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Posted (edited)

End Season before January.


Make an off-season so people actually Q up solo Q 3s. - Noone likes the concept of solo Q almost always facing premade. But if you seperate it again it's obviously not gonna make 3s any more active.

Edited by Autschbatsch
Posted (edited)

Restrict rated 3v3 on a 8-12h window. As a result you'll get:


More density and diversity in 3v3


No people being able to dodge or set up weird wintrades in the midst of the night


Outside of that 12h window you could introduce solo Q 3s


Edited main post.

Edited by Autschbatsch
^ that's a great idea, basically this: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Trial_of_the_Gladiator


Could go a step further and have GMs oversee the rated period aswell.


I never heard of it but it seems similar. Was just something that I am casually thinking about cause I don't like how solo Q and rated cooperates right now. Not crying but it's a displeasing system atm.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



This guy is now rank 2 on the ladder.


And this is why we need a time restricted Q window. This guy just spamed into solo Q between 3am and 9am. This is so bad if you ask me.


+No people being able to dodge or set up weird wintrades in the midst of the night
Edited by Autschbatsch
  • Like 1
I would like an account-wide friends list. Not sure if anybody mentioned it before but it's what I would like ;p


Yea Noneed made a thread about this in the past (real-ID tho). It would be a great feature but it's taking up too many ressources it was being said back then. I always tell people they should add me on Discord when they want to play but hey, some don't like it I guess.

  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly i think its a really bad idea because everyone was crying and screaming cause of no queues in 3v3 and when zeox finally merge solo 3v3 with real 3v3 then everyone was Queuing there was queue pop almost everytime its also aloooot better like that.

and next one ur restricted 3v3 to an evening window is a bad idea too because it wont stop any wintrade or anything else anyway and it will only reduce the 3v3 proc because on Pandawow everyone is not at the same place some live in spain some other in russia and its not the same time for everyone.

about ur ''dodge'' let me tell you, we are in a private server there is not many player as retail so the most of people who queue 3v3 will dodge the comp that counter them and other snipe them with counter thats all ^^

ur idea was still not bad at all but for many people in this server it still sucks sorry for that but thats real ^^

Honestly i think its a really bad idea because everyone was crying and screaming cause of no queues in 3v3 and when zeox finally merge solo 3v3 with real 3v3 then everyone was Queuing there was queue pop almost everytime its also aloooot better like that.


I strongly disagree. I played before the merge, it was really active. There were 3 active games at the same time. Solo Q isn't played by anyone intending to cap, it's more like desperation for 3s at this point.


restricted 3v3 to an evening window is a bad idea too because it wont stop any wintrade or anything else anyway

Why not?


and it will only reduce the 3v3 proc because on Pandawow everyone is not at the same place some live in spain some other in russia and its not the same time for everyone.


Well, the very most are from EU timezones. Some US, some RU. I'll give you an accurate representation of my window.


about ur ''dodge'' let me tell you, we are in a private server there is not many player as retail so the most of people who queue 3v3 will dodge the comp that counter them and other snipe them with counter thats all ^^

ur idea was still not bad at all but for many people in this server it still sucks sorry for that but thats real ^^


I agree that some people do snipe and dodge, however creating a window will create the scenario LIKE ON RETAIL that there are MULTIPLE teams playing. That way you can't snipe or dodge as easily. For example a Enh sham that only snipes Mage teams *cough, would be forced to play if there is another high rated team queuing for example. They can't do it later on cause it won't be possible to queue at 3am anymore.


Most people that don't like my idea that took the time to think about it know that it is for the better than worse to try this.

I'll give you an accurate representation of my window.


We start at 9pm GMT+7 (Eeastern Russia) ->which means it would be 3pm in central europe and 9am in eastcoast US. If we would create a 12h window that would mean it ends at 9am GMT+7, 3am central europe and 9pm east coast US.


This would narrow the window by half and still allow a lot of people to play easily whilst allowing more people to EXPECT queues no matter where you are from.


Just tried to play solo Q. Queued into LSD2 premade 3x in a row and almost felt like insulting whoever thought that was a decent idea to make this become the reality we live in.


Thank you so much for ruining a feature that was developed. What a waste.

You are 26 years of age and crying about unrated arena on a private server. May Jesus Christ be with you!


Wdym unrated, it is rated. Look at other servers. They got huge solo Q ladders.


I want to play 3s, when I want to. Rated 3s is just not how it should be. Mostly when I tried to play there are no people playing (like 7pm-10pm CeT). Solo Q at least would allow me to play the game without having to deal with all the cancer kids provide by having no life and queuing at 2-4am.


Jesus Christ is with me. I feel really good. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

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