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Everything posted by Noneedholy

  1. Fanboy ? he act exactly like Juster ... pretty ure its him he he
  2. That is rude. But i didnt expect something else. 4Head
  3. SHIT ... My bad Ye prob Juster means April 2020 lel
  4. Get the facts, Hes at a point where he can't fix important bugs just like Pathfinding or Mmr & rating gains. He has to decide and so on hes trying to start a new project, called WodEmpire. Simple as that. He wont give a shit about mop
  5. Look at this trash rofl .. you cant even que arenas because the whole cross shit server is lagging as fuck
  6. just checked and ye .. hes pretty active in the wodempire forums ... i guess we can clearly assume that he dont give a fuck about mop atm rofl ...
  7. was TriHarding with Autschbatsch 5s in s15 lel. We actually wanted to go for glad and missed it by a couple of points because one of our mates didnt come punctually to our que time :(
  8. ^ ive to rate that with 10/10 since i was a huge jumpstyle / handsup fan in early age :l sad it died nearly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIIDM1enYTo
  9. ye totally agree thumps up.
  10. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/Aegwynn/Sazzi/advanced account inactive since early 2015 umad ?
  11. Noneedholy


    Almost 100 pages. Plz i want some drama here
  12. well if he's a retard (through his rating we can see he is better than you ) what are you ?
  13. and that's the thing. He doesn't care at all like noone does atm. Gamebraking bugs in arena will never get fixed as i see .. they simply dont give a shit and rather fix some PvE glyphs which are totally unimportant ... But hey who cares its their server dieing ... If this server is dieing the community will just move to another one so at the end Pandawow is the loser in that game. We will find a new populated server after this one is dieing. Sorry but thats the sad truth
  14. Amsterdam is love, Amsterdam is life
  15. Yo how does it feel to not even get a "private server title" ? How i love those plebs who talk but at the end they got nothing
  16. This is so fucking stupid .... ye juster is busy KAPPA hes working on WoD but hey whatever who cares. Just juke ur players Guess what ? On dogmane the season ended at the 27th and ive my title LMFAO
  17. ye pandawow atm is just a joke .. Tbh i mainly dont play here anymore because of the cross realm. This lags makes it impossible to charge a cast at 50% for example. Im not talking about the lags that cross realm sometimes have. Cross realm is lagging ALWAYS. The whole server is lagging since ages and you guys dont give a single fuck lmao ...
  18. Да у меня сложный характер, но каждый сам решает завести котенка или приручить льва. 4Head
  19. Im mentioned, am i fame now ? Btw best war is blaston 4Head Its fine just poke me if you wanna do some 2s games. Ima get a random heal and que abit into you, need also videos for my guide. Just write it in the forums because im barely on Pandawow atm.
  20. Troll is life troll is love and you stink.
  21. Road to 3k with problems 4Head
  22. Funny how you get ypur title 1h after season ends on other server with 2k+ ppl on and here uve to wait 2 months. Rofl juster AFK again ?
  23. Shoutout to the Admins.
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