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[Machmollo~] Warlock affliction guide for Pandawow «5.4.8»


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Hello, This is a warlock affliction guide for begginers/who want to follow up on ur experience.

Before all, i want to talk about me.

On arena tournament, ive played With Maxuhmilli as destro/mw until 2.6 cr, about 2-3 years ago, im rusty as destro now. Played warlock affliction on pandawow with Vegari until 2.9 mmr/cr, last season ive played as LSD2 to 2.2 cr in 3s with Klbae and Russian shamans. this season didnt played yet. i pretend to play again at 4th season of arena.

Thanks, i hope you enjoy my guide, if any fault or problem/suggestion you are free to comment it and help me to get it better.


What you gonna find here.

-Best pvp races;

-Best reforges/enchants/gems;

-How to open in a 3v3 match;

-Best Talents;

-Best tips;

-Best compositions for a warlock A;

-Best builds;

-Best Professions.


Best PvP Races for Warlock.



»Human(Alliance): Its one of the bests for alliance, because of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=59752/every-man-for-himself, it give you the chance to get 2X DPS trinket, the proc one and the activation second.


»Orc(Horde): In my opinion id prefer to play as orc than a human, but at pandawow there is no horde players to play with. Its good because of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=20572/blood-fury, Giving attack power and 2 min cooldown.





[spoiler=Reforges]As reforges, you gonna need to priorize Haste better than Mastery that is better than Critical. getting like this: Hit 6% > Haste > Mastery



For metagems you gonna need: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=95348/tyrannical-primal-diamond

For all other ones, (blue, red, yellow) you have the choice to ignore slots. using: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=76699/quick-suns-radiance



[spoiler=Enchants]At enchants we gonna separate for parts:

»Shoulders: +200 intellect 100 critical strike

»Cloak: +180 intellect / tailoring eboirdery +2k intellect

»Chest: +80 All stats

»Bracer: +180 intellect

»Hands: +170 Haste

»Belt: An Addictional gem spot

»Legs: 285 intellect 175 critical strike

»Boots: Pandaren's step 140 mastery+ walk speed




How to open in a 3v3 Game.


[spoiler=How to open in a 3v3 game]

»First of all, before the match starts, call your pet first, buff up with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109773/dark-intent and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=29886/create-soulwell if a game agaisnt caster's like MLS/LSD, use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108503/grimoire-of-sacrifice If Against WMS/Turbocleave, you need to run http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108499/grimoire-of-supremacy And http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112867/summon-voidlord to tank all the dmg with the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108415/soul-link UP.




»Go for the next pillar, cast http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway to the other pillar, prefference the side pillars. if the arena is [TIGERS PEAK] Go for gate a lil bit back and cast it for Mid>Left Plataform.


»After casting ur gate, cast your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48018/demonic-circle-summon


»If The enemy player is a warrior, use blood horror only after casting a http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=5782/fear And he using his http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=18499/berserker-rage. then you can train him during the ant fear. or using anyways a http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30283/shadowfury if a triple target stun.


»Never, i said NEVER, use your Shards for instant dots at start of the game. Start it casting http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30108/unstable-affliction > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=172/corruption > http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=980/agony , Soul burn : Soul swap > then spread dots for all enemy team. after you getting all your procs casting with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=170619/malefic-grasp , use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77801/dark-soul and spam http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48181/haunt for each enemy target. during this if youre in a hurry go casting http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=65815/curse-of-exhaustion and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48020/demonic-circle-teleport, to quit melees. if your healer got CC Chained go for gate. Well, its your basic oppening.



Best Talents /Glyphs


[spoiler=Best Talents/Glyphs]

Level 15 Line: Dark Regeneration

Level 30 Line: Shadowfury - [Mortal coil only for some WLS cases]

Level 45 Line: Soul Link

Level 60 Line: Blood horror against melee cleaves / Unbound Will against Caster cleaves.

Level 75 Line: Grimmoire of supremacy for non caster's cleaves / grimmoire of sacrifice for Caster cleaves. ex Godcomp/MLS/LSD

Level 90 Line: Archimonde's Darkness


Glyphs [MAJOR]

Eternal Resolve «

Unstable Affliction «

Syphon of Life«


Glpyhs [MINOR]

Health Funnel «

+2 of your choice. But not Gateway attunement.



Best Tips


1. Never let your pet die, if you loose your Soul link buff, youre dead ;D

2. Never start a game with blood horror active against warriors, 90% of them start the game reflecting it

3. To remove the mass spell/spell reflection always use Of Fel Flame or any pet hability, if you have a druid on your team, tell him to smooth the warrior.

4. I Recommend /target arena 1 2 3 macros or /cast Command demon arena 1 2 3, you need to be fast on kicks to doesnt get a cc chain on ur team.

5. Keep the curses up against classes who can/cant dispel it. if you force their dispel, your shaman (if in your group) can hex any target and maybe force a CD.


6. Always when you can, fear on your enemy's healer or off target and spam haunts on target 1 / 2 to pressure up, then when done the fear, swap with fear on one of the 2 targets and haunt the off target that had got feared seconds ago.

7. Never use fear on a target who got Haunt debuff/Darksoul dots. you gonna waste a important DR.

8. Gate is one of the most important things in your class. Cast it before the game starts, if not possible try to cast it when really safe.






LSD; Lock affliction, Shaman elemental, Druid Restoration

LSDv2; Lock affliction, Shaman restoration, Druid Balance

MLS; Mage frost/fire, Lock affliction, Shaman restoration

HLS; Hunter MM/Survival, Lock affliction, Shaman restoration

WLS; Warrior, Lock affliciton, Shaman restoration

Shadowcleave/Shadowplay; DK/Spriest, Warlock affliction, Shaman restoration.


This ones are the best compositions for me, specially: HLS/MLS/LSD


Best professions


Tailoring with Herbalism

Tailoring with Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing with Jewel

Tailoring with Jewel




I Hope this guide had been an utilitary for u, as same it would be for me. if you had found any errors or any tips to add, contact me via ParticularMessage[PM] Or just let your commentary below of what you had think about this. Thanks, a "Thanks for this post" would help me a lot. Good day and good dreams as warlock : )

Edited by Machmollox
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Warlock, who plays on 2.2 cr on privat server, writes "guide" :rofl_mini:


So fcking true lmao +1


- - - Updated - - -


i thought u were joking when u said u were going to make a guide. but anyways. good job +1


Why do u comment ur own thread? do u think that everyone ignore that worstworld = machmollo?

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Warlock' date=' who plays on 2.2 cr on privat server, writes "guide"[/quote']


What has one to do with the other? Can you explain? I don't think it's required to play WLS/shadowcleave to write a decent guide for people which look for guidance to play a spec. If any information is wrong you could give constructive feedback instead of talking shit.


Edited by Autschbatsch
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First. Thanks for constructive comments

Second. Temny, u were nothing before your wls, you still nothing after it

Third. Ive not played only WLS, Ive played areadly HLS, LSD, and yes, WLS.

4th. Its not an advanced guide, its a beginner one, to pple stop asking me some tips and im busy at the moment that he asks.



Thanks again for constructive comment. As ive said, ure free to comment, please share with us tips cof temnywls cof

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What has one to do with the other? Can you explain? I don't think it's required to play WLS/shadowcleave to write a decent guide for people which look for guidance to play a spec. If any information is wrong you could give constructive feedback instead of talking shit.



Why this shit in 2016? When on the Internet, and as much information about it as a dress.


This is a real guide to the warlock - http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/248248-affliction-warlock-guide-547/


i'd like to see you make a better guide


oh wait u cant cuz your only tips are que WLS press soulburn soul swap spam haunt & soul swap & fear


Oh wait, plagiary Walirikz, warlock 1.8 with 200 wins in 3s :pardon:


P.S. learn to use the Internet, and not just to play pandawow :troll1:

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Oh wait, plagiary Walirikz, warlock 1.8 with 200 wins in 3s :pardon:


P.S. learn to use the Internet, and not just to play pandawow :troll1:


1. False

2. I'd be rather 1.8 queuing whatever with whoever than tryharding queuing at night as WLS with russians

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1. False

2. I'd be rather 1.8 queuing whatever with whoever than tryharding queuing at night as WLS with russians


Hahahaha, fire, prufs that we queuing the night, little false niga :rofl_mini:


If WLS op is why you have not been p1?


P.S. Dion Is Russian? :troll1:


- - - Добавлено - - -


First. Thanks for constructive comments

Second. Temny, u were nothing before your wls, you still nothing after it

Third. Ive not played only WLS, Ive played areadly HLS, LSD, and yes, WLS.

4th. Its not an advanced guide, its a beginner one, to pple stop asking me some tips and im busy at the moment that he asks.



Thanks again for constructive comment. As ive said, ure free to comment, please share with us tips cof temnywls cof


Ye ye, 2s hero


The maximum that you can do it 2.2 in 3s with overdohuya wins

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cmon teminy everyone knows how doomcryer and dionysus carried yo ass last season. u r nothing without them


dragged to 2.7




I dont play here anymore because there are few people left who plays 3s, and besides, don't have a strong Russian shaman on server for WLS :cry:

Edited by Temniy_Berlin
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