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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. who are you btw ? would like to know :D
  2. 300k chaosbolt xD ? Lol dude what game are you playing hahaha
  3. what is a HB ?
  4. Noneedholy


    ^ strong words from someone who get raped 20 times before hes able to kill someone.
  5. yeah hello felxprod / furmetal. Still trying to grab my ip ? ye ? sad ill link it to repitch ty.
  6. what the actually fuck ???? you cant avoid a ddos only because of an firewall roflmao ... As soon as some1 has ur ip and use a simple IP stresser he can DDOS you. I dont give a single fuck how people call it. I know enough about that shit and since repitch has a static IP he can easily get ddosed. Also "hacking tool????" People just ddos via a WEB stresser and if u really make that shit srs you have ur own server. You dont have "ddos tools" wtf lol
  7. 1. Felxprod 2. http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=48934 3. 2.8 l 2.2 l 2.22 4. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163942&page=2&p=1003796#post1003796 (comment #17) also a screen in care he edit his comment : http://i.imgur.com/Wfrvhrp.png 5. Hope you can shut his mouth. This kid isnt only insulting everyone, hes also DDosing people like repitch etc. also tried it with me (just in care everyone should know it :) ). I guess only for "Burn the jews" This racism kid should get the perma ban. possible punishments : thanks in advance :)
  8. ye sry just wanted a reason to report him ^^ GOT IT
  9. http://orig01.deviantart.net/038a/f/2015/016/1/1/feels_bad_man_hd_by_rounindx-d8e7sww.jpg
  10. Noneedholy


    ye dc'd and was casting while his mates were dieing. you got rekt. Your mates trinketed the opener 3 times and got rekt in a full reck shockwave + darksoul chaosbolt after. Doesnt matther if you dcd or not u was too far away to even Link. Talking about good player and mention balance druid and a rogue who trinket the opener against a destro lock. I have to laugh. Guys just imagine a WLS with good players :) You are talking about there are not that good players etc. but did u see 1 good playing WLS ? No actually not. Even when i played WLS my lock always DR stunned dps instead of the heal just to fear him. Thats not well played. And a GOOD and TRYHARDING WLS with skype etc. would reck you all just say. Warrior is doing way too much dmg on pandawow and so is lock (ofc when he can spam haunt and dont even need to cast UA while soulswap) just to mention 1 more lock bug. KFC and WLS should be at R1 on this server atm.
  11. thats great dude did u make it by urself ?
  12. Noneedholy


    yes as i said, resto shaman was OP like rdruid was on retail .... but here on Pandawow shamans just have an huge advantage i dont even want to mention that they can cast every single totem while they are inlined ( and riptide i guess ) kinda bit hilarious
  13. ye fuck off FeelsBadMan
  14. Noneedholy


  15. yo Team name: goebbels and friends Team leader: Skinnywigga Names: Skinnywigga (Resto druid) / Whereâreyûat (Destro lock) / Qwanya (Frost mage) / Pewdsx (frostmage). MLD / MLD fix it repitch ... your countdown is wrong :D Its GMT +2 actually and tells me the tournament starts at 10 PM (i live in german so ive gmt +1 here )
  16. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=163210 so everyone who DC's from the game is dodging for you ? Interesting ... Me and samuel were waiting for pewds but what should i say ... http://emblemsbf.com/img/50724.jpg No but TBH now even while i was playing WLS i said it often enough that WLS is broken / OP here. So it is obvious. I just said u dont have to complain as KFC and you CAN beat them as WMS but ur not supposed to on pandawow right now. Sad that you still lost while we were playing with a 2.2k resto shaman. Also forced every single deff cd in every game. Pewds got EVERY counterspell inline in like 2-3 games. There is no reason that you gonna tell us now you play WLS on a high level. The mainproblem is that a lock is getting 4-5 proccs within like 1-2 seconds and can just spam haunt. Pointless for him to look at his shards since he has endless proccs. Sorry but everyone who say WLS isn't op just have no clue about that game.
  17. so i can actually spam this thread ye ?
  18. ye because me and pewds are a dreamteam :l but our russian rsham lagged out FeelsBadMan.... FeelsBad
  19. sry im retarded.... what exactly should we post here ? lel
  20. can you actually delete ur posts now ? ffs nvm i give up pce boys im out just a tip : ur first comment
  21. do you have a fucking brainlag ? stop posting that in public and whisper an admin holy fucking shit EDIT UR COMMENT fuck sake gg's ppl gonna wintrade even more now
  22. its not working as intended you fucking dumbass holy fuck this faggot is annoying
  23. idk what your doing wrong than in 3s.
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