Slam is better than HS IMO. Anyway if Rend is back this means one more GCD, which will slightly reduce their burst.
But as far as I know, there are many removed spells in WoD. It will be even easier than MOP :'(
Dude everything's bugged here. THis server sucks so badly. Ele/enh shamans are bugged too. Same goes for DKs and hunters. Warriors and sub rogues are fking OP right now. A warrior with full CDs is equal to a ret paladin with bubble and 50% increased(instead of descreased) dmg. Even with the new patch I belive there will be more bugs than fixes.
Да бе прав си. И без това не ти трябва умение за повечето класове...
Аз играя и в х100 и във фъна.
В х100 имам фрост маг(undead) ама не го играя от доста време(защото не мога xD)
във фъна съм с енх шаман алианс.
Well it's easy to make such score with griev gear while the others are still using malevolent. And if you wanna get better, play arenas and duels, not BGs.