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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. Root if fixed, anyone an idea what makes aoe fears bug?
  2. 1. Name of not working spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=46968 2. Description of the problem: Whenever a warrior logs in/joins arena the first Shockwave will have a CD of 20seconds instead of 40 no matter how many targets your Shockwave hits. 3. How it must work: Shockwave should obiously have a 40s CD when not hitting 3targets 4. 28 May 2017 5. Realm: Fun/cross 6. Priority: 10/10 simply op. Thanks to Milorad for noticing the reason why it bugged out. Proof:
  3. No, I mean if the bug WAS ONLY happening on CROSS. Because I cannot test on cross QA.
  4. Everything tested and fixed.
  5. When mastery procs, it still procs on all targets. Sometimes chainlightning reaches the third pupped, in which case mastery always procs on 2/3 targets. Moved.
  6. Now you don't have the aura at all. Moved for now.
  7. Tested and fixed, gotta test disorient with someone later. -> Fixed.
  8. "MAJOR" Don't use the Glyph, it's visual.
  9. I played pally in MoP and remember taunting people to keep them in combat. This comment is not from 5.4 ( WoD ) but that's what I could google for now. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/257791-61-arms-warrior-guide/ Multi R1 WW guide: http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/238945-how-to-walk-with-the-wind/ also a 6.0 guide -> read bottom line "Provoke, This is one of my favorite abilities. Most people see the taunt and think, "Oh it's just PvE." They couldn't be more wrong. Whenever I see a grounding totem down, I taunt. It is off the GCD, has no cost, and destroys it. It also keeps rogues in combat going for stealths or healers going for drinks. It also gets spell reflects and my favorite use for it is to taunt pets. Those pesky hunter pets see me taunt them and chase after me behind a pillar where I then fists of fury it to death. It can also be used to break yourself out of CC, similar to how a priest "deaths" traps, wyvern, or polymorphs, you can provoke a pet to break these CC's as well, but it can be difficult. I bolded this because it is the most underused ability by monks." "It also gets spell reflects" = can target player. Since provoke got changed in 6.1 this is almost 100% confirmation that the listed above was the case in 5.4.8 and can be fixed accordingly. *Edit 28.5.17 Double checked and confirmed by a multiglad WW in discord. Information is not fake provided in this thread.
  10. Yea lets see, however it will make things immensely complicated if you want to define "retail bugs". Just don't even go there. It's BS. TLDR: Make it 100% blizzlike /thread.
  11. Edit* Close this report. If you revert this you will have to adress a shitton of retarded "retail-bugs" to fix. His statement is not clear. He declined Coiling on Deterrence for example. And we are fixing Provoke as we speak (so it eats grounding). I think keeping it as close to retail as possible is easier since you could argue about stuff being a "retail bug" and getting it fixed. An example is Blood Horror, it is a Horror-Effect which breaks on DMG -> there is no Horror Effect that breaks on DMG besides it. Also he fixed conversion so this post of him is irrelevant.
  12. Addditional proof: Same applies when the warrior charges at the same time as the lock clicked gateway.
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