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Everything posted by Autschbatsch

  1. I can agree on most of this. I haven't played in s1, and barely in s2 tho so I can't tell. However removing titles from season 3 seems not really fair. Even if some might disagree ( they always do ), people were playing, people didn't script to win or cheat in 3v3, and bugs didn't carry someone to rank 1 besides Runic Corruption and BM dmg being bugged for the start of the season.
  2. But yea, If we would focus on getting shit done finally you don't have to worry about them not spending some bucks to play anyway.... Chances of them not playing because of "p2w" is pretty slim when the server would be rolling with the new features and season.
  3. Maybe some kind of temporary accounts/chars for some weeks?
  4. Autschbatsch

    valor bug

    Lets see what gets fixed first. Gateway or this. :X
  5. You should show ingame proof for such reports..
  6. Nvm People told me that fear SOMETIMES does weird porting again. Really curious how this could be possible. I don't think it got touched....
  7. 1. Lorte 2. Fly Hack and MC hack, the BG stopped and horde had 1600 points after 1minute 3. Fun 4. https://clips.twitch.tv/FuriousPhilanthropicLattePJSugar ^ Kill without DMG 5. Looking forward to see a harder punishment for people like this
  8. Hi, please "hire" a respectable russian QA, I refuse to deal with russian reports.
  9. I reported this LIKE 1year ago ffs. But thank you for finally fixing this my bro.
  10. Edit the issues, you can get rooted mid way.
  11. For what? You guys are claiming that we fix or have influence on what is getting fixed. Look at QA section before you open your ignorant mouths and do some research! I could go into detail and explain why you are not in the right to critique us but I'm not gonna waste my time I already did that for too fucking long.
  12. Do it, he is like pujo, most might hate him, but I like him the way he is^^ It's the internet and most take it a little too serious.
  13. Shy bumperino - - - Updated - - - Is there any proof besides visuals? Edited and formatted my main post.
  14. XaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXaxaXa Good one. Warriors were utterly broken for the past 2 years profiting from non existent pathing and broken shockwave etc etc. Even if their dmg is undertuned atm on some spell, they are still more than viable/good. Maybe we see 1 or 2 shadow priests now instead of 80% warriors in the ladder.
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