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Everything posted by Shepard

  1. Yea, I can also run WoD Models but only in Russian
  2. I did both of the things you said I even tried to change "Set locale and installLocale" from enUS to enGB and I got the same message, it only works if the "Set locale and installLocale" are set to ruRU.
  3. I have a problem where I can't run wow with wod models but only when I change my language to English it works well in Russian but I do not understand a word and my macros do not work. When I start it I get this error message: [ATTACH=CONFIG]132480[/ATTACH] If you could help me run it in English that would be great.
  4. Death and Decay is so useless that even if they buff it 100% it would still be a shit spell especially for PvP. You can lower that priority to 1 or 2 out of 10.
  5. Very annoying bug ++++
  6. WorstWarriorNA post is legit why is it getting so flooded with NaCl.... I would just like to add that the gargoyle goes in melee range for no reason what so ever. In all those videos that you posted the gargoyle only moves when the target is not in line of sight but here it sticks to the target in melee range. So right now this spell works just like paladins Guardian of Ancient Kings.
  7. That just makes them more qualified and their opinion on the matter is more important because they all have experience playing and maining that class. I mean if I'm sick I go to the doctor not to a pilot or a lumberjack. So complaining that the people that play Death Knights also do bug reports on them makes no sense whatsoever. The only problem I see here is you. Because you flood bug reports with your childish whining, not just on DK but almost every bug tracker.
  8. No I'm saying it benefits us sometimes but most of the time it fucks us in the ass sideways. What I meant is that when I used Runic Corruption sometimes I got a lot of free runes and other times jack shit its really inconsistent. The worst part is that I can't find what exactly is wrong with the rune system and why is it acting like that, and for some reason Horn of Winter can modify the runes. When I use Horn of Winter sometimes I get free runes other times it puts them on CD. I have no idea what the fuck is going on with the DK runes.
  9. It is more important then 1/10 because this bug lowers the ghouls HP which makes it easier to kill, this would not be a problem for a Frost or a Blood Death Knight but a lot of Unholy Death Knights damage and healing comes from the ghoul. It can be buffed with Dark Transformation to do more damage and have a longer stun, and Death Knights heal Death Pact does not work with with out the ghoul, because Unholy's ghoul is out all the time and it takes a lot of damage from AOE abilities and it needs all the health it can get.
  10. It's not just the 75 lvl talents, the runes themselves do not work properly. Fixing the runes is important because they can make the DK really OP or really weak depending on witch 75 lvl talent you are using, like with runic corruption you can use all of your runes while it's up and still have fully recharged runes which is really OP because you can stack an insane amount of necrotics whit it, while with Blood Tap you can have 10 stacks of it with all of your runes on CD use it and still won't get a single rune back. If you want balanced Death Knights the rune system must be fixed along with the 75 lvl talents, if not some Death Knights can abuse the living fuck out of it and do insane damage/necro stacking/healing at the same time. Pujo did not make a good thread and Noneedholy is acting like a child and he flooded it, so it needs to close and Pujo or someone else needs to make anther thread.
  11. Realm tested - Fun Date tested - May/23/2016 Spell - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656/fists-of-fury#changelog Description - Attacks targets that are not in front of you and has range greater than 5 yards. [ATTACH=CONFIG]111122[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]111123[/ATTACH] As you can see Fists of Fury attacks targets that are not in front of you and has a range greater than 5 yards. The level 60 training dummy is more than 5 yards away. How it should work - It should attack targets in front of you with in a 5 yard range. Priority - 7/10 Gives you an unfair advantage in PvP. In PvE is negligible. Comments - Tested with the monk while being completely still, by rotating the monk it can stun everything around it. I measured the distance using the addon RangeDisplay.
  12. Shepard

    Freezing Fog Buff

    Icy Touch or Howling Blast from Freezing Fog/Rime shoud not generate any runic power . More proof https://wow2.freakz.ro/spells.php?spell=59052&name=freezing-fog
  13. Well guess what Neff, the runes still do not work as they should. While there have been minor improvements to the rune system the runes are still bugged. Make a death knight and play with the runes/blood tap and you will see what we are talking about. The only server that I found with a working rune mechanic is WoWFreakz but they have locked most of the game content. Maybe you can ask them?
  14. Unholy DMG seems consistent with retail 5.4 patch.
  15. Why is this taking so long to fix?
  16. Shepard

    Bood tap

    I am aware of all DK bugs and the devs are too, but they do not care. A PVP server that does not fix classes...
  17. Shepard

    Bood tap

    Too bad this is never going to be fixed... for blood tap to work the runes must work and they don't. The reason blood tap does not work sometimes is because it only refreshes fully depleted runes, but on this server you can use blood tap even when you don't have fully depleted runes and when this happens your runes do not get refreshed. You can test this by stacking 5 blood taps and let just one rune be on cooldown and when you use blood tap the stacks will be consumed but the rune is not going to be refreshed. If you want to see an example of working runes go on wow.freakz.ro on their server blood tap and the runes work correctly.
  18. Post something more useful we already have a warrior guide http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=94184. I really do not know why would someone make a guide for a class that literally has a 3-4 button rotation. My 12 year old brother started playing a warrior and he got to 1,9k rating with just a few keybinds and 2 macros one for DPS and the other one for defence. Don't waste your time making obsolete guides.
  19. 5.0.1 (Mon Aug 27 2012) Build 15739 -Does not affect following types of CC: - Snares - Roots - Disarm - Silence Doesn't share CD with anything. CLOSE THIS FUCKING POST!!!
  20. That is because DC is not supposed to work on roots!!!! Read the fucking changelog http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108201/desecrated-ground#changelog !!!! 5.0.1 (Mon Aug 27 2012) Build 15739 6.0.1 (Mon Oct 13 2014) Build 18125 CLOSE THIS POST ALREADY!!!
  21. Они не заботятся о рыцарей смерти . Эта ошибка никогда не будет исправлена ​​.
  22. The biggest reason why people do not join tournaments is because arena is not fixed enuf to be competitive and how can it be competitive when you have pets walking through pillars in arena, ranged classes shooting through hills and walls, crowd control ignoring diminishing returns and many other inconsistencies that make arena on panda-wow a joke. And not to mention the class bugs, if you go and look at http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=181 you will find many bugs that affect arena balance. Some of those bug reports are almost a year old and they still have not been fixed (or ignored). My friends and me wanted to stream arena gameplay, but we could not because of the current state of the game. And I do not think that viewers want to see players falling through the ground or pets walking trough walls.
  23. That is the wrong Desecrated Ground and it does not remove roots but it does remove other forms of CC. The spell you are showing is 6.0.1 (Mon Oct 13 2014) Build 18125 witch does remove roots, while 5.0.1 (Mon Aug 27 2012) Build 15739 does not. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108201/desecrated-ground#changelog
  24. UP!!!
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