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Everything posted by Shepard

  1. Well the DK rune problem is on all of the servers not only x10, I still do not see how my internet provider is the problem but I will be changing it and the router too. I asked how does the internet provider cause this problem? To me this makes no seance and I do not care who said it they need to explain how and why.
  2. What does internet connection have to do with this bug? I have a good internet connection and abount 20-40ms I don't see what this has to do with it?
  3. Bump +++
  4. Shepard

    Anti-magic Shell

    http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48707/anti-magic-shell works now, but i think it should absorb more magic damage.
  5. Exploiting that bug gave me around 90%-100% mastery, got a 50K disease ticks and other huge numbers. But its fixed now changelog 5 will come soon, but still http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=43539/glyph-of-deaths-embrace , http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=45529/blood-tap and the runic system won't be fixed in #5.
  6. Shepard

    warr or dk?

    How does style and class help you get high rating? Death knights are too buggy at the moment and I can't recommend them for PVP, and if you want a high rating go with a warrior but if you want a really high rating play a mage, boomkin, MW monk, or resto druid.
  7. Shepard

    Demonic Gateway

    No it's not a waste of time, you just need to post it again after changelog 5 I give it few weeks till the spell breaks again.
  8. Mages have all of that plus "OP DAMAGES". If you are looking for survivability, crowd control, mobility AND heals roll a boomkin. Boomkins can heal as good as any healer.
  9. Shepard

    warr or dk?

    You should go with a warrior, because you have much better survivability, mobility, utility, and overall greater damage. Plus you don't need that much skill to play a warrior, the DPS rotation is easy and you do not need to worry about rage starving unless you are playing in defensive stance. While playing on unholy death knight you need to manage your pet, manage runes (witch don't work that well), stack necrotic strikes and you can't just spam your abilities like you can do on your warrior.
  10. Are the bugs with rune system and Blood Tap going to be fixed in changelog #5? We have been waiting for those fixes for a bout a year. And is PVE gear in PVP going to get scaled down? Because players with full PVE gear are owning in arena.
  11. Shepard

    Anti-magic Shell

    Bump +++
  12. Shepard

    Roiling Blood

    Bump +++
  13. Bump +++
  14. Bump +++
  15. It says that http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=58677/glyph-of-deaths-embrace is fixed but i tested it and it is not, does not give 20 runic power back.
  16. исправить эту ошибку 9/10 для нечестивые рыцари смерти нужно
  17. Bump +++
  18. Shepard


    It should not happen at all...
  19. Shepard


    1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108194/asphyxiate 2. Lifts an enemy target off the ground and crushes their throat with dark energy, stunning them for 5 sec. Functions as a silence if the target is immune to stuns. 3. Asphyxiated targets can not be attacked 4. 8.1.15 5. PandaWoW Fun/x10/x100 6. 8/10
  20. Do not read this.
  21. Shepard

    Anti-magic Shell

    Really? Look at druids and paladins in the last changelog #4 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109452&p=750221#post750221 , they have fixed up to eleven bugs each. And you are telling me they can't fix 3 game braking bugs for DKs? And in changelog #3 they have fixed crap ton of bugs for all classes and the DK class got only http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=63333 fixed a glyph that no one used or posted on forum about...
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