Wuvius Posted November 23, 2017 Posted November 23, 2017 (edited) 1. Raid ID'S & Lockouts. 2. Raid ID'S do not have a specific ID meaning you can hop from group > group > group as long as both ID'S have the same bosses alive or the ID of the new leader has a boss killed that you do not you can still enter. http://bildites.lv/images/hctapqvf/90761/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/5wcxxsd8/90764/thumbnail.png - You can swap from 10 Heroic > 25 Heroic (Vice Versa ) whenever you wish to which should not be possible from blue posts & knowledgeable texts. (Normal mode is not effected by this ) http://bildites.lv/images/9unjege3/90760/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/hctapqvf/90761/thumbnail.png - If you join a group and you kill (E.G. 3 bosses and the rest of the team does every other boss in that lockout without you, you still have all the bosses alive.) http://bildites.lv/images/xkrzd8vg/90762/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/5wcxxsd8/90764/thumbnail.png - When you enter a raid and the leader has an ID a box does not come up for you to actually select his raid lockout instead you automatically get it upon entering the instance. P.S Will provide proof of this one later when I get a video. - If your group kills a heroic boss and then kills a boss on normal mode you're able to switch the difficulty of the raid back to heroic (and kill the end boss on heroic AKA ALL BOSSES HAVE TO BE KILLED ON HEROIC IN ORDER TO KILL THE END BOSS ON HEROIC) which should not be possible ( will explain below ) http://bildites.lv/images/rdezjm5t/90763/thumbnail.png There have been 0 patchnotes, notifying a change of this so nothing has changed since 5.4.2 - When the raids reset there is not an option to "extend that raid lockout" the bosses in red will be dead and the bosses in green will be alive for that whole week. Should look like this: http://bildites.lv/images/msd4ttjw/90884/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/e8er2ng5/90885/thumbnail.png 3. How it should work: "Raid ID'S do not have a specific ID meaning you can hop from group > group > group as long as both ID'S have the same bosses alive or the ID of the new leader has a boss killed that you do not you can still enter." you cannot join anyone else's run even if they have killed more bosses then you. You will just be ported to the nearest checkpoint closest to the boss in your ID and will be able to see nobody. "You can swap from 10 Heroic > 25 Heroic (Vice Versa ) whenever you wish to which should not be possible from blue posts & knowledgeable texts. (Normal mode is not effected by this ) " If you re group and change the difficulty from 25 Heroic > 10 Heroic when you enter the raid it will convert itself back to 25 heroic as you are locked to a 25 heroic lockout and not 10 heroic. " If you join a group and you kill (E.G. 3 bosses and the rest of the team does every other boss in that lockout without you, you still have all the bosses alive.)" When you enter the raid with that specific raid lockout / ID ( if your team whilst you was absent clears 13/14 bosses without you ) when you enter you will also receive a a lockout for 13/14 bosses ( you get the option to take the ID to either clear the last boss with them or to not take the ID and wait till next reset. "When you enter a raid and the leader has an ID a box does not come up for you to actually select his raid lockout instead you automatically get it upon entering the instance." When you enter the raid and the leader has an ID and is INSIDE THE INSTANCE you will get a box that appears in the middle of your screen which gives you the option to "leave the raid with no ID " or to "accept his lockout" and you will have however remaining bosses left to kill. There is a timer of ( 60 seconds ) if you do not click any option the game automatically chooses you to take the lockout / ID. Looks like this: http://bildites.lv/images/gkeuahe2/90765/thumbnail.png "If your group kills a heroic boss and then kills a boss on normal mode you're able to switch the difficulty of the raid back to heroic (and kill the end boss on heroic AKA ALL BOSSES HAVE TO BE KILLED ON HEROIC IN ORDER TO KILL THE END BOSS ON HEROIC) which should not be possible ( will explain below )" In order to attempt end tier bosses, every other boss prior to the last one MUST BE KILLED ON HEROIC meaning you cannot switch to normal mode for some bosses and then go back to heroic. If a boss is killed on normal mode the end tier boss can only be killed on normal mode. Additionally, the first time any boss is killed on heroic, a unique Instance ID is generated, and every player present is locked to that ID. "When the raids reset there is not an option to "extend that raid lockout" the bosses in red will be dead and the bosses in green will be alive for that whole week. " For progression purposes only, if you progressed 13 bosses ( killed the 13th ) and had the 14th boss alive but the raids reset, you should be able to extend your raid lockout to kill the 14th boss or progress it more. Meaning all the bosses in red cant be killed as they are already killed and the bosses in green can be killed as they are alive from last weeks ID / Lockout. Screenshot of it below: When you reactivate the raidlock and enter the instance that you extended you will get a window pop up asking if you want to accept this save. http://bildites.lv/images/msd4ttjw/90884/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/e8er2ng5/90885/thumbnail.png 4. 23/11/2017 5. X100 /XFUN If you find more information post below so I can add it to the report / tweak it. Edited November 27, 2017 by Wuvius
Developers Heisenberg Posted November 27, 2017 Developers Posted November 27, 2017 So progress is divided by raid size? 25N and 25H share one progress, and same for 10N and 10H. If you kill 3 bosses in 25N, you can't kill same bosses in 25H. Yes?
Wuvius Posted November 27, 2017 Author Posted November 27, 2017 25N and 25H share one progress' date=' and same for 10N and 10H.[/quote'] Yes if you kill E.G. "Sha of Pride" on 25 normal mode you CAN NOT kill him on 25 heroic on that specific ID just that you were not allowed to keep switching between normal and heroic as progress is tied to a fixed instance ID. If you kill 3 bosses in 25N' date=' you can't kill same bosses in 25H.[/quote'] Correct. So progress is divided by raid size? http://bildites.lv/images/hctapqvf/90761/thumbnail.png http://bildites.lv/images/5wcxxsd8/90764/thumbnail.png
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 (edited) deleted. Edited December 25, 2017 by behindqq
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 Ehm. That doesn't seem legit for me. According to my experience it works like this: Normal/Flex/LFR If you kill a boss with Raid group "A", you still can kill this boss with Raid group "B" but you won't be able to get any loot from that boss due to your lockout. If you haven't killed a boss within a lockout and enter a Raid group which has killed it, you will be Saved to their lockout, meaning that you won't get any loot if you kill this boss with another Raid group. This isn't counting LFR/FLEX they do not work... never will, too hard to script / long so forget about that for now. And stop repeating what I have already said. Having 13/14 SoO Normal Lockout doesn't mean you cannot progress Flex receiving loot and vice versa. Nobody said that you couldn't??? they are both 2 different ID'S / Lockouts.. 1st: If you entered Raid group "A" you CANNOT switch to Raid group "B" due to according to lockouts. ???? again repeating what I have legit already said, the dev knows this. Raid group "A" has killed 13/14 SoO bosses in Heroic whilst Raid group "B" has killed 11/14 SoO bosses in heroic. A player from the Raid group "A" cannot progress ANY boss with Raid group "B". BUT Player "A" can make another raid group "C" having lockout of the Raid group "A", If Raid group "C" kills Garrosh (the only boss "A" raid group has not killed) The lockout will affect ALL of the Raid group "A" members. Again... you do like repeating what I have already said / told the dev. rofl.. Second part means that none of the members of the Raid group "A" will be able to kill Garrosh. Whilst Group "C" which started progressing from 13/14 won't be able to kill any of the first 13 bosses due to the Lockout "A". The lockout "A" will affect all players that has that particular lockout. ... I have already said, raid ID'S will have a specific ID if group A quits for the night on 13/14 and 1 player from group A forms a group with 9 other players and kills the 14th boss. ( Let's call this group B ). Group A cant kill the 14th boss because oh it's dead because 1 player with that SPECIFIC ID killed the boss using THAT SPECIFIC ID...... therefor everybody with that SPECIFIC ID.......... will have a 14/14 save now when they enter the raid and will have to wait until the next restart. 2nd: 10p and 25p HEROIC difficulties are separated and cannot be converted on to another. example: Raid group "A" progresses 13/14 bosses in 10 HEROIC, they CANNOT convert it into 25 men version due to lockout. Ive already said this. There are 30 men having lockout "A" which is sized to 25men. Only 25 of them can Enter Siege of Orgrimmar. That already works, it's RAID ID'S that we're focusing on. So basically what you've just done is copied what I have said in different words? You disagree with me yet you think normal and heroic have a different ID ( 2 diff lockouts) get out of here... lol Normal/Flex/LFR If you kill a boss with Raid group "A", you still can kill this boss with Raid group "B" but you won't be able to get any loot from that boss due to your lockout. If you haven't killed a boss within a lockout and enter a Raid group which has killed it, you will be Saved to their lockout, meaning that you won't get any loot if you kill this boss with another Raid group. Lol, if it was WOD then your correct but this is MOP my friend. ever play it? -_- I think you've confused your "experience" with different expansions just like that polymorph report.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 (edited) So progress is divided by raid size? 25N and 25H share one progress, and same for 10N and 10H. If you kill 3 bosses in 25N, you can't kill same bosses in 25H. Yes? Почти. ОП слишком все запутал. я попробую проще Если в обычке пронести с нуля 10 боссов, то ты можешь убить их еще раз в другой группе, но лута не получишь, НО рейдлидером ты быть не можешь, иначе новые игроки получат твой КД. У героика есть свои особенности: Героик имеет свой специфический кд. Убив любого босса с одной группой, присоедениться к другой ты уже не сможешь. Например если рейд "а" убил 13\14, никто из состава этого рейда не может присоедениться к другому рейду. И в определенный момент времени в рейде не может находиться больше 10\25 людей с одним кд. То есть, если рейд "а" состоит из 24 людей в 25героике, если кто-то с их кд зайдет создав другую группу, то к рейду "а" никто больше присоедениться не сможет. Проще говоря кд могут иметь сколько угодно человек, но в рейд зайти смогут только 10\25. Оффлайн игроки не считаются. Если оффлайн игрок зайдет в игру состоя в рейде, в котором уже находится 25 человек - его выкинет к его таверне, к которой он привязан. Так же Гер кд шарится даже если ты боссов не убиваешь с основной группой. Если ты убил 1го босса с рейдом "А" и ливнул, а они продолжили без тебя то в следующий раз зайдя в рейд ты получишь их кд снова. Даже если не состоишь с ними в группе. - - - Добавлено - - - Lol' date=' if it was WOD then your correct but this is MOP my friend. ever play it? -_- I think you've confused your "experience" with different expansions just like that polymorph report.[/quote'] I have experienced MoP and i wasn't repeating you, i just tried to explain it more like step by step. Your OP post is a mess. That's not readable. I deleted it cuz considered it to be not as readable as i expected it too. And seems like you haven't got my message there. There were at least two features you haven't told about. Edited December 25, 2017 by behindqq
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 I have experienced MoP and i wasn't repeating you' date=' i just tried to explain it more like step by step. Your OP post is a mess. That's not readable.[/quote'] ???????? what ???????? if you cant read that then wtf every new point is literally in BOLD... ?? do you have autism?? just because you cant read it, doesn't mean others cant we're not all autistic jesus. P.S You must have been able to read it to repeat what I said. You said you have experience in MOP, then why do you think that HC and NM do not share an ID? because they clearly do, it was changed only in WOD onwards lol dont confuse the dev.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 (edited) .S You must have been able to read it to repeat what I said. FFS, I repeat myself, I just tried to explain it Step by step. I tried to read your post but it was a mess and had no consequence in it. Which i tried to add. You said you have experience in MOP' date=' then why do you think that HC and NM do not share an ID?[/quote'] That's the only thing i'm not sure about. May be they weren't sharing ID may be they were. I'm not claiming the truth, AS I wrote there "ACCORDING TO MY EXPERIENCE". I might be wrong. I'm a human after all. Up there in Russian I added features you haven't mentioned. Edited December 25, 2017 by behindqq
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 I tried to read your post but it was a mess and had no consequence in it. Which i tried to add. Okay then what part is a mess and what can you not read, i'll give you primary school lessons on how to read basic text and identify what BOLD means, and the significance of it. That's the only thing i'm not sure about. May be they weren't sharing ID may be they were. I'm not claiming the truth' date=' AS I wrote there "ACCORDING TO MY EXPERIENCE". I might be wrong. I'm a human after all.[/quote'] It's fine we all make mistakes. - - - Updated - - - Up there in Russian I added features you haven't mentioned. And what features are they? tell me.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 (edited) wait, I just asked my buddy and he approved my point that Heroic wasn't affecting normal lockout and vice versa. *7:57* updated translated version - - - Добавлено - - - And what features are they? tell me. Heroic lockout sharing to all players that have that particular lockout. heroic Raid size lockout (that makes impossible run two groups having one lockout) second group cannot enter the raid whilst original group is in there having full size. Edited December 25, 2017 by behindqq
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 Heroic lockout sharing to all players that have that particular lockout. But if you read my report you'd know that it is in there. heroic Raid size lockout (that makes impossible run two groups having one lockout) second group cannot enter the raid whilst original group is in there having full size. But you know if they fix each lockout having a specific ID then this should get fixed along with it, you probably didn't read my report because it's "too messy" Also now that you've brought it up you can get blue post proof or video proof of normal mode having a different lockout and heroic having a different one. It had no effect on flex as there wasn't an ID being given it was boss specific. But Normal and Heroic lol.. they shared an ID but I beg you to prove me wrong you're obviously so keen on being right because some random person said yeah they do not share a lockout.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 But if you read my report you'd know that it is in there. idk whether you got the meaning or not. each lockout having a specific ID That's not about it. It is reated only to heroic. On norma/flex you could run two groups with the same lockout cuz the lockout was saved to a player not to the instance. Also now that you've brought it up you can get blue post proof or video proof of normal mode having a different lockout and heroic having a different one. It had no effect on flex as there wasn't an ID being given it was boss specific. But Normal and Heroic lol.. they shared an ID but I beg you to prove me wrong I doubt I might do that. That's why I'm not claiming the truth. you're obviously so keen on being right because some random person said yeah they do not share a lockout. I got no such obsession, It's just weird for me having some memories and seeing a man claiming they are wrong.
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 That's not about it. It is reated only to heroic. On norma/flex you could run two groups with the same lockout cuz the lockout was saved to a player not to the instance. Okay so let's get this straight you're telling me you can kill 14 bosses on NORMAL and then kill 14 bosses on HEROIC? idk whether you got the meaning or not. idk if u read my report.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 (edited) Okay so let's get this straight you're telling me you can kill 14 bosses on NORMAL and then kill 14 bosses on HEROIC? Essentially - Yes. idk if u read my report. Not entirely. I'll try it for you once again. Okay, I've read it. There was the 1st feature i mentioned, I agree I missed it. But still there's no the second which I have described in the message above in Russian. Edited December 25, 2017 by behindqq
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 Not entirely. I'll try it for you once again. Okay, I've read it. There was the 1st feature i mentioned, I agree I missed it. But still there's no the second which I have described in the message above in Russian. yeah my bad ty Essentially - Yes. But that's not possible, it was possible in PRE PATCH 6.0.2 because of the mythic difficulty system mythic became the new heroic essentially, the only ones you could farm over and over was LFR and Flex but only receive loot once per week on each boss. Normal and Heroic shared the same lockout however if you did 1 boss on normal you werent able to do the last boss on HC as there are triggers, you needed all bosses leading to the final boss killed on heroic in order to defeat the last boss on heroic.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 But that's not possible' date=' it was possible in PRE PATCH 6.0.2 because of the mythic difficulty system mythic became the new heroic essentially, the only ones you could farm over and over was LFR and Flex but only receive loot once per week on each boss. Normal and Heroic shared the same lockout however if you did 1 boss on normal you werent able to do the last boss on HC as there are triggers, you needed all bosses leading to the final boss killed on heroic in order to defeat the last boss on heroic.[/quote'] well, now that seems legit. But still something tells me my buddy wasn't wrong. Yet i'm not claiming it for sure, i just got feeling about it. Don't get the wrong idea, okay?
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 well, now that seems legit. But still something tells me my buddy wasn't wrong. Yet i'm not claiming it for sure, i just got feeling about it. Don't get the wrong idea, okay? Well yeah xD I have some blue posts was just waiting for you to get them and maybe get a video ( twitch one )
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 Well yeah xD I have some blue posts was just waiting for you to get them and maybe get a video ( twitch one ) If you're talking about Blue posts in the OP post then half of them are describing WoD lockout system and your screnshots : One of them From Legion and the second from WotLK. What about the video? I'm not sure I got your point entirely out of this message.
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 If you're talking about Blue posts in the OP post then half of them are describing WoD lockout system and your screnshots : One of them From Legion and the second from WotLK. There are verified posts in Wowhead,Battle.net forums, Wow-reddit etc etc a lot The video is to show proof of you being able to kill bosses on normal mode and heroic, you claimed this so you find proof.
behindqq Posted December 25, 2017 Posted December 25, 2017 The video is to show proof of you being able to kill bosses on normal mode and heroic' date=' you claimed this so you find proof.[/quote'] Ah then as i mentioned before I doubt I might find one cuz I never recorded any raids and don't know anybody who has been keeping their raid records for that long.
Wuvius Posted December 25, 2017 Author Posted December 25, 2017 Ah then as i mentioned before I doubt I might find one cuz I never recorded any raids and don't know anybody who has been keeping their raid records for that long. Sooo as papa zeox says, all words no proofs no fixerino :(
Wuvius Posted July 13, 2018 Author Posted July 13, 2018 :popcorn: at least fix the part where you can switch from heroic > normal whenever you want. And 25>10 etc
Developers Heisenberg Posted August 27, 2018 Developers Posted August 27, 2018 (edited) We have different lockouts: 1) instance-based 2) boss-based 3) loot-based About lockouts: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Raid_lockout#Flexible_Boss-based_Lockout (don't look at "used for", it was taken from WoD) 1) Vanila and BK raids use instance-based lockout 2) Ruby Sanctum, ICC, all Cataclysm raids and even Throne of Thunder (MoP 5.2 raid) use boss-based lockout. (according to this https://ru.wowhead.com/news=169667/4-0-1-new-flexible-raid-lockout-system) 3) Other HEROIC MoP raids use instance-based lockout, right? 4) Other NORMAL MoP raids use boss-based lockout, right? 5) Raid on "Raid Finder" difficulty use loot-based lockout, right? Edited August 27, 2018 by Heisenberg
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