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It's not going to happen, and you know full well why. You're going to get players like that even on Fun, so it doesn't make a difference whether there's two realms or just one. Get over yourself and stop trying to stir stuff up just because players don't play as you think they should.
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Suggestion got denied multiple times. Tbh I don't know what are you trying to do?


Licher got better grammar than you, how come you got moderator? Did you give your "Appliction" to someone to translate it for you?


Or.... you lied about your age like "ratboy" did?


Or...... you said you will be Earth's mightiest hero and save it from nuclear abomination from Nuclear Bombs and also prevent World War 3 from happening?

Edited by tiggar47
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Licher got better grammar than you, how come you got moderator? Did you give your "Appliction" to someone to translate it for you?


Or.... you lied about your age like "ratboy" did?


Or...... you said you will be Earth's mightiest hero and save it from nuclear abomination from Nuclear Bombs and also prevent World War 3 from happening?


someone report him for off-topic and being jealous


on-topic, no. They will eventually get gear and end up carrying you

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someone report him for off-topic and being jealous


on-topic, no. They will eventually get gear and end up carrying you


Go, go, go, I have faith, report me. Why would I be jelous? Being a chat mod in living cancer? No thank you, not today.


And also, It consumes :D

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Okay, Tiggar, that tears it. Get off your high horse and stop declaring you're getting someone reported and getting them banned. We've all seen how petulant you are when someone says something you deem offensive enough to get banned for. The admins determine what's bannable, not you. Take your self-righteous, arrogant attitude elsewhere and do not darken our doorsteps again.
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Okay, Tiggar, that tears it. Get off your high horse and stop declaring you're getting someone reported and getting them banned. We've all seen how petulant you are when someone says something you deem offensive enough to get banned for. The admins determine what's bannable, not you. Take your self-righteous, arrogant attitude elsewhere and do not darken our doorsteps again.


I'm going to report because I can, and he will be banned because hes too "innocent" to be ignored.


Have a good day, I'm not doing anything bad, I'm just cleansing his spirit from cancer, but living cancer can't be cured so I'm just increasing his life span.


Farewell Hue hue hue hue :D

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You're the biggest cancer cell this freaking server has, Tiggar. You waste every GM's time with shameless reports over nothing because you have to be a bag of hot air. And you say you did nothing bad? False reports are flat out evil, Tiggar. No wonder why you trigger me with your sanctimonious, self-serving, self-seeking, petty excuses to get someone banned. And Noneed WILL be banned? Counting your chickens before they hatch, Tiggar. Don't declare something WILL happen before it happens, because it makes you look even worse when it doesn't happen.
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You're the biggest cancer cell this freaking server has, Tiggar. You waste every GM's time with shameless reports over nothing because you have to be a bag of hot air. And you say you did nothing bad? False reports are flat out evil, Tiggar. No wonder why you trigger me with your sanctimonious, self-serving, self-seeking, petty excuses to get someone banned. And Noneed WILL be banned? Counting your chickens before they hatch, Tiggar. Don't declare something WILL happen before it happens, because it makes you look even worse when it doesn't happen.


It consumes ahahahahahhahaah :D




Do you plan on getting yourself roasted again and again or simply shut up, huh :D

Edited by tiggar47
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Never will I shut up no matter how much you roast me, you Neanderthal. And if you don't know what that means, you're even more hopeless than I thought. Oh, and by the way, I give it not too long before he's back at it again, Tiggar. Savor it now, because you know it'll be short lived. Edited by fenris
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