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Takaa. 3

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Posts posted by Takaa. 3

  1. You'd be an amazing dev.


    Pujo's changelog:


    Runic corruption grant 400% rune regen instead of 100%


    DK has 10 extra death runes


    DK is immune to slows


    Gargoyle ignores los. Oh wait, already does :D



    No, really. DK nerfed? Why do i always see the same players complain? Did you see me say rogue was legit in s14 on here? I remember doing 200k+ evisc. Wasnt possible at all. I only saw 150 k, that was the biggest hit ive seen on retail from a rogue in arena.


    I dont go around saying my class is nerfed, its shit, it should be better. Check web archive if you want proof, lol

    Barely any dks in 3s. Think i saw like only 2-3 and 2 of them were the same guy.


    Please, i beg you guys, dont say that dk is nerfed, dont say its bad, dont say it was op in s15 retail, cause it was dogshit in 3s. Only place for them was 2s.


    It makes me so sad when i see bullshit info everywhere :(


  2. And again i only see dks crying here who cant even realise how broken op their class is atm. And no, your XP is just from a PRIVATE SERVER you guys have no idea how dks were in s15 so no, that wont qualifie you in any way. You just try to defend because you cant play on highrating with it due ur lack of skill.


    Yes dk is broken and yes dk is op and thats a FACT, if you dont realise it ur a dk thats it. I play long enough here and ur the same pleague than survival hunters back in time so dont even try to argue with ppl like me or (since im bad lel) with people like autsch, deepoxy, baz, bestworld or other people who actually played on decent / highrating on retail. Because yes, they are qualified and they also complain about DK. The only difference between you and them is that we got a clue how it was on retail. Simple as that, disgusting DK pleague on this server lmao


    TL DR

  3. Takaa didnt you notice that everyone here already shit on you ? You and pujo + funk are the only 1 saying that dk is not op and guess what, u all r playing DK, so weird hm ?


    Get the fact that ur not good but i bet you hear that often enough


    Not good enough http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB



  4. Tjhe opinion from a lowrated retail player (1.5?) Doesnt count here. Ur not in the position to tell us HOW this class work. You only know it from private servers, sorry




  5. takaa knows that when they fix runic corruption he wont break 2.4 on arena. enjoy ur tsg title takaa. also noneed 2.5 in 5s (5s), [5s] {5s}. And he still thinks that his xp i something


    Рыцарь Смерти Takaa Fun 64 2 1966

    As i said , clueless retard come and talk there

  6. Just stop being so fucking cocky, you think you're so good at this game, that's why people just gets annoyed when they see you post something on this forum.


    Noneed's backup , just gtfo no one talked to you

    Clown fiesta

  7. Obviously he mained priest as he said. Im not here for the drama but i like to show facts. I dunno his armory but he was 2550 in 5s.



    Im not here for drama also but this kid cant speak with his brain thats the problem lol

    when he write something on the forum its always for argue like dude no 1 cares about you gtfo lol

    • Like 1
  8. Well i got 2.5k+ in every bracket back in s15 as Hpriest. (2.6k on aan acc play druid but cant proof it so idc )


    But yeah why would i expect from you to inspect my armory linked on my stream.

    Not saying that is highrated but its still more than you got. So stop bein retarded, all you can play is dk and warrior, and thats only on Pandawow lol ... hilarious rat


    http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/aegwynn/Humanswagyo/pvp#bgs [ATTACH=CONFIG]114359[/ATTACH]

    Now i understand why you hate so much dks , u got buttfucked by anaconda on all realm : / sad story : /

    Wtf are you doing playing this game anymore bro ? : //

  9. Oh LOL ye the DK pro is here ... i forgot lol. Dont make fun of people when all your class xp is from a bugged server rofl ...


    > TFW the worst player on this server trying to talk about xp (1800 retail) [ATTACH=CONFIG]114355[/ATTACH]

  10. Don't go in if you call others keyboard warriors.



    You can't be older than 14 at most. My guess is 12.


    NOneed's backup as arrived , No one called him but its too much telling the truth about noneed is too rude :mocking:

    Wont gonna answer anymore cant handle the cringe :bo:

  11. Oh look, takaa actually realised how hard he is carried by bugs and now he run out of arguments .. that's funny, keep being mad.


    Bet everything that after dk is fixed he gonna reroll back to warrior lmao


    Im mad ? You talk about me all time but i just dont give a shit about you lol , even ur mate dont want to play with you anymore since u are autistic as fuck Xddddddddddddddddddd


    U are the cringiest kid ive ever saw on the internet like reallly mate get a life , u are not tired of this ???? tryharding over 3 years for making dramas ? pLEASE ?

  12. Takaa .. yes i know to understand the report u need abit knowledge about dks. Read it again and you will see that runic corruption is even stronger than fixed runic corruption + blood tap x3


    But hey, at least he said smth.


    Takaa instead of trying to talk, read the report.


    Yeah im the one without life. Moving atm to a new place, wasnt on for 2 days now and ur queueing 3s at 3 am. Wow fuck logic hm ?


    Man its ok we got it coruption is BUGGED now shut the fuck up and stop spaming the forums about it ? u think its gonna make gm's fix this shit quicker ? no so KYS (clueless retard talking about knowledge)

    U dont understand why i said u got no life but its ok lol , IG > IRL for you

  13. Ppl wondering that noone wants to que into tsg ? Just wait till runic corruption is fixed and all the dks here honna blow :)




    Ah nvm he played wmp.


    Takaa making a thread about ppl queueing at 3 am for getting glad while he queues at this time by hisself.


    GG fuck logic


    http://imgur.com/a/Y0rTB :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


    they dodge djfrrez and telpin :shock:


    u dont understand that if they fix blood tap thats gonna be worse , cant wait lol

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