


Sorry couldn't resist.


fucking ginger btw


ups my bad, typed on my phone. w/e


your* btw


trying to correct me then you fuck up yourself, haha!


actaully you're a fucking mongoloid. you don't even know wtf a ginger is




there you go, fucktard ddoser


"A human, characterized by pale skin, freckles and bright red hair. "


do i have freckles or bright red hair? no, you're so fucking retarded omfg LOL


fucking dumb ddosing c**t



Edited by Repitchx
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