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Everything posted by Bapss

  1. It's pretty obviously Diabloque and friends. That guy has like 30 characters semi-geared that he wintraded on in the first season (and we wouldn't of even caught him if he wasn't so fucking stupid to make it so obvious). His two main character names of Lebensborn and Equilibrium atm, but he is a wintrading fuck honestly. Juster should've deleted all of his accounts as punishment - but did he fuck. I dont even think he got punished, so ofc he just does it again with same characters renamed.
  2. Bapss


    I was going to comment but it's not even worth it lel. This server is so dead now that all people can do is trashtalk anyway :(
  3. Bapss


    Everyone is an abuser according to which person you ask. But I played with everyone and farmed everyone. Just like the other day when Zanked's Shadowcleave was getting super easily farmed by Akuyama's RMP and not even forcing trinkets/guardian. I replaced him, exact same teammates, and farmed the RMP without even using Trinket/link. The problem with scrubs like you who write shit like: Is that all you do is sit afk and watch 2s. I'm pretty much asleep in that shit it's so boring - idk why I even queue it. Even in 3s I fall asleep sometimes because the teams are always so fucken easy and people like Akuyama would rather play 1500+ games of 2s dampening games than actually play something that requires a tiny-bit of skill.
  4. Bapss


    Hahahaha this thread is golden! +1 :rofl_mini: Hahaha so I got carried by the infamous "Duelist Noneedholy"!? That's strange.. I seem to remember you begging me to queue with you - because at the time if I remember right I was farming everyone, regardless of who I played with: Mostly with Neik and Funkabiz, Or maybe Zanked and Takaa? Or maybe with Mystic and Chiv? Or maybe with Godx/Eldkpujo and Fearmvp? Or maybe Absolutezero and Minpojke? Or maybe Tallaque and Claimitko? Or maybe with Or maybe with Темныйберлин and Doomcryer? Shit the list goes on and on and on... I remember so many times I would be queueing with other people (mostly Doomcryer and Темныйберлин), farming everyone and i'd get a whisper like: I focused on the word "ditch", because it shows just how desperate you were to play with me lol. Honestly I could've quit easily just told you to fuck off and farmed you so bad that you wouldn't of even got Glad the first season. :mocking: The first season was the only one that mattered too, since now 3s is dead. But I farmed EVERYONE, regardless of who I played with. BUT NO SORRY WAIT - I GOT CARRIED BY DUELIST NONEEDHOLY BECAUSE HE SO PRO!! LOL Okay, GOOD LOGIC BRO! :rolleyes::appl: Stick to 2s. :o Noneed is completely normal - it's everyone else with the personality disorder! :rofl_mini::happy::good::clapping:
  5. Bapss


    Lol @ Noneed trashtalking even when he admits he loses. :clapping: :rolleyes: No shit sherlock! We aren't even on skype and have 0 synergy. Fears aren't perfect, and we almost never cloned.. but it's Pandawow so idgaf telling others how to play as long as i'm winning i'm chilling (which we were btw)! :good: But yeah, my retail team would kill you first 3 mins max - as LSD, LSDv2, WLS, WWLS, MLS, Godcomp, KFC, SHDK w/e. :popcorn: Lel yea sorry i'm only Glad retail s15.. But your opinion is obviously worth listening to more. Everyone should listen to the infamous "Duelist Noneedholy" and believe what he says! P.s. - Did you even break 2.7? Kappa ;) :o :mocking:
  6. Bapss


    Thats because he doesn't know how to play RM to its full potential. TSG is pretty basic though - you train shit. But it's the same on retail here, Noneed just doesn't know how to play RMD to its best vs a TSG (which even when the players are bad, all they have to do is use peels+defensives at the right time + good heals/dispels/rotations and they are playing at their best). But if both play the comps to their best it's literally a free win vs TSG. I'm not saying they're super weak. But respectively, compared to retail, MLS+LSD1/2 are probably the most underpowered comps on here. This is simply because of bugs like lightwell, and rsham totem pvp power bug that makes the dot pressure from affliction locks weak and easy to heal vs (since your team can't kill lightwell or healing totems). Why do you think nobody queues as LSD here? It's not like there are a shortage of locks/shamans/druids.. What's retarded is crying about multiple comps when you could just say "I think DK is OP", which is what Noneed is doing. Except he mentioned WLS too in his second reply.. Apparently WLS is bugged now too xD FML First it was WLS, then it was WMS, then it was destro MLS, then it was TSG... lol. Stop crying just because you don't know how to play comps properly.
  7. Bapss


    You could've just wrote and saved us the wall of text P.s. - A good RMD would absolutely shit on a TSG and NEVER lose. But i'm tired of teaching people how to play so i'll let you figure out how yourself.
  8. Warrior fear is also suffering from the same bug. Breaks from warrior dot after like 4/5 secs.
  9. Bapss


    If you are saying 3s right now (except for LSD and LSDv2 being under-powered) isn't balanced then you are retarded. No shit. Ofc they are balanced. Glad we agree.
  10. Bapss


    Man get off Akuyama's dick pls. He is a typical tryhard 2s hero. From the first day I came to this server, he told me how to abuse bugs - how to hack haste so you could get instant cast lightning bolt ect. lol. He always has used DDOS. He only queues 2s because he's shit in 3s - and what's more, how often do you see him ever queue anything other than Hpriest Mage? And when I started playing here he couldn't even play that comp properly (and would still lose, even with all the bugs). Now though, when he does play properly and kill healing streams vs Resto Shaman for example, he will trashtalk and go "LOL LOOK HOW HE PLACES STREAMS" - when before he was too shit to even notice the stream was worth killing. The sad part is that on retail s15 he wouldn't of got any title better than Duelist, but he acts like he's pro because he queues 2s ALLLLLLL day and then dodges as soon as Noneed logs online to queue. Someone needs to tell him that there is a reason that you don't get titles from 2s on retail... :p
  11. Bapss


    Ahhhh... Akuyama the 2s tryhard hero :P Good post tho Kingbach +1 ;)
  12. 1. Name of not working spell. Hex 2. Description of the problem. Hex is breaking even from just Flame Shock, Bleed, or any single DoT dmg within 2 ticks. 3.How it must work. Hex shouldn't break even if the target has warrior bleeds + flame shock on them. It only breaks from direct damage or from high DoT damage. It should work the same as warlock fear. 4.Date when you tested it. August 28, 2016 5.Realm (x100) xFun 6.Priority of the problem. 10/10 - it makes Ele/Enhance in many comps basically unplayable.
  13. Oh and i should've mentioned - gear > skill all day. If you don't have full prideful, best gems, best reforged, best trinkets ect. then you have already lost 80% of the challenge. Honestly gear and glyphs/spec are so OP - especially in 2s where the action is slow as fuck
  14. Lel i forgot completely about this shit! Do people really play without keybinds still lel? I remember like YEEEEEARS ago when nobody had keybinds, and everyone was like "I don't need keybinds I can cast fine with clicking", but people don't realise how much attention that takes lol. The whole point of keybinds is so you don't even have to look at your casting rotation. For example, once you have an OP mouse like a razer Naga and bind /target arena123 and /focus arena123 you are literally chillin and seeing EVERYTHING. Anyway that's advanced shit yo. For you, I would advise you to roll a Healer+Warr comp in 2s. Either play healer or warrior and just get the gist of things. You really need to know what spells do what too, and the basics of every class. Warrior for example is basically a livelord at 30% because of second wind, which is (if only vs 1 dps) he should always pop 1 defensive (either Shield Wall or Die by the Sword). Personally I would advise playing warrior and go 2s if you want to play dps - or go resto shaman if you want to heal. Healing is honestly REALLY easy to learn the basics of, because you just do the same shit vs everything. Playing a DPS takes a bit more time to learn how to set up kills and how to peel vs different classes.
  15. Which part is fake exactly? :crazy: lol
  16. It was against my logic too when I first saw it, but thats how it's meant to work & how it worked on retail s14+s15 - - - Updated - - - Also it does sorta make sense with you think about it - otherwise healing tide would heal the enemy team when you get mind controlled? And they would gain windwalk's freedom buff? How about spirit link? Or Tremor totem even (which removes MC)? How could Tremor remove MC if totems buffed the enemy instead lol? :D
  17. Sounds like you have got a lot of uncertainties and self-projection going on... Sort your life out & get a grip bro :)
  18. Sry kiddo, but I used to queue with Xanthic and Tezah/Blackmanx in 2s and we always used to let Priest MC us sometimes purely for this reason. Healing stream/tide totem and freedom should still work while you are mind controlled. I don't expect a dogshit 2s hero like you or Akuyama to know this though, so by the mercy of my greatness you are both forgiven.
  19. Lmfao. I don't know how to rate a song like that... The original song is a 9/10, and the cover is pretty good too :P The music in this video is pretty good too tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ4zhEfjXqA
  20. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Arena Frames 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. Sometimes you can gain suddenly extra greyed-out Arena Frames (so 4 frames in 3vs3), which can ruin your game if you play with focus frame under the arena frames. 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. The amount of arena frames shouldn't change during arena. 4.Date when you tested it. 25/08/2016 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. xFun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 7/10
  21. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Totems + Mind Control 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. When priest mind controls you, your totems (such as Windwalk Totem or Healing Stream Totem) no longer buff your partner. 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. Totems (such as Healing Stream and Windwalk) should continue to heal and buff your teammates even when you are mind controlled. Totems should NEVER buff the enemy team. 4.Date when you tested it. 25/08/2016 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. xFun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 7/10
  22. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead Totems + Mind Control 2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough. When priest mind controls you, your totems (such as Windwalk Totem or Healing Stream Totem) no longer buff your partner. 3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW. Totems (such as Healing Stream and Windwalk) should continue to heal and buff your teammates even when you are mind controlled 4.Date when you tested it. 25/08/2016 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug. xFun 6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities. 7/10
  23. Also there's a bug where healing stream doesn't heal your teammates when you're Mind Controlled. And a bug where you randomly get extra greyed-out arena frames while playing (which is really fucking annoying because it covers you're focus when you have it sittng under the arena frames)
  24. because I leave that to you
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