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Takaa. 3

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Posts posted by Takaa. 3

  1. First of all sorry for my english.


    I wanted to ask gm's why are this rules of bug abuses in criterials? i mean , blabla = 3days blabla= 30 days , here i don't talk about insults or relatives .


    Time ago you changed rules or idk , becouse everybody who use bug talent / bug glyph / or abuse anything they dont get baned?


    For example :


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=186610&highlight=death+touch oh yee bug fixed and the bug abuser dont get ban


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185992&highlight=death+touch oh same here


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=185882&highlight=death+touch omg again?


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=188092&highlight=monstercockx "declined" idk why


    http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=189545&highlight=pala all the same history with all my people report for bug abusers , this is for real?


    for example i wanted to talk about Eldkpujo , i saw some post when idk who reported him or instant ban for using potions in gurubashi arena/ or bg i forgot , and he got baned for that?


    Or for example when the paralisys or w/e was bug and every "dumb" mw start abusing it and get reported and no bann? im just curious what is this system



    Pd: sorry for my english again



  2. So you are implying that He should be banned because one Talent is bugged?


    If that is a bug from the server it self "If he automatically gets phantasm after he uses fade" Then it has to be fixed.


    Same when WW monks had broken Xuen and it was nearly oneshotting people,



    dude i dont get ur point , HE abuse so HE get the ban. lot of people got 30d ban for less

  3. what about i dont play like 20 days , playing with 480p quality and 19 fps? i think you won't forget the 4-0 or something



  4. http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014419/rs_500x210-140519115225-current-boss-23.gif



  5. Without pqr/wpe war + mw doesnt works.

    If you arent user of those, no mw will be your partner.


    Orbs has no limits and globalless spammable, as fast as you click.We all know orbs are 3 stacks max, but yea, let every mw get glad than you can fix it and war dmg is ridicilously high, rogues like repitch using combat readiness and still ates 150k ...


    no one cares about your wintrader opinion

  6. dk druid calling firemage rdruid fotm .. KK next level shit

    I mean .. is this becoming a new game ? Who plays the bigger fotm shit ? Because if so, you clearly win by playing TSG


    lol ur so salty u resemble a http://kids.discovery.com/img/slideshow/mike-rowe-salt-mine-640.jpg


    comedy 2016

  7. wow so much effort ... just to mention once again that u got stomped against salie .. damn

    ye sry i remind to the games when i faced you while playing with purpolz ( not even dion lol ) u died in 2 minutes :D


    Ye i queued some games on 2.9 with chiv and hit 3.3 with dionysus as rsham war


    anything else to say DK druid fotmscum ?


    "FOTMSCUM" noneedholy comps


    2s : MW/WAR , RSHAM/WAR , RDRU/FIREMAGE (got carried by sucking baaz's dick for over 3 season now so whatever baaz could have done this with any other druid it would have been the same )

    3s : WMS FIRE (sucking baaz's dick again , saying that 150k pyros are legit ) MLD ( ??? nothing just sad as fuck getting carried hard by his own teammate and when he lose he blames them )


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