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Everything posted by Garodar

  1. Soul fire should never give you an instant cast. It should always stay 50% less mana cost and 50% shorter cast time regardless of the amount stacks you have.
  2. Does well of eternity just not work, or I'm missing on something? I dont see any reports of it, so I'm wondering what is going on with that instance.
  3. Garodar

    Vanish Bug

    Its "Allahu Akbar". Kappa
  4. Nah, this is just bullsh!t.
  5. I'm surprised WLS wasn't in top 5 on retail. Kappa
  6. Not unless you're restokin/lock vs healer/dps. :p
  7. Garodar

    Vanish Bug

    Heh, you're funny. You're actually trying. :p
  8. Atleast you're having more fun than queuing residentsleeper war/heal, mage/heal or dk/heal.
  9. I like this guy already. 1: Doesn't care about transmogs he will like for first 5 mins of playing and then completely forget about it. 2: Doesn't care about mounts on pvp realm which is completely logical. 3: Doesnt care about CM. Rly guys, CM doesn't make u look badass, 'nor it makes people think ur good. 4: Is ready to pay more than min for a druid with proper sh!t. Gl finding a druid 'tho. :)
  10. Or u can just que double dps. Kappa :p
  11. Tooltips are hardly ever correct, you might should consider just testing it yourself.
  12. "until today" and what was the answer?
  13. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    Me? I dont need 2.1 here, or anywhere to feel like a badass. I was born badass. :p
  14. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    Expect? I'm just saying what I know and what I believe. If you dont agree with it, I'm cool with that. If you want to do your own research, feel free.
  15. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    Noneed broke the highest 3v3 rating here, so he doesn't have to brag about 2v2 and he's not botting or abusing compared to... everyone else here. If any of you can't even break 2.5 as tsg, wls, or mls dont talk sh!t.
  16. Its not gonna happen. I dont want to spoil your good willing spirit, but just nah... not gonna happen.
  17. U dont lose anything if u que or dont, cuz u'll be stuck at 2.2 forever. #shots http://res.cloudinary.com/urbandictionary/image/upload/a_exif,c_fit,h_200,w_200/v1395991705/gjn81wvxqsq6yzcwubok.png Jk, you know you can just pm zeox about this instead of making a thread.
  18. This is what you can expect from the staff when they try to promote and announce something... A disappointment.
  19. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    U might know it, but I just think shadow priest is a bad class. I dont underestimate its damage, I underestimate its survivability. But, that could be just because I play a spec that demolishes any sp in any pvp situation. Or like noneed said, there's no priests.
  20. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    It has everything to do with balance. Any brained warrior will never lose to a shadow priest in arena, hence why not even good priests would turn to playing here, knowing they will only get rekt by all the warriors that are on the ladder. Sure, u can get rating as sp, if u farm 1600 teams and brag about it. I just dont see SP working here unless other classes get fixed.
  21. Garodar

    Blizzcon 2014

    Different fotm, different balance, no bugs, no issues with damage. There's ur answer.
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