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Everything posted by Noneedholy
Noneedshit WINTRADE in 2's FUN :/
Noneedholy replied to Druidaskip's topic in Report a player or forum user
yeah here we go, so much effort with your paint skills etc while you know it will get declined. ... why, just why ? -
Noneedshit WINTRADE in 2's FUN :/
Noneedholy replied to Druidaskip's topic in Report a player or forum user
nop ... there is still not 1 proof at all xD -
you are just stupid. Go back to ur cave where you came from stupid fanboy. Ty and how ? Lol we never do 30% more dmg
Noneedshit WINTRADE in 2's FUN :/
Noneedholy replied to Druidaskip's topic in Report a player or forum user
wow you really think that you will reach something with that report .... theres not 1 single proof, just a video how i lost as ele rdruid against ret hunter ( we won once btw xD ) and how i played against someone from my own guild. Ah whatever no way to argue with you, you are stupid xD merc out. -
yes because noone know it already. topkek
Noneedshit WINTRADE in 2's FUN :/
Noneedholy replied to Druidaskip's topic in Report a player or forum user
yeah you cought me ... fuck this proofs are just too serious ... i guess ive to deal with an IP perm ban and rating reset http://res.cloudinary.com/urbandictionary/image/upload/a_exif,c_fit,h_200,w_200/v1395991705/gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png just because im a nice guy ill answer your question: I'm already at a r1 spot in 3s on Allahuakbar so i don't need my fucking r4 in 2s looooool (yes you only get 1 r1 title each account) kid. well gl with that report but i guess ive to tell you that you wont reach anything :( -
Noneedshit WINTRADE in 2's FUN :/
Noneedholy replied to Druidaskip's topic in Report a player or forum user
ok let say i wintraded to gave dartmeganz free rating. He is still below 3k so what does he get ? Wow i have to Rofl because you are so stupid XD no it's not weird that people from the same guild play against each other. reportet for losing rating :( http://orig01.deviantart.net/038a/f/2015/016/1/1/feels_bad_man_hd_by_rounindx-d8e7sww.jpg At least i do srs games and don't que into double war :rofl_mini: btw smalltow = teamplay serenetyz = brofist ? xD -
140k pyro through 35% dmg reduce ok sec he did 190k pyro ? k nice really wanna see a screen just 1 screenshot where he does that crazy dmg (after the pom fix). Anyways no proof at all, i guess you are mad. HAHA makes it clear who you are now. A random shaman who got ditched by me. Anyways yes you are right why would you care, you are just some1 who stucks on lowrating and shittalks about others. just a tip : If you shittalk, be at least good kk im done with this conversation now since i know that you are just a random who can't get any rating and try to excuse that with things like you don't care or other classes aer just too op. Whatever i guess it's pointless to argue. Only a stupid Adoption without a proof. Pce
Smexaxa and Выше Wintrading once again!
Noneedholy replied to mglasser's topic in Report a player or forum user
Stop ignoring my previous post you ignorant cunt. -
why, i wanted to hit 4k :(
Smexaxa and Выше Wintrading once again!
Noneedholy replied to mglasser's topic in Report a player or forum user
ppl below 50 comments Fight i love it.... fact is that this russian / french druid get farmed WHENEVER he que. Whenever i que on my warrior, you gonna lose it doesnt matter. Call it wintrader just for an excuse that u lose ? Ofc i saw u dc'd many times but honestly idgaf if u think its me or not. And i hope that this guy is continuing if you really get ddosed. Wintrader scums like you doesnt deserve something else. Also i want to remember that YOU ddosed Alexisren AND Purpolztko and still ask smalltow for his skype ? Yeah guys this POOR LITTLE DRUID WHO GET DDOSED 24/7 let me upload something you silly cunt : I mean everyone who has a brain know what is going on here sorry. http://i.imgur.com/1aFFY6x.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JMy2qn5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xRntCdJ.jpg that's SO INTERESTING because you always CRY about DDOS. that was RIGHT AFTER he lost to smalltow in 2s. (today) and now stfu you dumb cunt and stop crying about DDOS or whatever. You lie 24/7 and idk why people even belive you. Anyways with people like that i don't even want to communicate. Idc about you or your ddos / wintrade friends tbh so just stfu. If you wanna tell me that he really just wanted to "communicate sometimes" than you are just one more of his silly friends. Btw just a question : This guy is Trippxo yes ? Im 100% sure he is and don't dodge my question. Ah whatever you gonna lie anyways -
and still ... prove it ? everything what u say is just nonsense. He doesnt do 140k pyros after the POM fix anymore. I guess you are just mad that you lost ? Pretty sure ur one of blastons team topkek But yeah baz is using dmg hacks Kappa ur so dumb xD
Smexaxa and Выше Wintrading once again!
Noneedholy replied to mglasser's topic in Report a player or forum user
oh first double warrior on 3k and than warrior + firemage 2.9 mmr. Looks like srs bsns :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: :rofl_mini: -
post proof WITHOUT reck banner please instead of talking bullshit here. ty ah ye ur the shaman. well you got outplayed so stfu and leave this forum here :D you got rekt against a firemage your mage got like 3 FULL waves after blink, you guys are simply bad ty - - - Updated - - - ye than learn to read the changelog
How to fix ? just make a "scattered" target NOT immun to knockbacks lol ...
140k pyroblast wtf ???? he did 690k pyroblast u unknown pleb try it harder ppl still cry about pyro after it got fixed ? oh thats so sad
http://i.imgur.com/Xw0vnz3.jpg rage alt f4 quit.
lmfao someone is triggered :D
Realm tested - Fun Date tested - 2016-01-15 Description - It knocks back now but when you scater him the player goes back and still gets trapped. How it should work - Player should be completely knocked back and not go back. Priority - 9.9/10 https://youtu.be/PombTFWHdfA Further Comments - I tried this over 10 times same thing happened all the time. Cheers, Deathskin (thnx for the ban btw) credits to bord Still not fixed and abused by every highrated hunter.
i dont post screens when i played like 1-7 against someone.
Never fix ? push
@Juster in wich way ? lower dmg or increase it
and now post the screenshots where you lost :D you are obsessed man xD
no monk on retail played with it. thats a 1/10
we are on pandawow and not on retail didnt you realise ?