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Everything posted by Derpshroom

  1. SO I'm bored of my warrior im selling it: It has 218 mounts including ( Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent, Swift Spectral Tiger, Fossilized Raptor, Reins of Poseidus etc) Lots of fun items - Murloc Costume, Goblin Gumbo Kettle, bones of transformation etc etc 4 legendary weapons - Shadowmourne, Warglaives, Thunderfury and Sulfuras 1800 current rating in 2v2 mo lten giant tmog(heroic one aka red one) 564 ilevel (current equipped 558) 550-650 + tax /w me ingame or here
  2. Well try using this : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122305 And if not check your mail if you got it .
  3. Hmm, try repairing from the site and running the game as admin.
  4. Well If you can't fix it just get an addon for it. There are plenty of it.
  5. Try to click fast button * S * when you are logging during the loading screen like really fast. That gives it time to load.
  6. cehck in options if you have blocked the guild invitations.
  7. Hmm check if you have * Decline guild invitations * ticked in the options menu. If so untick it
  8. That's the server policy, lol they don't refund money or lost BP and you expect them to return gold XD
  9. WHat are they doing ? wintrading ?
  10. That's not the shaman moving you that's the script of the arena. 1st of all he's abusing staying on top, but the fact that you're being pushed away is just the script of the arena to avoid people like him, so he's obviously abusing.
  11. Chars: Felxprod , Antiserumx and 光明實們為贏 Realm: Fun Reason: Flooding, Spamming chat, Insulting intentionally. P.S They used that there was no chat mod online so... Screenshots : [ATTACH=CONFIG]75291[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75292[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75293[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75294[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]75295[/ATTACH]
  12. It was already declined stop re-posting the same things.!
  13. and how is Taito using bug ? he probably knocked u and u fell down but that doesnt cancel the crackling jade spell
  14. Eh , I'd say he was more of a flooder I wouldn't get offended of that lol
  15. I've been told that if both people are agreed, with the help of GM they can trade but I don't know :)
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