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Everything posted by dotadoom

  1. yep. Intimidating Shout is from the physical school and not magic. The reason why I open with garrote vs them...
  2. >listing PC specs used for gaming >no video card >k..
  3. 2 words: Weak Auras. Super useful, fully customizable, might require some Lua scripting knowledge for it's full potential but once you set it up you will be aware of everything and wonder how you played w/o it
  4. http://www.blogcdn.com/wow.joystiq.com/media/2011/03/azdwi.jpg
  5. timeless island daily/weekly quests also firelands I believe
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUs11uuBfpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4sB4lmp-hs&feature=youtu.be&t=185
  7. I was speaking in approximate numbers. The dummy probably has more like 35% and that geared warr 45% add that to the random min/max hit and close ths thread finally
  8. that's an epic dummy with about 40% physical dmg reduction; I was talking about the small one but yeah, that's pretty much like a warrior in a battle stance, so reduce your damage 3 (0.2*1.62=~0.32 dmg in pvp) times and you can see how much you'd hit one for (166k or 125k if he is in def stance)
  9. @pujo2 I don't understand what's all that cry about warriors on the first place I've never lost in a 1v1 against one so far. The only problem is that I'm now missing a lot of parry (faction change) due to a dumb bug ( http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157497 ) which doesn't allow me to parry half of the warrs' hits during the battle. Warriors can ignore 50% of your armor which brings you down to 40% physical reduction while in blood presence; which is still fine given the fact that you have bonus stamina against a dummy I normally do 500k oblit crits and ~720k during during burst. And that's 6 obliterates in a row when I rune-reset. Add the pretty much permanent cc immune you get for being a frost dk and the warr's only option is to kite you for 2minutes (funny watching that melee class doing it but he's got no choice)
  10. exactly, plus his current damage has a +4k attack power cloak proc which is not applied to the attack it self...
  11. *facepalm* this is probably your minimum damage and yet it's larger kill 10 creeps and post the screens baka
  12. http://memecrunch.com/meme/RVEL/i-don-t-believe-you/image.png (unless full buffed fury with berserker and avatar (which no1 uses) and double raging blow crit or smth) PS the lack of 30% is just a visual bug. You can go hit a creep and you will see you do more dmg than your stats show
  13. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=20008/living-action-potion >better
  14. your maths are so wrong and you are obviously lying (and crying lol). You won't get a 150% increase (500/200=2.5) but just up to 60% (based on resilience) if you now do 200k then after the fix it will be 320k (for humans)
  15. can I also have a list of potons that shouldn't be available? http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs4/1858451_o.gif
  16. against. if you want fast and fun games play double dps; if you don't - well, then play your boring 10min healer vs healer 2s
  17. hi there fellow warrior; as such, you will have absolutely no problem with finding arena partners x)
  18. goal: sell the character for a lot of bonuses reason: so that you never come back to this server >logic http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/56456821.jpg
  19. please guys don't go off topic here; they will lock my thread and I really want my dk fixed
  20. human dks are nerfed http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=157497
  21. http://i.imgur.com/rYpbbeJ.gif
  22. not really, you said that starcaller probably edited the page's html as well but he actually photoshoped it..
  23. http://oi56.tinypic.com/2vcic5h.jpg
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