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Takaa. 3

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Posts posted by Takaa. 3

  1. Warrior and dk lmao youre worst than diabolique, the difference is that he plays hunter and you plays dk/war suck retarded classes who doesnt need brain to play


    U play warrior : u never reach 2500

    U play lock with nightfall bug : never reach 2500

    kinda sad but u suck more than a pornstar :bye:

  2. dont worry man if wasnt for dks being broken you wouldnt have a title anyways :)


    i played warrior at s1 fuckface :nea:


    - - - Updated - - -


    Which means it will automatically happen again. Takaa logic.


    For other people ? maybe who knows ? lol

  3. Everyone say that the heals of the retribtion paladin are bug but, what of the feral heals? and boomkins? The ret paladin dont have a good position on the ladders becouse it's not op, but if you know how to do 1v1 every class can do a 1v5 in subwar.


    There is more ret than boomy or feral on the ladder

    16 Паладин Dartmeganz Fun 165 27 2701

  4. pretty sure the difference is only about 4k strength which isn't as gamebreaking as you claim it to be. please shut up spanish DK's you have no clue what you're talking about.


    Can you stop being an damn fool ? like really u play lock and warrior and you cry about dks can you just gtfo of this forum?

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