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Takaa. 3

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Posts posted by Takaa. 3

  1. i linked my retail account here a few times including a few retail screenshots. Actually i had more rating on retail than you have on this server LUL. wait for fixes on dks, warriors and pvp in general, gonna teach you how to play godcomp


    Linked? LOL u linked armory and u pretend to be some gladiator on retail How funny you are , OFC cant wait till they fix ANY 75 talents and runes in general on dk xD

    PS : high rated people on retail dont show off / brag theyr rating to people on a private servers forum LOL

    "hey im gladiator look hey im gladiator u suck hey look look im gladiator" we just dont give a shit tho xD

  2. Rofl listen kid. I play with Jamie and Cervantes on a daily basis in 3s on retail. I don't realy give a fuck about you trash players winning a tournament on a private server.

    Just saying that you only won the tournament because the host of it gave you the last win lmao. You would've got farmed so hard if they let us switch comps.

    Btw. Doomcryer and Nio where rusty as fuck by playing on retail.


    So shut the fuck up and stop making 30 post of whine ? ffs u say u dont give a shit but u act like a fucking tryhard , get a fucking life mate

  3. As I said before, 3-4 people from where spaming my skype saying you dodged the first game. We were switching comps in the 3rd game but Saad just kept going on "go go go". Since i was told its BO5 we were switching for the 4th game, but after that you said "we win". You know we would've farmed you as any MW comp, since MW is easy to outheal TSG, especially yours. Be glad your friend hosted the Event and gave you an adventage for you to win. Games would've looked different if the series were played to the end. Btw, stop calling people "n*gga" when you're the only fucking black faggot here, stupid retard.


    you just got shrekt deal with that stop trying to get any excuse pussy boi :good:

    You choose ur comp now suck my dick and get over it till the next tourny xD

    Anyways , one other of those funky ass bitch who talk lot on forums but when they are in arena they suck more than pornstars somehow

  4. The fuck are you talking about ? lol we won 3-1 that was 4 games stop lick dyonisus butt and try to use ur brain next time ? lol

    Is it so hard to admit that we just won? lol stop searching more and more excuse we played with drunk shaman .

    They choose to play WLS and its our fault if gate dont work corectly ? This is just absurd lol , on Blade's edge arena telpin fell down and they still

    Played , thats a fact stop being butthurt as fuck lol


    • Like 1
  5. Dks are not OVER OP like every retard say , they just got no idea how dk works and should be working .( parry nerfed / runes aint working at all / blood tap dont work / Rolling bloods dont work perfectly )
  6. if they don't extend it (which requires them to do absolutely nothing)...... I dunno just seems pointless to all the gladiators which will lose their title after a short peroid of time etc. And alot of undeserved scrubs sit on high rating gained from bugs and lags


    blaston one shoted every one , yeah he gained rating from bugs and lags LOL

  7. rsham TSG is actually retarded here nice arguments tho


    kinda funny since u only play LSD /LSD2 / WLS


    - - - Updated - - -


    Never reached 2.5? Last season got 2.8 as lock, and 2.7 as druid, if you dont remember playing with funka did 5-0 on you as flashdruid... and i dont got more chars with rating maybe because im selling them all? Retarded noob black


    Nice lie , u got 0 proofs of you trying to say go back to ur favelas morron :rofl_mini:

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