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[Death Knight] Necrotic Strike (10/10)


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this is something you have to fix asap . its impossible for healers to heal a dk that spams 100k necrotics / sec

Edited by Dryanus
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Согласен, есть такой небольшой баг, я бы не сказал что он прям так очень тащит, так как дамага от самого некротика нету почти.


i hope you feel better now

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right , and then it makes necro 50k/global gj sir ... playing dk and you dont want it fixed cuz now its op ... very nice from you selfish fuck

necro isnt bugget -__-

i dont even playing dk.

receive 60% less healing.
it is not a "reducing a 60% healing absorbs"

and also you dont have any proofs..

dk in bg gear have about 35k AP. necro absorbs heal 100% of AP =35k

where 100k from one stack?

its costs 1 death rune. and its not so easy to spam necro.

but in frost spec http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=54637 is bugget. 1 rune=2 necros. in russian bugtrecker it is written click

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Using runes for dat little dmg with just some absorption, yeah great... Imo it's almost useless, using it only for the haste debuff.



dude this was a joke..... and yes it is bugd. Don't say it isnt.

If I see a dk in arena or bg all they do is spamming necro on healers so they can't heal shit.


double dk arena team..... ye sure try it .... If they know about that bug. Have fun

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and do you really think a random guy will be rigth who does not even know what battle fatigue is ?

Battle fatige reduces healing AND absorbtion effects ... why can not you guys understand this ?


Absorbtion effects are basically indirect heals. Necrotic Strike is nothing like that. Necrotic Strike debuff being reduced by Battle Fatigue sounds as dumb as Mortal Strike effect being reduced by it as well. Unless you show some retail proofs it stays.

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