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The weirdest duels I've had on Fun have been vs WW monks.


A while ago, I dueled some some monk (was probably around 540 ilvl) with my 530 ilvl (with Prideful weapons) Assas rogue. Every single duel, and we dueled quite a few times, he would nimble my Cheap Shot and after that literally nothing would hit him. I literally couldn't get to 5 Combo Points vs him without using Vanish, Marked for Death or Blind.. and even then.. only a single Rupture and 2-3 Mutilates while he was stunlocked managed to land on him. It was the most depressing duel series of my life.


I had forgotten about this one up until today when some super weird shit happened again. I dueled this monk (again 530-540 ilvl) with my 530 ilvl Frost DK. In the 3 duels we had I didn't get a single Killing Machine proc, NOT A SINGLE ONE (so like all my white attacks were dodged, wtf? - I was 2H so no miss chance at all)! 80% of my Frost Strikes/Necrotic Strikes were dodged as well and I had to basically just spam Death Strike (as it's unmitigatable) and kite until I flop.


I have a full-geared WW Monk as well.. and this actually never happens to me.. people hit me like trucks.. my dodge is normal.. so is my parry. So I can't actually get what the f*ck went wrong in those two duel series.


Is there a bug that no one knows about or I'm just going nuts?

Edited by bloodknight2012

Monks have a crap ton of dodge, idk how rogue passives work but im pretty sure if an attack gets dodged/parried it won't always generate combo points?


Also monks have a sparring and another dodge passive so... basically wotlk ferals


Am I the bugged one then? Here's my full geared 550 ilvl monk:




Less than 20% seems not so much to me. The monks that dodged 90% of my attacks had less gear thus even less dodge and both my rogue and my DK have at least 5% Expertise. So their dodge chance has been less than 15% !!!

Am I the bugged one then? Here's my full geared 550 ilvl monk:




Less than 20% seems not so much to me. The monks that dodged 90% of my attacks had less gear thus even less dodge and both my rogue and my DK have at least 5% Expertise. So their dodge chance has been less than 15% !!!


God damn son, your stats are itteraly raped.


The player which you've been duelling might be bugged, ask him to repair his character etc.


Monks can build up Dodge by using a bug/glitch.


My monk has around 20% dodge and can build up to 65% with bugging. Only done it for test purposes.


If you think something is bugged, report it in the Bug tracker, nothing else we can do about it.



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