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How do you beat a warrior

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if you are destro you best bet is to one shot him (silence after the chaos bolt to avoid reflecting your shadowburn)

if you fail and he uses def cds you should kite/doge/run/try to survive for ~15sec and then finish him off


you cannot survive 15 seconds with deep wounds ticking 50k per second, and him mongoloiding on you with 5.0.5 slam coeff.


He has 2 reflects, with Shield wall, rallying cry, reflect, mass reflect, die by the sword, defensive stance



You cannot "oneshot" a warrior.

Posted (edited)

counter his def cds with your own - 8sec imune and then 8sec taking 40% dmg is not that bad, also try to kite/disarm him

woud've been easier if http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=132413 worked



warriors usually go out of def stance for brief periods of time when they need rage

it is that moment when you have to lock him down and land a 300k chaos bolt + 200/400k shadowburn

Edited by dotadoom

And also make this macro




/cast Fel flame


Maybe you're casting Chaos bolt and he uses reflect and you don't want to eat your own chaos bolt xD


I play affliction,



also warriors have 600k health, so a 300k chaos bolt will not be enough to kill him


You are at half Hp in a charge stun, followed by getting hit through dark bargain, let alone being able to cast



Please duel a warrior that is above 1700 and lets see you beat him.

Warlocks are jailbait for Warriors.You just really cant win vs a full geared, or decently geared warrior.Your best bet is to outplay really hard.And even then, the sheer dmg is just way too high.Idk.I as a frost mage, have 0 problems with warriors, due to my mobility, freezes, stuns, slows.
as a Demo lock i can beat warriors pretty easy cuz most of my spells are instant all you gotta look for is that u dont reflect high dmg spells. and just use bargain to free cast when ur bursting
Posted (edited)

Well as Affliction Warlock myself I find it hard to beat them but ..Kite , use of Demonic Gateways + portals helps me + I do slow effect on them+ that slow cursse I do have glyphed - 70% movement speed reduce , and then those tons of fears ccs , they help .



And it really depends on luck tbh , how your trinkets proc etc. I had once 1v1 fight in arena against a dk , I lost to him because of reflected fear because he had that Meta ( I guess?!My partner said so , because there wasnt a single buff on him which would reflect it) which has 1% REFLECT CHANCE And it reflected. I died while my dots did almost bring him down but he bursted me down and had Literally 5467 hp in the end of the arena.

Edited by Arevon
How do you beat a warrior with warlock? Just write .kill and see whether if worked. If not, then just wait until you die, or hope that he will commit sudoku. These are the best options for you. Sadly, you can't really win against a warrior in a 1v1 situation :-?
Destro locks are free kills for warrior if war has at least 1% brain usage. ( cancelaura bladestorm, same for pummel and spell reflect when lock puts blood horror buff, etc... )

god these ppl trying to give tips as if you can beat one in the current state of pandawow



you people really need to /facepalm irl


LOL im literally killing warrs even at full pride in 1v2s

when u bring them low try to stunlock them and dps to death

nothing else


DO NOT reflect fel flame since this can be worse for u (i survive at 12k some times)

instead reflect curse of elements

What class are you, Frostsholz ?




ofc warrs are the dumbest class

well in wod second wind is useless as fk so ya but all cc is nerfed


hunters dont deserve anything we have:2dark souls(burst)

1wall and aura mastery


dark bargain


for me pretty much everything is worse against me

only guy to beat me even at full cds is Hammerwar

Posted (edited)
With slam broken, and using honor buddy pummel



Tips please


So much speculations here but okay that's your opinion.


Anyways as far as i played i encountered very few locks that did beat me in fair duels.

You gotta build up ember at start really fast and do not use Chaos Bolt if warrior is sitting fear because he is probably waiting for the end of the CB cast to reflect it into 1shot. Try to force his berserker and trinket to get him into a full fear later for a free cb cast (let's say that bolt got him somewhere into execute range) and you gotta be careful with shadowburn too because he'll often use reflect on low hp in hope to reflect it back to you. That's all from me you just gotta deal with the rotation thingy by yourself.


With regards, Twigger.


Use portal on bladestorm please tyvm and use the talent for no pet coz warriors will take advantage for that and use sweeping strikes or targeting your pet wich will die anyways.


:warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior:

Edited by Twigger
  • Like 1
So much speculations here but okay that's your opinion.


Anyways as far as i played i encountered very few locks that did beat me in fair duels.

You gotta build up ember at start really fast and do not use Chaos Bolt if warrior is sitting fear because he is probably waiting for the end of the CB cast to reflect it into 1shot. Try to force his berserker and trinket to get him into a full fear later for a free cb cast (let's say that bolt got him somewhere into execute range) and you gotta be careful with shadowburn too because he'll often use reflect on low hp in hope to reflect it back to you. That's all from me you just gotta deal with the rotation thingy by yourself.


With regards, Twigger.


Use portal on bladestorm please tyvm and use the talent for no pet coz warriors will take advantage for that and use sweeping strikes or targeting your pet wich will die anyways.


:warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior: :warlock: :warrior:


Great tip. Gave a thanks , tho I dont play destro and I wont ever ;d it was nice tip.

  • Like 1
i play affliction.


destro is not viable. so im not going to change spec.

ya maybe on 3v3 and 5v5... but in 2v2 and solo in Bgs it sucks... in fact it's the squishiest spec among all the three.

Then add the boring factor and you have an awful spec, at least for me, to choose.

  • 2 weeks later...
i play affliction.


destro is not viable. so im not going to change spec.


It is probably viable in 3s with a highly burst team composition like :warrior: :warlock: :shaman: warriors gets the target below 20% with bursting while some cb's are flying and burn tyvm cya. :D

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