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Everything posted by sotoh

  1. In patch 5.2 Burst of Speed make you immune to movement - slowing effects, break those effect but it do not break Root effects.
  2. I bring bad news to all Discipline's Community, the part of how it currently works it's how it must works, because Battle Fatigue affect Absorb effect since patch 5.4 that it mean, absorb effect comes from healing spells that it affected twice, namely, Healing (60% less) become in shield (60% less). Example: while Spirit Shell 100k heal normal ----> 40k heal(with BF) 40k shield ----> 16k Shield (with BF) + Mastery The only good news is.... >It benefit from mastery (and i say full mastery for both effects, healing and shields) >it may be affected by Grace, Holy Spark and Archangel >It may be critic (healing)
  3. Researching for a few hours, i read and found in some Forums about how haste increase ticks in Dots, but sadly this isn't work for DK, for being a melee class. From http://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/2960-does-haste-also-increase-dots-ticks/ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8568958631 Haste affect some melee class Death knight diseases = not affected Feral druid bleeds = not affected Hunter serpent sting (poison) and some other moves = not affected Enhance shaman flame shock = affected (counts as magic) Ret paladin censure = affected (debuff counts as magic) Rogue poisons and bleeds = not affected Warrior bleeds = not affected Windwalker monks blackout kick DOT = not affected
  4. No i added multiplier is 1.73 by 173% weapon DMG
  5. sotoh

    Holy Circle bug

    Surge of Light is so bugged, it proc when you cast any Spell, either Dmg or healing spell. When i cast Mind Sear it proc SL WTF???? the same occurs with Holy Fire. Although i wonder if Passive Atonement should proc Surge of Light because penance proc it, i don't know if is for heal (by Atonement) or damage.
  6. In patch 5.4 Battle Fatigue Affect Absorbs effects too: For example 20k heal (affected by Battle Fatigue) and critic is 20k heal and 8k shield (+ mastery) in this point shield buff is affected by Battle Fatigue once. Look so hard to believe, but this is how work. Therefore Discipline seems some weak.
  7. Well, i can't believe it, but it's true, Mastery doesn't affect Frost Strike and here the Evidence: My DK Main Hand Damage: 16,315 - 22903 Without buffs, only Horn of Winter and Presence dmg to dummy is: Frost Strike in DW is 173% weapon DMG: 16315 - 22903 * 1.73 = 28224 - 39622 Main Hand 28224 - 39622 * 1.5231 = 42987 - 60348 Still Missing Mastery Total Damage Should be: 42987 - 60348 * Mastery (in my case 33.30%) = 57301 - 80443 http://i.imgur.com/xRYsKNy.png
  8. sotoh

    Power Word: Solace

    1.- http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=129250 : Strike an enemy with heavenly power, dealing Holy damage, an additional Holy damage over 9 sec, and restoring 1% of maximum mana. Damage dealt by Power Word: Solace will instantly heal a nearby low health friendly target within 40yds from the enemy for 100% of the damage dealt (50% when healing the priest). 2.- Problem: It's completely Bugged 2.1 His DMG is bugged, Direct and the over time dmg is bugged (dots make 97 holy dmg). 2.2 It doesn't heal the dmg dealt. 2.3 Also doesn't give the Evangelism effect. 2.4 It doesn't restore the 1% of maximum mana. 2.5 If you chosen this talent and cast Penance or when you teleport to other place this effect disappear, and come back to the Holy Fire. 3.- How it must work: Doing all the opposite as mentioned 4.- 04/12/2014 5.- Fun Realm 6.- 3/10
  9. 1.- Passive: Strength of Soul: "When you heal a target with your Heal, Flash Heal o Greater Heal spell, the duration of the Weakened Soul debuff on the target is reduced by 2 sec". 2.- Problem: This effect should reduce Weakened Soul debuff from all allys. This effect works when the Weakened Soul effect comes from my Priest's Power Word Shield, but when others priest cast PWS and make the Weakened Soul, my heal spells doesn't reduce the Weakened Soul effect. 3.- My heals spells must reduce the Weakened Soul debuff on any target that has this debuff, independently if the debuff effect comes from my PWS or not (when it comes from others PWS). 4.- 04/12/2014 5.- Realm Fun 6.- 7/10
  10. Well, if no one know, this bug still continues. So i see a lot of DK using Asphyxiate, I think they won't fix it. Although this is Special for Frost DKs in DW. So please fix it, i'm one. Confirmed on 5.4.8
  11. Haha, i didn't been noticed about this bug for a long time, but now i begun to download the new version 5.4.8 i didn't know that this bug still continue. This is a joke, how could this been for a 7 months?. XD Well i hope and fix this as soon as possible.
  12. sotoh

    bug Conversion

    Well, Dk has more health than war and the amount heal is more in the war, maybe you right, because the PVP power affect Warrior's Second Wind and thus PVP Power Maybe should affect DK's Conversion.
  13. sotoh

    Inner Focus

    1.- Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=89485/inner-focus 2.- Problem: When the Effect is on Cooldown and enter to other place, like BG, or City, through portal, the spell is unusable until you take a relog, then the spell is available and can use it. 3.- How it must work: Any time while you have cd's and enter in other place, another ubication, the spell's cd must keep, and continue the cd effect, take the reset effect again, or at least shouldn't take away the availability. 4.- 31/08/2014. 5.- Fun Realm. 6.- Priority 10/10, inner focus is an essential spell to get more shields.
  14. Yep, Pain supression too, isn't castable while the priest is stunned
  15. Up!, someting i hope to copy Avenging Wrath, but only copy Hand of Freedom from palas. here the list of ablities: http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/177503-the-dark-simulacrum-list/
  16. Well this day i found a big bug: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51462/runic-corruption , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49530/sudden-doom and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47541 Problem: When http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49530/sudden-doom is active and use the 100% Free Death Coil and when Free Death Coil give the Runic Corruption effect, Runic Corruption doesn't work at 100%, don't give the rune regeneration rate, the buff icon appears, but not the effect. When use Death Coil with runic power, and give the Runic Corruption effect, here give the rune regeneration but when the runic corruption effect comes from death coils of sudden doom don't give the rune regeneration rate. How it Works The Death Coils that come from Sudden Doom must give the same effect of runic Corruption like if Death Coil comes from runic power, must give the same effect of Rune Regeneration Rate. Date 25/05/2014 Realm Realm Fun Priority 10/10 unholy dk specializes with overuse of Runes
  17. Confirmed! This Talent do absolutely nothing.
  18. Confirmed, this is so funny, i can restore all my life while fearing and also include that sometimes this happens with stuns, there is a big problem in this part about CC's.
  19. Confirmed! 50% of extra healing from the mentioned spells is so OP.
  20. Confirmed on PandaWowFun, and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47788/guardian-spirit isn't usable too.
  21. Confirmed and in fact, none weapon's enchant works.
  22. Anyway, use it becomes you in a fag
  23. this effect isn't occur when we have: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43537/glyph-of-chains-of-ice#modifies + http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=50041/chilblains, with this combination the root effect is never applied
  24. 1.- Passive http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=66192/threat-of-thassarian http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81333 2.- Problem The normal damage of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49143 is 115% weapon Damage, with DW the Frost Strike is increased by 50% (115*1.5 = 173%). When the dk is on 2h, the damage of frost strike is used like you are in DW and damage of Frost Strike keep 173% weapon damage. The Same problem occurs with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81333 when you are on DW the damage of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49020 is increased 250%* 1.4=350%. 3.- How Should it work DW only should have the 173% weapon damage of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49143 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49020 should have the 250% damage. 2h only have 350% weapon damage of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49020 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49143 should have 30% additional damage that's mean 115*1.3= 150% weapon damage approx. 4.- 09/05/2014 5.- Fun Realm 6.- Priority 9/10 7.- Evidence evidence taked from Combat Log, due to the visual bug of abilities http://postimg.org/image/kqjehc0cb/ http://postimg.org/image/in8z9o0jf/ NOTE: I am not 100% sure if it's a bug, maybe the visual bug affects the Combat log, the reason to take picture from the combat log is to make a report 100% reliable, feel free to correct me with an explanation if I am wrong.
  25. Then I don't know why make a lot damage in critics, maybe formulates is wrong.
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