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Everything posted by Shepard

  1. Shepard


  2. UP!!!
  3. Harbinger88 was right we will never see any important fixes for DKs, we just have to deal with it.
  4. Well it's patch 5.4.8 and i did not see any important DK fixes.
  5. Yea it has been more then 7 months, this bug existed from patch 5.0.5 and they have not fixed it yet. I don't know what are they waiting for, they still have to fix all of the 75 level talents, the runes and many of the glyphs like the http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58677/glyph-of-deaths-embrace witch is still not working. They have added WoD models new NPCs but they still have not fixed this little but essential bug for DKs. I don't think they will fix this any time soon.
  6. Shepard

    Rallying Cry

  7. Sometimes arena gates are transparent you can walk right through them. I don't know if the bug can triggered by an exploit or they sometimes just become transparent.
  8. I don't understand why are they angry, they use hacks and exploits and expect no repercussions? They need to grow up and get out of there mom's basement.
  9. Just wandering I see that your haunt is on "W" so i have to ask what keys do you use to walk around? "ESDF" maybe?
  10. Sramota brat srbin ovako da prica za ruse!
  11. Sorry there is no evidence to shows that he is fly-hacking I zoomed the image in photoshop and I could not see a swimming animation or any indication that he is flying. He might have been knocked back and rooted, next time when you take a screenshot try to get him while he is in the air otherwise we can't say for shore that he is using fly hacks.
  12. Flasks are banable? How and why? Everyone can buy them in front of your main city, and the NPC that sell flasks are put there by the devs. I rly dont see a problem with the 3 flasks he has.
  13. I asked a GM about this a while ago and he sad that this is not banable.
  14. How can't you see a flying panda carrying a blue flag, it's just above the tree!!!
  15. If you exit the gates you get teleported back, you can also do this with some mounts.
  16. UP +++
  17. bump ^
  18. Arms warrior
  19. Priority of the problem should be 10/10 because it affects everyone who is using two-handed weapons. And why can't they fix it soon? They just need to change the PVP power value of the prideful weapon from 7,745 to 10,055 it's not that hard to do. And is PVP power working, because even with 51% PVP power my DMG in pvp is very low?
  20. Shepard

    fists of furry

    - Windwalker - Fists of Fury can now be launched when the monk is affected by the effect of silence and silence effects do not interrupt the skill as it is channeled. Monks can be silenced but the silence effect does not interrupt the skill.
  21. Table of Contents: -Roots -Stuns -Mesmerizes -Fears and Horrors -Silences -Disarms -Knockbacks -Other Effects None of those have diminishing returns, you forgot to implement it in the game.
  22. What good is necrotic strike when you can't use it effectively? The runes are bugged and they go apeshit when you change presences.
  23. Is this going to be ignored? http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51462/runic-corruption, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=45529/blood-tap, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49530/sudden-doom these spells are very important to a DK and they need to work and the runes too.
  24. Shepard

    Angelic Feather

    "All topics which are created without according to the rules will be removed and author will receive ban on the forum" - Why are you so strict with these rules, they are only a template on how to create a topic? Does Luhox really deserve a ban because he did not post some WoWhead link? You can google it, you have the spell name in the title. And about http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121536/angelic-feather UP!!!
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