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Hello. 1st of all, i have to say i'm not dissapointed about this bug, but still. in http://www.wowhead.com/trial-of-the-crusader , i tried to farm http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=696/wrynns-battlegear . 5/5 set is easy to buy, but belt and boots drop from this raid. after 9 tries, finally http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=47952/sabatons-of-the-lingering-vortex dropped. but loot bugged and said "Already looted". Matching boots ( same model ) can be ontainable from quests in pandaria. i did that quest, but when i choosed http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=90373/landfall-plate-boots&bonus=3698 as reward, it gave http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=90371/landfall-burnished-greaves&bonus=3698 instead. P.S that items , i mean 2 belts with same skin and 5 plate boots with one model are not even in webstore to buy. If you cant fix raid loot problems , atleast make questline non-buggy. I know this server has tons of bugs but giving another item for reward after pressing a correct one , idk what to say about it. You tell me :) ty
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