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Everything posted by Shepard
I ment UP. I spend too much time on the russian forums. "You either die a suka, or live long enough to see yourself become a blyat" [ATTACH=CONFIG]99268[/ATTACH]
They still are, runes are not working correctly, 75lvl talents are still bugged and the glyph of death's embrace is still not working. Also there is the incorrect parry stat on human death knights and much more... Necrotic strike is still not working correctly before it absorbed too much and now it absorbs too little, the numbers did not match before it was "fixed" and they still do not match after the "fix" with the retail amount of HP absorb. So yea DKs are far from fixed, I have been on all the DK bug threads and none of them have been addressed by anyone it feels like everyone is ignoring DKs for no good reason.
What about the rune system, blood tap and the http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43539/glyph-of-deaths-embrace are they ever going to "investigate" that? Am I the only one that is bothered by this?
Приятно видеть, что наиболее важной проблемой для рыцарей смерти игнорируется в течение почти 2 лет . Oтличная работа! Вы даже не исправить cимвол объятий смерти. Kак трудно это исправить один символ ?
http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122432&page=3 Как вы можете видеть, что они начали фиксации Некротический удар в пост # 26 , но тогда они расстегнул изменения в # 27 и трахал ее в # 28 . Я не знаю почему. - Исправлен завышенный урон от спелла Некротический удар. #26 - Отменены предыдущие изменения для спелла Некротический удар, баг с уроном если и есть, то в чем-то другом. #27 - Исправлен баг, когда на Некротический удар влияла только базовая устойчивость, а не текущая. #28 Я извиняюсь мой русский является дерьмо я использовал Google Translate.
PandaWoW doesn't start again after first launch
Shepard replied to NorteXxX's topic in Game or Connection problems
Go to your WTF folder -> Config and change "SET locale" and "SET installLocale" to "enGB". The problem is in the WoW data files even if you selected german in the game menu you will still have these problems. If you want to play your game in german you will have to download all of the "deDE" (german) files separately I had to do it for my game. For now only "enGB" and "ruRU" files work if you download them from panda-wow not even "enUS" works you have to download it separately. -
Because no one cares about death knights and they are mostly ignored when it comes to fixes. Even though this glyph is essential for DK PVP survivability, it can not only heal DKs pet for low amount of runic power it also heals the DK a lot with lichborne. But they will most like it ignore it like they ignored the rune bug for so long.
They need to close this post, it's gone way off topic.
Has anyone noticed that most of those 3k russians have really strange builds? Like the top rated DK, he has stacked so much crit all of his gems, reforges and enchants witch goes against all 5.4 DK guides that I have seen. Same for some of the high rated warlocks, I was dueling some destro warlocks and noticed they shoot some strange green stuff that deals a ton of damage (not fell-flame or chaos-bolt) I played a warlock for about a month now and I have not found that spell in the spellbook and it does not show in recount. This implies that these top rated players are not very skilled and that they use exploits and bugs to advance in arena. So to me a high rated player on PandaWoW is just an average player that knows a few bugs.
Is there a point on making a Best of Each Class thread? There are so many bugs and exploits you can do on this server, it's making threads like this totally unnecessary and pointless. Have any of you seen the Bug tracker? It's a complete mess!!! I don't know how can you make list of best players while pets go thro walls, spells ignore LOS and crowd control ignores diminishing returns, so many of my friends rage quited because of the broken DR system. When the devs fix most of these problems, at least 80%-90% then you can make a best of each class thread.
While making a new system for low item level characters is hard and easily exploited (que with low gear and when you are in BG, and when you are in you equip 550 ilvl gear), some catch up mechanic for x100 is very much needed because now the two realms are merged, while on the Fun realm everyone starts of with tyrannical gear and on x100 you start with what ever shit you find on mobs, and if you do not have enough money you can't even start with contenders gear (and even that gear is shit compared to grievous and prideful). Having low geared players on your or the opposing team is no fun at all, since they can't do jack vs tyrannical geared players while grievous and prideful one shot them. So all in all a catch up mechanic would be very nice for x100.
How blood tap works seems very random. Sometimes it refreshed runes that ware not on CD, and sometimes it did not do jack even if you have all of your runes on CD. I can't pin down what exactly is wrong with Blood Tap. I think it's a combination of bugs with the rune system and blood tap. But the thing I do not understand is why have't they fixed this a long time ago, imagine if warlocks ember taps or soul shards ware bugged like this. Could you even play high rated arena with them?
I don't think they will ever going to be able to fix Blood Tap or the rune system the devs are not skilled enough or willing.
The amount of mage bugs that make them more powerful is too damn high, it's almost like the devs do this on porpoise.
I just tested it and Necrotic strike absorbs as much HP as on retail, it's a little bit higher on pandawow but not that much. Here a necrotic is about 60k as you can see here [ATTACH=CONFIG]91330[/ATTACH] While on retail is hard to find a screen shot or a video of a necrotic strike without procs so here is this video if you calculate that necrotic strike without the procks you will find that a normal necrotic strike does a little bit less than 60k it's about 54-56k. If you think I am wrong do the math yourself.
There are no breaks on the QQ train!!!
Finally a crit!!! The DK is full mastery with no PVE gear the only buffs ware Horn of winter, Well Fed and flask. And here is the crit [ATTACH=CONFIG]89729[/ATTACH] its 169,411 with surge of victory proc and you can see a death coil hit of a 47k Here is a necrotic its about 60k with unholy str proc but with out Well Fed and flask: [ATTACH=CONFIG]89730[/ATTACH]