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Takaa. 3

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Posts posted by Takaa. 3

  1. Are you going to farm me with that rune abusing DK again and then get DQ at the end of the season ...again?


    If I remember correctly, isn't the DK you played with called Absoluteabuse ..or is that just the nickname the entire server gave him? :o :confused: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


    the "rune abusing" meme


  2. LOL this thread is dumb af. Excuses are just beyond me.


    Excuse 1: Lets cut the whole season from rewards because the ladder is like retail, mages and priests.


    Excuse 2: Lets cut the whole season from rewards because the ladder is not like retail, its warrior/mw, dk/mw.


    Excuse 3: Lets cut the whole season from rewards because the ladder is not like retail, surv hunters are dominating.


    And the excuse about falling under map... you can't be serious, rly? :confused:


    If you reset every season because of bugs they're not going to fix, then you might as well never even make a pvp season. There will always be fotm and bugs that are a bit game breaking. Resetting rewards because of it is not an option.


    Besides, even if you dont agree, even if admins respond, they wont do sh!t about it.




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  3. Did you just shittalk Joji? Let me tell you some facts. FilthyFrank or as known as George (Joji) has a successfull music career and is taste of music is really appreciated by his fans. Search for joji music and you'll see what i am talking about. Again, EVERY video he makes as FilthyFrank, he makes his OWN music on his videos. Seen E.T. 2 by him yet? Listen to it and you'll see how talented this guy is. :D


    How do you rate what is music and what is not? Descibe me the definition of music. Everything that has a beat is one, the fact that you don't like it doesn't change it's existence. Me tapping to a piece of wood with two pencils and uploading it to youtube can be a music, if it has a nice beat.


    Previous music : 0/10 cuz no "actual" music, only a playlist.







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