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Everything posted by Repitchx

  1. Repitchx


    Also buff affli like wtf
  2. I bet zeox is too scared to fix this!
  3. Repitchx


    Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108212 Issue: Shows 2 buffs when activated (the 2nd buff lasts for around 0.1 sec) What should happen: Should only be 1 buff. Realm: All/cross Priority: 10/10 wtf broken class, cant play Proof:
  4. Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=43265 Issue: Ignores LoS What should happen: Should not ignore LoS Realm: All (perhaps only cross) Priority: 5/10
  5. What's wrong: Queueing for battlegrounds Issue: You can only que for premades as 4. If you que with more than 4, you will never get a queue pop What should happen: Should be able to queue with 10 players Realm: Cross Priority: 2/10 Proof: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20758276623 " You used to be able to q with an entire team" AV premade:
  6. fix lol hehe
  7. What's wrong: Ready check when queueing for arena Issue: When you queue for arena, you won't get a ready check What should happen: Should get a ready check Realm: All Priority: I'd say 4/10 because you literally can't stay in group with people you don't know Proof: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/47498990 Go to 39 seconds You can also see that it is season 15 by watching his HP bar. 559k = Prideful gear
  8. trash level 10/10
  9. fix this shit, seriously.
  10. Probably just gonna start with the first title again, doubt they'll add custom or titles from newer expansions. Would like to see custom titles added though, would be cool.
  11. Its called balance :) ) ) ) ) )
  12. b,jhghndcfghnc,jhbjkhfhgfdxcgcnxvghbnmbjn,vmhvcgbcfdx
  13. Halo:CE| Best game ever to be made? #nostalgia https://www.twitch.tv/repitchx
  14. https://www.twitch.tv/repitchx short chill gamez (soloq)
  15. I checked now with stopwatch, can close it.
  16. I just watched it, I guess I'm missing something?
  17. ok 10/10
  18. Is this still a thing? I can't remember.
  19. Ability: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1856 Issue: Delay is 500-800 ms, which is too high What should happen: I don't have the exact value, but from videos I've found online, it seems to be around 200-300 MS (0.2 - 0,3) delay on vanish Realm: x100, fun, cross Priority: 8/10, especially vs boomy teams. It's fairly too easy to get a rogue out with Faerie Fire and/or Flare Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/PlacidBoxyFennelPJSalt Look how fast his target gets removed, this is far less than 500-800 ms, that was around 200-300
  20. good devs btw :)
  21. Sorry, just trash
  22. Ffffiiiiixxxxx
  23. Deterrence* Abilities: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=19263 & https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=76577 Issue: Detterence ignores Smoke Bomb. You do not get the debuff What should happen: Should still get the debuff in Detterence Realm: all/cross Priority: 7/10 Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/AnimatedCrowdedLaptopUncleNox Ice Block has the same mechanic, here you will see it works in Block: / https://gyazo.com/416844761f7d89800989822f7f7ae798 https://youtu.be/xcXv74bWkDA?t=115
  24. Like them. Good job tbh.
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