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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. This is coming from the guy who spent 1 hour REPEATEDLY telling me how certain he was that Unleash Fury was bugged (even though it blatantly wasn't, and I told you)? I've never seen someone literally so stupid, that they can't even understand a simple tooltip after almost an hour lol. :fool::facepalm: [He was casting unleash elements, then spamming lightning bolt, and because the "30% increased dmg on next flame spell" buff didn't go, he was whispering EVERYONE about how it was bugged] Lmfao :rolleyes: Lightning bolt = Nature you dumbass Dartmeganz + Chiv + Funkabiz all witnessed how retarded he is - (although if we're honest, who hasn't? :p). He was spam linking videos of s15 insisting that Unleash isn't the same on there, (because those Shaman's weren't dogshit Pandawow Heroes like him, spamming lightning bolt like fucking retards lol. They had a child's capacity to read and so could understand what the spell said! Amazing huh? :o Then when after 30 mins he finally realised he was wrong, he went all quiet + embarrassed and wouldn't reply to anyone.. :rofl_mini: I should've screenshotted the walls of text he was sending me because it was comedy gold. ^^ What a fucking genius! :appl::good::clapping::rofl_mini: And finally about my XP, why is he so obsessed? He mentioned my XP when I told him Unleash worked fine and said "LOL 2850 and YOU DON'T KNOW!" lmao. Since the first time I played on this server, at the start of the first season 1 year ago, I've farmed him and his MLS so hard that they had to stop queuing altogether. The same happened every season since. Whenever I queue seriously, you can bet that he'll either get farmed horribly, or will just dodge, then find something to cry like a bitch about. I know I shouldn't dislike this kid or call him a bitch though... Occasionally I just have to remind myself that he's only so obsessed over me because he knows that I'm better than him, and he thinks when he gets that rare win vs me, (when I'm not even queueing seriously), that it means he might have actually stood a chance on retail s15 (where you couldn't just dodge the good teams to get rating). But sadly I can confirm that this scrub would've struggled to even get duelist - which is why he still rages & loses even when going super tryhard (with skype ect) on a Private Server. :mocking: Sorry Alex. :( You'll always be my No.1 Biggest Fanboi tho :heart: Love Dionysus ;) - - - Updated - - - I think he was talking about Healing Tide that recently gained an extra 50k health (dunno if bugged). Resilience is definitely bugged on it and Healing Stream Totem though. Even if it shouldn't have 0% resilience like I think and said, there's no way that it's right atm. It should take 3 fel flames MAX to kill. Currently Resto Shaman COMPLETELY counters Affliction Warlock spellcleaves because of this. - - - Updated - - - The glyph is meant to protect it from getting auto-hit or one shot by enemy healer. Not make it immune to fucking death lol. It simply means shamans have to be more careful where they drop their healing totem (it's pretty much a big reason why even bad Rsham is so fotm on here and playing any lock comp vs a Rsham is so hard unless you have a melee to kill the totems for you) Just tested it... Instead of hitting 21k Lightning Bolt, i'm only hitting 12-17k. And lava burst for 24k instead of 48k. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5XtaWPEKas was the video I used to check what it hit on retail. Timestamps below because shaman plays like shit and never kills stream lol. 10:42 for lightning bolt. 21-30k 14:06 for lava burst. 48k And I tested it on here myself but no video. If I really need to make one I can.
  2. So, I made this post about totems being effected by resilience because I was tired of having Healing Stream totems live on 1% after a lava burst didn't kill it: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=184061&p=1118027#post1118027 But I was wondering also - does healing tide have an extra bug also bugged (like too much health)? I cba checking, (because i'm not sure if it's just the resilience that is bugging it), but I did like 6+ lava bursts on it, and it didn't die lel Might be worth fixing because Resto shaman's on here can faceroll even vs good teams because they just: 1.healing stream or tide 2. /AFK That is all. :)
  3. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead All Totems 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. Totems are being effected by resilience. They should not. For example usually fel flame should kill healing stream in 2/3 attacks, whereas here it takes 6/7 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. Trust me I know this shit, I'm a doctor. JK i'm a 2.9xp sham s15. 4.Date when you tested it. 06/06/2016 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. Fun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 10/10 - It's making shamans OP vs dot comps because healing stream is so hard to kill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT/UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just tested it... Lightning Bolt Retail = 21k Here = 12-17k And Lava Burst Retail = 48k Here = 24k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5XtaWPEKas was the video I used to check what it hit on retail. Timestamps below because shaman plays like shit and never kills stream lol. 10:42 for lightning bolt. 21-30k 14:06 for lava burst. 48k And I tested it on here myself but no video. If I really need to make one I can.
  4. Here's a video that quite accurately depicts Sweden. https://eu5.proxysite.com/process.php?d=x5B99FmPCRZLiN7LQFXWwMdJOjQXi39xppqhnSSx6OiuMmOqUHgb&b=1&f=norefer Funny cause it's true. :D
  5. Lol ive been buying them all off the website wasting my bonuses.. :(
  6. Sup guys, Dion here LF 2 noobs to carry me to win in fotm comp. Open to all comps if you're decent though. Team name: Refugees let us win plz Team leader: Dionysus Name of the players: Dionysus, ________, __________
  7. lmfao Hitler got too much passion yo
  8. Fuck yes! Finally some of the Germans are standing up. I can't wait to see Merkel get her brains shot out. That is all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9rvjdB-VRc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF9V8POmuxg
  9. nothing wrong with being a nazi tho :) jk but slightly serious lol
  10. lel :rofl_mini: - - - Updated - - - In fairness, everywhere has its good and bad spots - The rich CBD and the scummy inner suburbs lol... So if your city has a cool district/part to it, you should link it! (even if it is not representative of the rest)
  11. Bapss


    Walrikz is a freak of nature :P I never watched him play WoD but he was the most entertaining lock i've ever seen play when he played during MoP. Best lock MoP no doubt and funny as fuck :)
  12. Short story for you.. So I log into pandawow after a couple months to q some 3s. I queue up, and every game is laggy as fuck. Players always d/cing and cross-realm always shutting down. Even when it's not shutting down, there's so much lag it's unplayable. So my question to Juster is: Have you basically given up on pandawow now? Also, what happened to giving titles out in April? :P Cheers :)
  13. I want my title from last year. At this point the only fun part of pandawow is asking for titles and watching some plebs get mad lol moardramaplzzz xoxo :D
  14. hahahahahahahahahahaha FeelsBadMan :(
  15. http://static1.squarespace.com/static/533359e0e4b0f4b356806365/54403a7de4b05620096c60b5/54403a80e4b0635ae5d58039/1413495428887/20141012-IMG_1210.jpg The crazy thing about New Zealand too, is that as soon as you get outside of the city, it is just wilderness and really shitty so-called "roads" that overhang HUGE drops lol. I'll try get hold of my old photos and post them. I meen the best city in England imo is Manchester (I don't know about Wales/Scotland/Ireland). It's buzzing with life, students and you feel like you're in the centre of the most up-to-date culture, probably a bit like if you're living in the centre of New York i'd imagine. It's got a good amount of parks and nature life around it to and it is sweet (for now at least before it becomes dominated by muslims like in London). But it's pretty one-dimensional and really tightly packed in. New Plymouth is the complete opposite, but it's still buzzing with life too and really modern. There's probably very little cities in the world that i'd prefer to live in, that city is fucken big pimpin. The weather, the seafront, and the amount of activities you can do from Skiing, Surfing, Mountain Climbing ect.. I guess ultimately, everything is about balance - and in New Plymouth you get the perfect balance between everywhere, and a little bit of everything (except deserts, but who the fuck wants to live in a desert lololol) FML nostalgia!!! Really good thread topic though btw!
  16. This thread is depressing!! Birmingham is really just a huge monstrous spread of ugly buildings with almost no green life or anything of interest lol. Like seriously, I'd link a photo - but there is really nothing to see, except maybe the original Spaghetti Junction which is pretty funny. But even when you're driving on it, all you can see is the ugliness of the city :/ BUT I did used to live in New Zealand - and holy shit are the cities there beautiful. From the modern buildings (because they're relatively new cities) to the AMAZING landscapes - it was awesome; living right next to the beach ect.ect. Skiing, Surfing. http://www.newzealand-indepth.co.uk/files/2313/4831/1352/taranaki-new-plymouth-taranaki-1.jpeg Definitely going back to live there someday (atleast for a while). P.s. - the picture don't capture it lol. But meh
  17. Juster and Pandawow admin are srsly bad trolls. Are you even going to give titles? The new season will end probably before you do it lol
  18. Just curious why my thread on Hitler was closed? It's general discussion, but if you say anything controversial that everyone doesn't agree with the thread gets insta locked? Under him Germany went from being completely defeated (both spiritually and physically in 1933), with 7 million unemployed, with it's cities in ashes and it's people under threat of Marxism/communism/Bolshevism takeover - to in just 4 years later, becoming the greatest nation in the world with practically 0 unemployment. For example, while Hitler's Germany had broken away from the international banks and all of Germany was prospering with full employment - America had 12,(000,000) million people unemployed & in poverty, and Britain 4-5(000,000) million. I don't know how in today's age, (where the media is constantly pushing anti-white, feminist agendas, and when White Europeans are going to be extinct within the next century or two) people are still so ignorant and unwilling to examine the facts about Hitler - The last leader, other than JFK, to dare fight for Europeans against Zionist/Globalist Supremacy. I would encourage anyone who is so certain of Hitler being evil, to research what influenced him and his rise to power - WWI, Bolshevism, Communism, and Marxism - before judging him. When you can free yourself from the pre-programming you have received from the media and your schools, and when you start examining things objectively - like what was worse Stalin's Jewish Bolshevik Regime and Police State of Anti-White & Anti-Christian Oppression/Deception/Propaganda/Marxism that murdered 40(000,000)+ million of it's own people, or Hitler's Pagan utopia that united Europeans Spiritually under the banner of strength, belief, hope, pride, & future of the youth. it becomes so blatantly clear who the real aggressors were and who were simply trying to defend themselves and their country. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Nazi or Hitler worshipper - I think he was too focused on just nationalism (and even though I think he was right in taking back previously owned German lands), I think he could've maybe tried more to unite the Slavic nations (although that's easier said than done probably). But it just amazing to me, how visceral, emotional and irrational people react in response to any admittions that Hitler was more than just the Devil which he is always portrayed to us as, by the ruling establishment. I really think the key to understanding Hitler and WWII, is understanding Bolshevism, British Hegemony, Warmongering (from the likes of Winston Churchill, while Hitler was always asking for peace), The Power and Influence of the Jews & Israel (From owning all of our media/hollywood, to the international banks like Goldman Sachs, who own our politicians), and finally the disease that is Cutural Marxism. Once you understand these things, you will understand the truth - that it was the Jews that began the war on Germany in 1933 (just like they're trying to do to Iran now), and it was us British and the Jewish Bolsheviks who were the warmongers - not the other way around. P.s. - Feel free to instantly lock the thread. I expect nothing less anyway lol. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF9V8POmuxg P.s.s. - I'm not German, I'm British. Soon we'll be out the EU and it won't effect us directly. I just feel bad for my German brothers. Just to think that once the greatest nation/race on earth will have by the end of my lifetime been conquered by decadent Africans and Pakistani's. All because (like all white europeans) they don't want be called "racist" or "nazi", or they feel guilty for what they have been told their ancestors did. The further it goes, the more I would rather support the Nazi's than the corrupt governments of today. R.I.P Germany/R.I.P Hitler lol.
  19. Good for you. But like everyone else, you know little to nothing about what his reasons were for these actions. You know little of the conditions pre-WWII, or of the Warmongering by Churchill, or of the fact that the International Jews declared war on Germany 6 years before Germany invaded Poland, or of the Balfour Declaration that the Jews made with Brits after WWI to say they would get Palestine, or of the suffering of the Germany people, or of the fact that the reparations were unpayable and the treaty of Versailles was written by Jews intending to cause a second world war. Or of the holodomor, or of the treatment of Germans after the war, or of the indiscriminent bombings of civilians by my people the British, or of the ways we burned to death hundreds of thousands of German civilian women and children in our fire bombing of even just Dresden alone. Or how about the fact that whilst all the other countries like Britain and America were in the Great Depression, Germany and it's people were happy & thriving - both spiritually and economically. To say Hitler never really loved Europe just shows how utterly stupid you are. So he declared a short-term peace agreement with Stalin, and what? The might of the British and French Empire had just declared war on him you fucking fool! In all his speeches pre-war he talks of how Germans must learn to love peace ect.ect. He wasn't warmongering like Churchill. Please use your brain and do some independent thinking for once. Your ignorance is disgusting.
  20. No i'm British. My great grandparents fought, and I have other relatives who died vs the Germans in the war lol. Also that you would compare ISIS to the greatest country then in the world is funny. Hitler wasn't just loved by Germans, he was loved by anyone who was informed about politics back then. For example, the British Monarchy secretly loved Hitler (look how the Queen was doing the Nazi salute when she was younger, and how Prince Harry dressed up in a Nazi Uniform for fancy dress). Why do you think so much of Europe sided with Hitler lol? Even famous intellectuals and peace-lovers like Ghandi admired Hitler. And in return, Hitler loved Europe. Just look at the peace offers he gave to Britain multiple times in 1940 when he had all but completely won. He said the British could keep their empire, and that if anyone tried to continue to attack he would defend the British. He believed we were one great people, who should be united - but his terms never reached our parliament because the warmonger Churchill was intercepting them and not allowing anyone to hear about them. All this is irrelevant to whether Hitler was good or bad though. Please present me with an actual argument not just some sarcastic remark followed by a personal attack. There is nothing to refute. - - - Updated - - - No, you misread what I said. The statistics around the holocaust are so unproven that giving a figure is extremely irresponsible. However, the official narrative is 6 million, even though since then they admitted to lying about 3,300,000 million being killed, but the figure still remains 6 million lel. But how does killing 6 million people make you evil if you are simply defending yourself and your people? You even agree that under Hitler, Germany had gone from being completely destroyed.. to a utopia, free from the international banks, that the rest of the world looked on in jealous of, and were arming to go to war with - especially Stalin. International Jews for example declared war on Germany in 1933 - and Hitler had only just come to power lol. Hitler constantly begged the surrounding powers for peace, and for all nations to disarm - but they always refused. He constantly held his hand out in friendship, and they slapped it away. The beginning of this next quote I found amusing and particularly relevant to this thread, as almost immediately we saw people saying how Hitler was "Evil": Really if you understood the dynamics of 1910-1950 you wouldn't ever call Hitler evil. The guy was a vegan. He was an artist. He studied in-depth philosophy. He was the first ever figure in history to stress the importance of preserving nature around us and who promoted environmentalist policies ect.ect. All he wanted was security for his people against the tyrants of the Jewish Bolshevik and Communist Regime that had conquered Russia, killed 40+ million of it's own Christian people in Gulags, and who were then preparing to invade Germany. It's amusing to me that nobody can see that, although admittedly it took months initially for me to believe and understand when I first read it. Ultimately though, just look at all European countries now. All you see in academia and the media is how evil white men are lol. Meanwhile we are fighting false-wars for Israel in the middle east under the guise of "Democratic Uprisings" when really it's just the S.A.S. (like in Operation Ajax) trying to complete their globalisation. It all started with 9/11 and the illegal war in Iraq, to remove the one man who kept peace in the middle east. The arab spring is a joke, so too is ISIS and the war on terror. It's all about control but very few can see it, and even to those who can, they choose not too. But ultimately Europeans will eventually in the next century be completely demographically replaced, and it's all because they believe what they see on the jewish-owned media, that their ancestors (like Hitler, or Righteous Crusaders like Richard the Lionheart) were all evil. Anyway feel free to say "Hitler was responsible for WWII" or "Hitler hated other races" and I will show you why you are wrong on both accounts.
  21. Lol funny how ignorant some kids are on History, and yet they feel so visceral and confident in their opinions that they can say shit like this: But the problem is if you constantly silence anyone who tells you the truth, you will forever remain an ignorant little shit. You talk about Hitler killing 6 million jews (the statistics of which are all over the place, for example Auschwitz originally they say 4.4 million died, but then admitted they lied and it was only 1.1 million. That's 3,300,000 people's lives different lol, but the overall figure still remains 6 million? :D) but there isn't a single document that proves Hitler ever ordered the execution of any Jews. Then even more funny you say: But Hitler didn't ever target Catholics. Are you thinking of the main enemy who Hitler was trying to stop - Stalin? Under Jospeh Stalin's Bolshevik Regieme (which Putin says was atleast 90% lead by Jews) they killed anywhere between 40-60 Million White Catholics OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE!!! And you say Hitler was killing Catholics lmao? He was defending them - and the future of Europe! (just look at what's happening today with Europeans being ethnically replaced) The people under Stalin's communist police state hated the Jews even more than the Tsar's before them. It's essentially what inspired George Orwell's 1984, that's how bad life under Stalin was. Please you obviously know fuck all about History. If someone is going to try debate me at least have some knowledge about WWII such as Winston Churchill's Warmongering, The Jewish Takeover of Russia, The Jewish Treaty of Versailles, The fact that Jews run almost every industry today (96% of the worlds global media. The international banks. APEC. Neo-con wars for Israel ect.ect.ect.). If all you know is the bullshit you learnt in school that "Hitler was evil" then please keep your ignorant retarded thoughts to yourself. He was a man loved by his people, and easily the most wined, dined, and popular man of his time. A figure of strength, justice, and legendary leadership, that rose Germany up from the ashes of defeat, and freed her from the chains of the International Bankers - so that in just a few years she went from being completely destroyed, starving, and nothing, to the greatest country the world has ever seen. R.I.P. Hitler - One of the Greatest Men to Ever Live! - - - Updated - - - P.s. - Explain to my why Hitler was "Evil", and I will educate you on why he was not. I will prove he was not racist ect.ect. Look around you today, at the globalist, capitalist, and materialistic world you live in (a society based on consumption and war) and ask yourself who were the real oppressors of that war? Unfortunately, you don't know any of the surrounding events that were going on, so you won't be able to figure it out yourself. But just try to tell me why you think Hitler, a leader loved by all his people (for example he didn't even plan to create Greater Germany, but all of the world saw how amazing the Germans had become after he freed them from international bankers and 99% of Austrians voted to unite the two nations). I was once as blind as you. I visited Auschwitz as a young lad at 16 touring Europe, and I believed everything I saw. I believed Hitler was evil. I believed we British were the great and heroic liberators of National Socialist Germany! But then as you read history independently (rather than the pre-programmed bias shit you're taught in schools), you soon begin to see the bigger picture, and that it was our leaders that were the warmongers, and puppets of the banks/jews. So feel free to say why Hitler wasn't one of the greatest men to ever step foot on this planet, and I will show you why he was. Peace. :)
  22. It was Hitler's Birthday yesterday. R.I.P. to one of the greatest men who ever lived. If any of you disagree, feel free to discuss. :) **brbz getting the popcorn**
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