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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. good stats but noone ever saw u queueing, weird hm ? Well you will get the D who cares.
  2. go out here, u should better go ingame and fake abu :mocking: :mocking: trash Pandawow challanger wonder why u get no attention here ;D
  3. ^ this Pujo be quiet when ppl who have a clue about that game are discussing. You are not only stupid, ur also clueless about everything regarding ur own class pleb.
  4. 1. Richiie, Nessmed, Linkarna + Яйценюхолка 2. Fun 3. Obviously this guys are wintrading ... The rogue is 2111 with 174 - 5 stats while noone has ever seen him playing here ! Also you clearly see here how he queues 3vs1. Meanwhile it would be nice if you could also check the druid "Jealøus" who has almost the same stats & wintrading aswell. 4. http://i.imgur.com/WT43L0D.jpg http://i.imgur.com/V0HeFHE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aQr2c8x.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mLz6QGU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5a0eZRV.jpg http://imgur.com/a/hLKys 5. no comment needed .. just check their ip's, arenalogs and finally fix this bullshit bugs that u can dodge without losing rating
  5. No, u shouldnt be able to 1shot it.
  6. Noneedholy


    guess what . WODEMPIRE HAS PATHFINDING 4Head this is so sad
  7. nah fuk u, upping 24/7 now
  8. well im pretty sure u shoudlnt get VR procc since the target should grant you honor or XP and a treant doesnt do that.
  9. Noneedholy

    TOP 3v3

    like ... you don't even have the half of ur spells binded and still ur 2.8 Kinda funny how a class can carry hm ? Disgusting TSG fucks, worthless like Takaa
  10. alles für den arsch nvm
  11. THANKS ! Thanks for this MAJOR bug fix! Kappa why dont u just fix important druid bugs ? Ffs 50% of my class is bugged lol
  12. theres nothing i can say beside of "?????" since i dont get ur "stupidity" sry for that insult but you deserved it lol
  13. u shouldnt get a vr procc there since u gain no honor/xp so its basically a 1/10 report
  14. what u want to proof with that vid btw ?
  15. tf is wrong with you lol
  16. As far as i remember even sac'ing hex was almost impossible unless u burst into sac
  17. Thats mah boy
  18. Well, on retail Blizzard just disabled MC for a while now. http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20745625182 I would do the same till MC & this hack is fixed
  19. 50k from 90k is almost 100% so ye, probs hard for u to understand that simple logic
  20. 15% strength + on use + tailoring equals 100% more dmg ? Ye nice try Mr. Super Theorycrafter but ive to tell you that that's not how its working ye well lol .. you dont even know the word for it but k
  21. dk is NEVER Supposed to crit with 87k coil so dont even say that rofl Proof ? Btw mage or not doesnt matter since coil doesnt affect armor or anything 50k crit with trinket procc on a mage and full buffed with mastery from pala and stats from monk ... and ur tellling me 87k as rdruid DK is legit ? Kappa
  22. that is fcking 0,5/10 lol
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