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1. Name of the user. noneedmlg aka Noneedholy


2. Link of his profile. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=52012 , Main. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=63322 , Multiaccount.


3. Paragraph of the forum rules which has been broken by the user. 2.16 Creating Multiaccounts, if your main account was banned.


4. Link on the message with violation. Multiaccounting


5. You can write any additional information about the violation and the violator (for example, screenshots etc.).

He's been banned not so long ago and then he uses Multiaccount.

Edited by tiggar47
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He has Noneedmlg for months now so you're right.

How does the shit taste like? Would you like to explain? *cough*. No, for real...He created his "noneedmlg" account due to his main account being banned at that time. Зилиус is just a dumb GM who didn't ban YOU, Noneedmlg, Tiggar for multiaccount which should be bannable. And third, beware.

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