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Everything posted by durham

  1. storm bolt is NOT instant stun spell. the talent have a travel time after the cast. the further is the target the longer the stun apply. look on min 6.45 when baj. swap to the rogue and cc the healer how the spell have travel time and delay. http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=240273
  2. i think is base 72% for this patch btw. and also resil. work in different way. resil damage reduction formula is: enemy damage x his talents x his pvp power and after your / resil / damage reduction spells or talents. also remember that bleeds (Deep Wounds too) are busted by ap ratio +198% attack power, are physical damage (busted furthermore with some debuffs on you) if you want to know more read here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6490579264 also wowhead have some comments: "The damage of this ability was buffed by 65% in Patch 5.4, and it really really hurts now. o_x" source: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115767#comments
  3. because you need 30 rage to use that spell, and because you don't know how to play or you stay in def.stance for ever and dont build rage. the spell work fine for me
  4. i do more damage with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=86346 (175% weapon damage) than with my ms (215% weapon damage) pls stop posting crap if you don't have a clue. go back to your http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=53751 report and learn to play warrior and maybe after you can post back here.
  5. Spell name : Mortal Strike Date tested : 16-03-2014 How it works : mortal strike damage not updated to patch 5.4 (still old 175% weapon damage) http://i.imgur.com/WRPaoIR.jpg How it should work : Mortal Strike now deals 215% of weapon damage (up from 175%). Source: patch notes 5.4 retail http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10788364/ cs(175% weapon damage) hits harder than ms (215%weapon damage) cs - http://i.imgur.com/rkgWd2T.jpg ms - http://i.imgur.com/Zd622fK.jpg Priority : 10/10 Realm : 5.4.2 x10
  6. deep wonds work ok. read pls last patch notes and see how Deep Wounds damage has been increased by 65%. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10788364/
  7. after 10 days testing some macros and rotation on dummy again :): level 90 target: http://i.imgur.com/2aMHma7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ro6IbwB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tk9FszW.jpg level85 target: http://i.imgur.com/UhjysaN.jpg i like what you do with the server and how things are going on here but pls. guys show some love to warrior class to. (and not just warriors - because expertise bug have a huge effect on all melee classes)
  8. please post a bug report on how Battle Fatigue don't have effect on healing from absorb or proc. like: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42408/glyph-of-power-word-shield http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42397/glyph-of-purify http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42411/glyph-of-renew shaman absorb / priest absorb is insane in bg/arena Battle Fatigue don't have effect thanks.
  9. no need, here is your clip for multi reflect spells ( ) with the same reflect at 1.56 i reflect 2 spells (1 wrath from druid 1 from treant) the mechanic behind is that when he's casted all that flying spells are reflected back. so theoreticly, if 100 casters at the second 1 cast the same spell (with a 2 sec cast) at second 3 (when i cast reflect and they end cast on me) the spell fly is 1 sec > at the end i reflect all spells casted excuse my poor english is not my native language.
  10. durham

    BloodBath! 10/10

    this is another huge bug for warrior. bloodbath is only good in conjunction with bladestorm (the spec is focused on insane damage and burst aoe) very insane for bgs or dps aoe pve. i hope soon warrior class will get some love.
  11. than if u know that make a damn proper bug report, like this: link: wowhead how must work: how is working atm: what realm: date tested: how bad is the bug 1/10 scale (1 lower and 10 huge impact) as i tould you the glyph is working (the only bug is that the debuf is not on bufs but on debuf caracter spells. no big deal , not so much impact / game breaking bug. priority low, so ? there are other bugs with huge impact other than this minior stuff. thanks
  12. is working and give that 10% healing bonus right. invalid bug report
  13. i dont like this threat. (im not rusian btw). i don't like to categorize people by ethnic or gender from my point of view i play with some rusian guys who are rly. rly. good.
  14. in fact http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735 DON'T reduce on retail warrior http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=29838 healing.
  15. as a warrior you have a crap heal every second with +400k hp because of this damn bug. on retail you cant die vs low geared players (i was able to tank 2-3 easy) her you die. i hope they fix this self heal.
  16. Link http://www.wowwiki.com/Expertise Bug Type expertise not working 100%right Description i have above the cap for pvp (+5% expertise) and still i see very often that my target dodge or parry (and i don't talk here about tanks or rogue/ferals) even casters/healers dodge and parry like bosses. What is the problem it happens very very often and my target dodge or parry i lose rage from white hits or lose burst damage it's very annoying to get dodge/parry even with 5% expertise in pvp. Additional Information after 1 random bg i come to test on level 90 dummy and saw this white swings - 12 dodge in 1 min http://i.imgur.com/0UX1hWd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CP6ZfiV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/t5bVcCW.jpg special attacks http://i.imgur.com/0KjpCzC.jpg Please take time to fix this bug. excuse my english is not my native language.
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