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Spectral Guise insta drink


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Follow up to this report : https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=215420


Seems like it got broken again. Today in arena priest was instantly able to go for a drink after SG without waiting for 6 sec.


1. https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=112833


2. Every 30 sec drops you out of combat instantly like https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=58984 and allows you to drink.


Pet on priest> Spectral Guise>insta combat removal + Drink


3. It was on retail that it was getting you out of combat. Which is OK to keep on here since we do it blizzlike. However there were a few hotfixes made from making it unbalanced:

a. You get out of combat 0.5 sec after you used it and not instantly.

b. Once your image is killed you getting right back in to combat.

c. You should only be able to properly drink without getting right up after 6 sec after you used the spell without getting hit by anyone

and your clone is safe and sound.


Demonstration of how it actually should work based on all the retail source materials:




4. Fun/Cross

5. Resource material:



https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10311851633?page=2 should also prevent your shadowmeld from being able to let you drink during them 6 sec



6. 9/10 extremely overpowered for mage/priest comps

This spell is very controversial. I understand people's nostalgia over broken skills but there is a limit to it. We can't just let the best bugged part of it to be out there live without a balancing hotfix that has been implemented later on.

Edited by zeakey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Zeox - "We do not implement retail bugs"


Should just remain in combat. As it says on tooltip. No need to complicate things. There is a reason why shadowmeld is a 2 min CD and not 30 sec like this one is. This was clearly not intended.

Edited by salvare
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Developers
3. It was on retail that it was getting you out of combat. Which is OK to keep on here since we do it blizzlike. However there were a few hotfixes made from making it unbalanced:

a. You get out of combat 0.5 sec after you used it and not instantly.

b. Once your image is killed you getting right back in to combat.

c. You should only be able to properly drink without getting right up after 6 sec after you used the spell without getting hit by anyone

Fixed, will be applied after update.

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